The scammer Avantika Nair seems to have no own ideas and is copying campaigns from others. She is doing that without thinking and it seems that she has never seen a school from inside.
Like all the other scammers she cannot show her face in her profile at Facebook because she does not like to provide a manhunt picture by herself.
Lets start with the first copied campaign. She is sending out emails like the following one (I have only removed the date and the recipient):
From: "Avantika N" <>
Date: June 2015
Subject: Regarding energy campaign project detail
Hello sir,
Please have a look that attachment..
*Thanks and regards,* *Avantika N (BDM)* *E-mail id :- <>* *Skype id:- avantika.n*
*Mob:- *8128673308
The content of the Word attachment:
The centre is interested in B2B Energy Campaign. Can you guide them the further procedure. Marked CC in this mail.
US B2B ENERGY CAMPAIGN for NY with free leads and hot transfer to automated TPV.
Great program for centers with B2B experience!
- Free Pre-scrubbed leads from Energy Company
- Language: English & Spanish
- Both Gas and Electricity = double payments when both are taken by consumer.
- Payouts from $150.00 to $225.00 per converted consumer.
- Long-term campaign!
- Automated TPV system where client sign up (Training will be given)
- Weekly pay, 1st time after 3 weeks.
- Min 5 agents to 10 agents to start.
- Previous energy campaign experience big advantage.
- No skype dialling
The following screenshot from the communication with her shows you the huge upfront fee she asks for:

This campaign is a copy from Deep Blue Marketing, which is not asking for any upfront or other fees. Avantika Nair has no contract with Deep Blue Marketing. A contract with Deep Blue Marketing would forbid her to ask for any fees for offering the campaigns of Deep Blue Marketing. You can see at the end of the campaign description that only contractors of Deep Blue Marketing will be allowed to offer their campaigns. You can be sure that you'll not get the campaign if you pay Avantika Nair and get forwarded from her to Deep Blue Marketing. You need to keep yourself on the rules, described inside the campaign offer, to get this or another campaign from Deep Blue Marketing. If you qualify for a campaign from Deep Blue Marketing you'll get the campaign WITHOUT ANY FEES OR PAYMENTS!!!
The next example shows that the egghead Avantika Nair did never go to school. She has copied the Italian Inbound process from another scammer without thinking. Maybe she does not have a brain or thinking hurt her too much. This campaign is already listed once in my blog under the title: "Scammer: Rohit Malhotra - Accent Technologies with missing geography knowledge". This example shows us that scammer are lazy and even don't like to inform themselves about their own offerings:

This campaign is scam because Italy is a member of the European Union and Italy has their own language. Italian is the main language spoken in Italy. If you take a look at Wikipedia then you find which additional languages get all spoken in Italy:
Several minority languages are legally recognised: Albanian, Catalan, German, Greek, Slovene, Croatian, French, Franco-Provençal, Friulian, Ladin, Occitan and Sardinian (Law number 482 of 15 December 1999). French is co-official in the Valle d’Aosta - although in fact Franco-Provencal is more commonly spoken there. German has the same status in South Tyrol as, in some parts of that province and in parts of the neighbouring Trentino, does Ladin. Slovene is officially recognised in the provinces of Trieste, Gorizia and Udine.
You see that English is not in the list. I know from my own experience, Italy is a neighbor country from Austria and the most of the tourism is coming from Germany, that you have a higher chance to find somebody which speaks German at the touristic areas as someone which speaks English.
Even if you find some agents, which are speaking the Italian language, what will you do with an inbound call if you have no access to the customer database? The European data protection law does not allow that consumer/customer data are given access to others then company members. The fine for the first time is between € 50,000 and € 58,000. You would not find any company, which takes such a risk!
The third process from Avantika Nair seems to be scam too, because I don't think that you'll find in India some company, which will outsource their telemarketing service to any company. Domestic means that the caller are from the own country. This example shows again that she does not have any brain. She even does not understand what she is offering. It will be much more cheaper for them to hire some agents for telemarketing - especially for an inbound process where you need less people than for an outbound process:

Summary: Avantika Nair is nothing else than a lazy scammer without any education. She only copies campaigns campaigns which are sounding good for her. With this method she likes to get your hard earned money without even using her own brain for the case she has one,
Facebook Profile Avantika-Nair.pdf (1.50 mb)