Offshore Outsourcing & Scammer

Blog about offshore outsourcing and scammer in the outsourcing industry

An example about some people are thinking that offshore outsourcing is working

LinkedIn profile picture from Kshitij TripathiI have described at my article Scammer: Apostotlebpo.In - Kshitij Tripathi - Gaurav Sharma how the centers are getting scammed. Here I describe now the way how a scammer tries to get campaigns which he can sell to others without doing some work by himself. A lot of people are dreaming about such an income possibility.

His standard answer "Nobody is paying for shit leads" is nothing else than a self protection. If he would run a real business he would provide a list of the leads together with the reason why the lead is a bad one. As scammers are lazy and everybody can see it in the Skype conversations, which I had with Kshitij Tripathi during one year where he is even too lazy to forward any proofs. He even don't try to get his money back by using the authorities, which he says that he got scammed for. This fact shows that he has only invented the stories and is not able to provide any proof for anything.

After publishing this article Kshitij Tripathi tried to defend himself at LinkedIn. By commenting he has forgotten that he declared himself in the Skype communication with me to be nothing else than a liar:

Kshitij Tripathi

i have proofs of centers of your country ryan valenzuela those are working for me more than one year and they know i how i work still nothing matters lol, keep going i am enjoying


For the case that the above statement is not a lie for protecting himself (each proof is missing), then Kshitij Tripathi has lied in the following Skype communication with me, where he tried to make the impression of having a call center. In any case has Kshitij Tripathi confirmed that he is nothing else than a liar. A liar can never be a trusted business partner.

The following Skype communication with Kshitij Tripathi aka KT Robby (Skype: kt.robby) shows the way how he likes to get campaigns for his man-in-the-middle "business". The problem is only that he even don't know how a call center business is functioning and he repeats the same invented story again and again. He thinks that he can even sell some scammer stories to me. It seems that he even don't know that I need only to open the website from LinkedIn or Facebook and pick any random offer to get a source for a new article about a scammer. He has been even too lazy or not able to send me any proof for his stories, which he repeated every time he contacted me on Skype.

[26.04.2015 03:51:53] KT Robby: hello
[26.04.2015 03:51:54] KT Robby: sir
[26.04.2015 06:46:22] *** KT Robby möchte Sie auf Skype hinzufügen

Hi Rudolf Faix, I'd like to add you as a contact. ***
[26.04.2015 06:58:18] *** Rudolf Faix hat Kontaktdetails mit KT Robby ausgetauscht. ***
[26.04.2015 08:03:33] KT Robby: hey
[26.04.2015 08:03:58] Rudolf Faix: Good morning
How are you?
[26.04.2015 08:04:17] KT Robby: morning sir
[26.04.2015 08:04:20] KT Robby: i am good
[26.04.2015 08:05:43] KT Robby: well i am looking for campaign just to extend my business, right we are running us based outbound campaign
[26.04.2015 08:06:28] Rudolf Faix: I'm not a campaign broker. I only put scammer on the grill and good offers into the spotlight
[26.04.2015 08:06:39] KT Robby: okay
[26.04.2015 08:06:44] KT Robby: sorry abt dt
[26.04.2015 08:06:59] KT Robby: so any NPO is in your contact
[26.04.2015 08:07:49] Rudolf Faix: Take a look into my blog there you can find some details including contact details in the menu "Fair business partners"
[26.04.2015 08:07:55] KT Robby: i know a sacam,er , u wanna catch him
[26.04.2015 08:08:27] KT Robby: its will be biggest scam of usa
[26.04.2015 08:08:38] Rudolf Faix: If you can document the scam, then you can forward the proves to my email
[26.04.2015 08:09:48] KT Robby: hez running long distance business from silv communication and saying to custome that i am calling from at&t and verizon and ur monthly telephone bills are going to be cheaper but its not like dt , customer got higher amount of bills
[26.04.2015 08:11:10] Rudolf Faix: That is the difference between promotion and reality. For this the customer needs to complain at the FTC
[26.04.2015 08:11:35] KT Robby: okay
[26.04.2015 08:12:18] Rudolf Faix: I'm hunting this scammer, which are scamming the call centers.
[26.04.2015 08:12:53] KT Robby: wchich scammer
[26.04.2015 08:13:29] Rudolf Faix: Take a look at
[26.04.2015 08:13:44] KT Robby: okay
[26.04.2015 08:14:10] Rudolf Faix: There you have all my victims collected
[26.04.2015 08:14:20] KT Robby: alright
[26.04.2015 08:14:52] KT Robby: wat d best i can do i can give u d only rec of customer and agent
[26.04.2015 08:15:46] KT Robby: one recording when they will be saying to customer that nothing will be change nothing will be charge and in the other rec their international and long distance calls are going high
[26.04.2015 08:15:52] KT Robby: and its b to b campaign
[26.04.2015 08:15:59] KT Robby: very highlighted sam
[26.04.2015 08:16:03] Rudolf Faix: You see like I have documented the scam. So I need a link to their profile and to their offer. You should provide also the emais or skype protocols where you got scammed.
[26.04.2015 08:16:31] KT Robby: i dunn want my name plzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[26.04.2015 08:17:28] Rudolf Faix: That can be made invisible. Take a look as I have made names invisible too at some screenshots.
[26.04.2015 08:17:53] KT Robby: okay
[26.04.2015 08:17:58] KT Robby: any reward
[26.04.2015 08:18:24] Rudolf Faix: No, because I'm not earning something by putting scammer on the grill
[26.04.2015 08:18:39] KT Robby: okay
[26.04.2015 08:18:54] Rudolf Faix: It is only my hobby and a revenge for a friend, which needed to close his center for getting scammed
[26.04.2015 08:19:44] KT Robby: here the client and the centre both are scamming customers
[26.04.2015 08:21:13] Rudolf Faix: I reach only centers and not the clients. The centers are mostly not knowing what they are selling and if the promises getting kept. In this case the only the client is responsible for his campaign
[26.04.2015 08:21:59] Rudolf Faix: The centers are only responsible if they could know about the scam. This is the case with the Windows Pop Up calls
[26.04.2015 08:22:21] KT Robby: i told u this rest of depend n you sir
[26.04.2015 08:22:29] KT Robby: its a veri big scam
[26.04.2015 08:22:39] KT Robby: i can send u d rec if u wants
[26.04.2015 08:22:43] KT Robby: dan u can think
[26.04.2015 08:22:54] Rudolf Faix: Please send me the details
[26.04.2015 08:23:17] KT Robby: okay
[26.04.2015 08:23:44] KT Robby: but plzzz centre owner knows me so i dunn need my name
[26.04.2015 08:24:19] Rudolf Faix: I'll hide your name in by publishing the scam
[26.04.2015 08:27:28] KT Robby: ok
[26.04.2015 08:28:00] KT Robby: so can u plz suggest any npo for this because its my aim to run a npo campaign plzzz
[26.04.2015 08:28:19] KT Robby: u can take it as a reward if u dunn mind,, sir
[26.04.2015 08:28:35] KT Robby: i know a guy may be u also know him
[26.04.2015 08:28:50] KT Robby: npo name is TELECARE
[26.04.2015 08:29:04] Rudolf Faix: As I have written before, take a look into the menu "Fair Business Partners" of my blog. What is published there is available.
[26.04.2015 08:29:57] KT Robby: ok
[26.04.2015 08:30:06] KT Robby: let me take a look , sir
[26.04.2015 08:30:08] Rudolf Faix: I did not find more then the offered campaigns there
[26.04.2015 08:30:59] Rudolf Faix: The contact details are in each article included
[26.04.2015 08:31:11] KT Robby: ok sir

Like I mentioned before, I did not get any email from him about the scam. For this reason is it for me only a fairy tale.

[27.04.2015 05:08:08] KT Robby: hello sir
[27.04.2015 05:08:39] KT Robby: thnak u for mopening my eyes , in was going to do business with jo soft technologioes with inbound campaign
[27.04.2015 05:08:42] Rudolf Faix: Good morning
How are you?
[27.04.2015 05:08:51] KT Robby: i am okay sir
[27.04.2015 05:09:37] KT Robby: did u scam jo soft technologoes .,, right
[27.04.2015 05:10:09] KT Robby: did u car-tch dam
[27.04.2015 05:10:09] Rudolf Faix: No. I reported them only
[27.04.2015 05:10:31] KT Robby: they ae offerine me for inbound campIGN
[27.04.2015 05:10:43] KT Robby: asking me 10 lakh money
[27.04.2015 05:11:00] Rudolf Faix: each upfront is only a scam
[27.04.2015 05:11:07] KT Robby: okay sir
[27.04.2015 05:11:15] Rudolf Faix: Take a look into my blog under scammer
[27.04.2015 05:11:22] Rudolf Faix: there you find them listed
[27.04.2015 05:11:23] KT Robby: i just look out
[27.04.2015 05:11:28] KT Robby: dts why i asked u
[27.04.2015 05:11:38] KT Robby: thanku so much i just addedc with u
[27.04.2015 05:11:50] KT Robby: otherwise i was losting my money
[27.04.2015 05:11:50] Rudolf Faix: you are welcome
[27.04.2015 05:12:26] KT Robby: hows kathy enteprises for time warner telecom to run b to b campaign for long distance
[27.04.2015 05:12:57] Rudolf Faix: Kathy sisks is a good broker
[27.04.2015 05:13:12] KT Robby: okay
[27.04.2015 05:14:04] KT Robby: can i deal with her
[27.04.2015 05:14:21] Rudolf Faix: Yes, there is no risk
[27.04.2015 05:14:43] KT Robby: thanku so much
[27.04.2015 05:14:51] KT Robby: i send u d rec.
[27.04.2015 05:14:57] KT Robby: give me ur mail id
[27.04.2015 05:15:11] Rudolf Faix:
[27.04.2015 05:15:25] KT Robby: send u wait
[27.04.2015 05:15:52] KT Robby: can u plz suggest kathy for campaign, trust me we can un good
[27.04.2015 05:16:23] KT Robby: its a big scam
[27.04.2015 05:16:35] Rudolf Faix: I have listed Kathy Sisks in the Fair Business Partners
[27.04.2015 05:17:04] KT Robby: company name is SILV communication, united telecom, they just outsorced the campaign in India
[27.04.2015 05:17:24] KT Robby: they are scamiiing usa people for the last 8n yeas
[27.04.2015 05:17:50] Rudolf Faix: OK, are they using the Kathy Sisk Campaigns?
[27.04.2015 05:19:13] KT Robby: noppp
[27.04.2015 05:19:22] Rudolf Faix: OK
[27.04.2015 05:19:28] KT Robby: they got personal long distance campaign
[27.04.2015 05:19:38] KT Robby: can i call u, if u dunn mind
[27.04.2015 05:20:20] Rudolf Faix: Here is it early in the morning and my family is still sleeping. It is 5:20am
[27.04.2015 05:20:42] KT Robby: okay
[27.04.2015 05:20:48] KT Robby: no issue , sir
[27.04.2015 05:21:08] Rudolf Faix: I don't like to wake them up. Later you can call me
[27.04.2015 05:21:20] KT Robby: right now i am working with MAKO Marketing LLC for Diabetics
[27.04.2015 05:21:31] KT Robby: can u plz tell me how sthey guys
[27.04.2015 05:21:40] KT Robby: clieny=t nam eis Omar Solari
[27.04.2015 05:21:45] Rudolf Faix: I don't know them
[27.04.2015 05:22:45] Rudolf Faix: You can check their offers by the provided list:
[27.04.2015 05:25:03] KT Robby: but you make a update for kathy sisk for medical compensation for scameers
[27.04.2015 05:25:11] KT Robby: what does it means
[27.04.2015 05:25:49] Rudolf Faix: I did not make an update
[27.04.2015 05:26:05] KT Robby: ok
[27.04.2015 05:26:23] KT Robby: u can check
[27.04.2015 05:26:54 | Bearbeitet 05:27:09] Rudolf Faix: There is only a ping back for a link. 2 campaigns can get combined
[27.04.2015 05:27:36] KT Robby: ok
[27.04.2015 05:27:46] Rudolf Faix: Time Warner and Call Save USA can get combined
[27.04.2015 05:28:01] Rudolf Faix: Where do you see the update?
[27.04.2015 05:28:58] KT Robby: so i can work with kathy for time warner
[27.04.2015 05:29:07] Rudolf Faix: yes

In the above communication Kshitij Tripathi proofs that he is even not able to use Google for searching and verifying offers. He even has been thinking that I'll do it for him for the reason that he is too lazy for it. Instead of taking a look at the provided links he thinks that it easier to ask me for campaigns on Skype.

[06.05.2015 12:13:15] KT Robby: hello sir
[06.05.2015 12:13:16] KT Robby: der
[06.05.2015 12:13:47] Rudolf Faix: Good afternoon
[06.05.2015 12:13:56] Rudolf Faix: How are you?
[06.05.2015 12:14:08] KT Robby: i am doing great sir, what about you
[06.05.2015 12:14:23] Rudolf Faix: Thanks, I'm ok too
[06.05.2015 12:14:45] KT Robby: actually i just send an offical mail to kathy sisk regarding the campaign but still i ahvnt got any reply
[06.05.2015 12:15:27] Rudolf Faix: I have not more information from them as I have published
[06.05.2015 12:15:39] KT Robby: okay
[06.05.2015 12:15:58] KT Robby: any new updates for the genuine clients
[06.05.2015 12:16:17] Rudolf Faix: In this case I would publish them
[06.05.2015 12:17:38] Rudolf Faix: I see only that the NDA from Kathy Sisk got 150 times downloaded until now. That are a lot of requests
[06.05.2015 12:18:04] KT Robby: so i need to work with kathy, correct
[06.05.2015 12:18:30] Rudolf Faix: If you not find some better campaigns
[06.05.2015 12:18:53] KT Robby: ok sir
[06.05.2015 12:19:33] Rudolf Faix: I only list the good offers. I don't have anything from it.
[06.05.2015 12:20:55] KT Robby: tnku so much, i was just requesting you kindly if u can forward a mail from your side on the behalf of me for campaign so that will be my pleasure on working with kathy sisk and i will also help you in finding scammers
[06.05.2015 12:21:40] Rudolf Faix: I have no influence to Kathy Sisks
[06.05.2015 12:22:12] Rudolf Faix: or another person from my blog. I make this only for not getting bored during my retirement
[06.05.2015 12:22:39] KT Robby: ok but u know the point is that they are many appoinmnet for centres reach to kathy
[06.05.2015 12:23:02] Rudolf Faix: Yes, I know it from the downloads from my blog

Depending the on the way he tried to get campaigns from a real broker like Kathy Sisk Enterprises, he will get an answer or not. Normally are marketing agencies not entertaining some campaign brokers from abroad. There are so many call centers available, which are searching for some campaigns that there is no need to hire some people for reselling their campaigns. Campaigns are for call centers free of charge. There is no need to pay for someone, who is only additional announcing real campaigns.

[06.05.2015 12:39:42] KT Robby: hey
[06.05.2015 12:40:24] KT Robby: i ahve got a scammer , i am sendind details in your mail with there ip and everything, i just personally chat with her, she was trying to scam me
[06.05.2015 12:41:00] Rudolf Faix: ok, send it to
[06.05.2015 12:42:17] KT Robby:
[06.05.2015 12:42:23] KT Robby: sir this is your mail id
[06.05.2015 12:43:40] Rudolf Faix: you can send it to too
[06.05.2015 12:47:37] KT Robby: i just send u all the details in your check out
[06.05.2015 12:47:54] Rudolf Faix: ok
[06.05.2015 12:56:24] Rudolf Faix: Typical scam from Africa. In this case from Senegal
[06.05.2015 12:56:41] KT Robby: yup
[06.05.2015 12:56:44] KT Robby: from senegal
[06.05.2015 12:57:11] KT Robby: she was trying to scam asking for money
[06.05.2015 12:57:17] KT Robby: its a big one
[06.05.2015 12:57:46] KT Robby: actually my brother is working for indian cyber security
[06.05.2015 12:57:47] Rudolf Faix: This scam is already known since 20 years
[06.05.2015 12:57:53] KT Robby: okay
[06.05.2015 12:58:10] KT Robby: so we just report to cyber cell also
[06.05.2015 12:58:37] Rudolf Faix: Sure, you can report it where ever you like
[06.05.2015 12:58:58] Rudolf Faix: Mostly is sent from hacked email accounts

This time he got really a scam email, but this emails are getting sent out in masses and everybody on the Internet knows this kind of scam already and it did not have anything to do with call centers.

Now it is coming interesting:

[29.08.2015 05:39:46] KT Robby: hello sir
[29.08.2015 05:39:50] KT Robby: how are you
[29.08.2015 05:39:54] KT Robby: i need your help
[29.08.2015 06:34:28] Rudolf Faix: Good morning
Please write your questions
[29.08.2015 06:42:10] KT Robby: sir i was working with mako marketing lls and they tuk my $3515 and get sales of one and half month and blamed me that i am editing the calls
[29.08.2015 06:42:45] Rudolf Faix: Is mako marketing an Indian company?
[29.08.2015 06:42:51] KT Robby: i am really a poor boy any how i started my business just to take rent from my friendz so i was not aware of the rules of paypal
[29.08.2015 06:42:56] KT Robby: its usa company
[29.08.2015 06:43:30] Rudolf Faix: Real USA or only an US address?
[29.08.2015 06:43:44] Rudolf Faix: Check it with the IP addresses of the emails
[29.08.2015 06:44:13] KT Robby: so in the beginning paypal hold my payment so i thought no problem they told me to reverse the payment to the person to whom you are getting payment so i refund my four months payment and he took my whole payment az i make solution of getting payment
[29.08.2015 06:44:47] KT Robby: this is us company a famous company of boca raton , florida
[29.08.2015 06:44:59] KT Robby: omar solari and italo solari both are brothers
[29.08.2015 06:45:14] Rudolf Faix: I don't know this company, but you can file a complaint at the FTC
[29.08.2015 06:45:46] KT Robby: i reqiested him a lot that please refund my those payments wchich you already been paid but he started saying i am talking to my client and all rubbish and dan he blocked me
[29.08.2015 06:45:57] Rudolf Faix: Omar and Italo are not US names.Omar is Arabic. Italo I have never heard
[29.08.2015 06:46:00] KT Robby: you can search www.makomarketing .net
[29.08.2015 06:46:21] KT Robby: yes they are spainish and living in usa trust me
[29.08.2015 06:47:10] KT Robby: please help me because you are the only one who can help me ;; i want to amke a successful person but he stopped my dreams and everything finish
[29.08.2015 06:48:20] KT Robby: my family and no1 is supporting me only i know hw i am survivng ;; i reuuested hima lot that please refund my paymnet wchich you already been paid to em ;ll you already have tuk sales of one and half month dunn give me that payment but he denied and started telling me false promises
[29.08.2015 06:49:07] Rudolf Faix: one moment
[29.08.2015 06:49:40] Rudolf Faix: File your complaint at
[29.08.2015 06:49:46] KT Robby: whenhe knews that now i got solution of getting $3515 dan on the next day he told me that you were editing the calls and started forcing mem
[29.08.2015 06:49:57] KT Robby: am i will be getting any response on this isr
[29.08.2015 06:50:00] KT Robby: sir
[29.08.2015 06:50:37] Rudolf Faix: You have only the chance to get the case solved if you are filing a complaint at
[29.08.2015 06:50:56] KT Robby: okay
[29.08.2015 06:51:03] KT Robby: and you cnat do nothing
[29.08.2015 06:51:55] Rudolf Faix: I can only list them as a scammer. This will not bring your money back
[29.08.2015 06:53:05] Rudolf Faix: You need to send your proves to the FTC. They will make a decision on it. It is cheaper to file it by yourself to the FTC than to hire an attorney
[29.08.2015 06:53:16] KT Robby: but please list them they are millionaire one if they gave my little money nothing gone of dam ;; i know how much i work hard and they destroyed my dreams and due to dam
[29.08.2015 06:53:30] KT Robby: can i call you for a while sir
[29.08.2015 06:53:48] Rudolf Faix: My Internet is slow at the moment
[29.08.2015 06:54:02] KT Robby: ok
[29.08.2015 06:55:06] Rudolf Faix: This guy can help you too:
Steve Mertensmeyer
President & Sr. Credit Analyst at Myrs Credit Advisors, Inc. a firm that offers B2B credit management.
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[29.08.2015 06:55:41] Rudolf Faix: He is advertising "If an US client owns you money I can help"
[29.08.2015 06:55:52] Rudolf Faix: He helped already a few centers

For the case that he got really scammed from Mako Markeing LLC, then he did not make any background check about his client. In this case it seems that he has trusted only to the explanations from Omar and Italo Solari. Not one real millionaire will tell you that he is a millionaire. If he would have made a simple Google search he would have found at least one red flag about them in the Call Centers Forum:

User: JackJill
Date: 24-04-2014, 12:43 PM
I want to spread this info: Blacklist Mako Marketing LLC operated by Italo Solari and Omar Solari. These guys are fraud. They will not honor their payment obligations to call centers. Spread the word. The international call center community should be warned against them. Do not trust them. I will not waste my time with this if we were not defrauded by these persons. I just want to warn all other call centers who may be their current or future victims.

It seems that Kshitij Tripathi has been too lazy to make a simple Google search or too credulous.

It even does not help if he repeats his accusations if he will not send me any proof for the scam. Without any offers, links to offers and profile, copy of contracts, etc. I'll not do something, because the complaint can be a fake too and I don't let myself get used for a private war. I told Kshitij Tripathi already during August where he can get some help in his case. It seems that he did nothing because at the authorities he has to provide some proofs too. For this reason I think that he has the case only and tried to repeat his allegations in the month November:

[19.11.2015 22:52:36] KT Robby: hello
[19.11.2015 22:52:46] KT Robby: sir
[20.11.2015 06:01:30] Rudolf Faix: Good morning
How are you?
[20.11.2015 06:06:24] KT Robby: I am doing gr 8 si r
[20.11.2015 06:06:26] KT Robby: howare you
[20.11.2015 06:06:52] Rudolf Faix: I'm ok. Not one scammer tried to kill me until now. :)
[20.11.2015 06:08:11] KT Robby: ohhh
[20.11.2015 06:09:33] Rudolf Faix: From time to time I need some fresh meat for feeding the homeless cats here. Normally I'm putting a scammer on the grill for them. :)
[20.11.2015 06:09:43] KT Robby: ohhh
[20.11.2015 06:09:45] KT Robby: gr8
[20.11.2015 06:09:53] KT Robby: (nazar)
[20.11.2015 06:10:42] KT Robby: do you remember earlier I discussed to you regarding my payment dt I was scammed by usa client named omar c solari owner of mako marketing llc
[20.11.2015 06:11:07] KT Robby: recently he also scammed one more person as I know
[20.11.2015 06:11:25] KT Robby: dancho krisvim ; she discussed to you on behalf of me
[20.11.2015 06:12:18] Rudolf Faix: To write an article about him I need some facts like campaign offer, links to the offers, links to the profile, etc. You can send me these details to
[20.11.2015 06:12:31] KT Robby: ok sir thanks a lot
[20.11.2015 06:12:49] KT Robby: usually he works with 3-4 months and after dy he tuk payment and never send
[20.11.2015 06:14:10] Rudolf Faix: In this case would be copies about payments good too. and about the return request, etc. Everything which is documenting the scam is helpful
[20.11.2015 06:14:56] KT Robby: how he scammed me
[20.11.2015 06:15:31] Rudolf Faix: As more documentation I get from you as easier is it to write an article
[20.11.2015 06:16:30] Rudolf Faix: In the most cases I can see the scam already in the offer, but in some cases I need to get more. It depends on the kind of the scam
[20.11.2015 06:16:43] KT Robby: I was getting payment in my paypal account but anyhow paypal stopped my payment so the payment of whole 4 month was in my paypal account an dthe whle savings around $5000 and paypal toled me you have two options that either you need ot wait for 6 months dan automatically paymen will transfer to your bank account otherwise you can send the payment to the person whom you got
[20.11.2015 06:17:32] KT Robby: and as I send the payment in his paypal account he just said that you were making mistake sin calls and he tuk all my savings
[20.11.2015 06:17:50] KT Robby: and just due t him I am not able to stand up
[20.11.2015 06:18:01] KT Robby: he tuk my all savings
[20.11.2015 06:18:47] Rudolf Faix: The reader,, which are not involved into the details, need to understand it too.

The mail from paypal will help too in documenting the system.

Wh did you not wait the security time from paypal. Why you sent it back?
[20.11.2015 06:19:35] KT Robby: I needed of money cz there were many expenses so I thought I will transfer the funds into his account an di will us eothe rmode for getting the money
[20.11.2015 06:19:45] KT Robby: but he just tuk my whole savings ;; si r
[20.11.2015 06:20:32] Rudolf Faix: That has been to expect. If you are sure that you are right then never send some money back.
[20.11.2015 06:20:43] KT Robby: he is very rich person dan why did he do this ;;; nothing gone on taking my money but everything gone of mine
[20.11.2015 06:21:05] Rudolf Faix: Are you sure that he is a rich person?
[20.11.2015 06:21:14] KT Robby: he is miaalionair e
[20.11.2015 06:21:23] Rudolf Faix: You can even find beggars on the street in Florida
[20.11.2015 06:21:43] Rudolf Faix: You'll find there people sleeping on the street
[20.11.2015 06:21:45] KT Robby: mako marketing llc
[20.11.2015 06:21:56] KT Robby: ths is his company
[20.11.2015 06:22:21] Rudolf Faix: A company does not guarantee an income. You can create a company there for less than Us$100
[20.11.2015 06:22:23] KT Robby: he is running 300+ centres in world
[20.11.2015 06:22:33] Rudolf Faix: Have you verified it?
[20.11.2015 06:22:42] KT Robby: yes
[20.11.2015 06:23:12] Rudolf Faix: Did you call all the centers and he has provided you the phone numbers?
[20.11.2015 06:23:30] KT Robby: yes I have his all the details sir
[20.11.2015 06:24:34] Rudolf Faix: I have in Austria around 2000 phone numbers free, which I can use. If you like you can call me too. Especially I'll enjoy if you are calling me on premium numbers. :)
[20.11.2015 06:25:20] Rudolf Faix: If you like to hear different voices - no problem I can switch you to different call center agent too
[20.11.2015 06:25:24] KT Robby: please help me sir
[20.11.2015 06:25:42] Rudolf Faix: Do you see how the scam works by this example?
[20.11.2015 06:25:49] KT Robby: you are th eone who can help me
[20.11.2015 06:25:53] KT Robby: yes sir
[20.11.2015 06:26:23] Rudolf Faix: I have even phone numbers from the state of NY
[20.11.2015 06:26:31] KT Robby: ok
[20.11.2015 06:26:41] KT Robby: so any solution for getting the money
[20.11.2015 06:26:58] Rudolf Faix: FTC - Federal Trade Commission
[20.11.2015 06:27:05] KT Robby: what they will do
[20.11.2015 06:27:12] KT Robby: there are many cases running on
[20.11.2015 06:27:17] KT Robby: one more will add
[20.11.2015 06:27:44 | Bearbeitet 06:28:07] Rudolf Faix: Your problem is only that you have sent the money back. That means you have agreed with the complaint to Paypal. So your chance to get the money back will be nearly zero
[20.11.2015 06:28:10] KT Robby: but I have prrof of paypal dt I sne dmoney to omar account
[20.11.2015 06:29:22] Rudolf Faix: He made a complaint to paypal. Paypal told him that he need to file a court case. For this they have locked the amount.
You sent the money back and for this he even don't need to file a court case
[20.11.2015 06:29:49] Rudolf Faix: You have given him the money and have accepted the complaint he made at paypal
[20.11.2015 06:30:07] KT Robby: he didn't made any complaint to paypal
[20.11.2015 06:30:25] Rudolf Faix: In this case paypal would not lock the amount
[20.11.2015 06:30:41] KT Robby: can I call you si r
[20.11.2015 06:31:06] Rudolf Faix: Paypal amounts are normally available after a few days you'll receive them.
[20.11.2015 06:31:16] KT Robby: yes
[20.11.2015 06:32:09] KT Robby: I mean I have mail copies of the payment wchich I refund to omar account
[20.11.2015 06:32:17] Rudolf Faix: It does not bring anything to call me. I need to have first the documentation of the case. Without the documentation is everything I can say only speculation
[20.11.2015 06:32:44] KT Robby: he seriously killed me completely
[20.11.2015 06:32:52] KT Robby: just due to him I am not able to stand
[20.11.2015 06:33:00] Rudolf Faix: I have only explained you the right situation and how it is interpreted in front of law court when you send money back to someone
[20.11.2015 06:33:17] KT Robby: so I need ot file complaint to ftc
[20.11.2015 06:33:24] Rudolf Faix: For the situation now you are guilty by yourself
[20.11.2015 06:33:31] KT Robby: yes sir
[20.11.2015 06:33:36] Rudolf Faix: You can file a complaint against him
[20.11.2015 06:33:52] Rudolf Faix: You can take a debt collector
[20.11.2015 06:34:02] Rudolf Faix: That are now your possibilities.
[20.11.2015 06:34:08] KT Robby: how I will get it
[20.11.2015 06:34:30] Rudolf Faix: The chance to get it will be very low because you sent the money back
[20.11.2015 06:35:15] Rudolf Faix: You would be in a better shape if paypal would have taken it back on his complaint
[20.11.2015 06:35:34] KT Robby: but I hve the proof of my paypal wchich I refund to omar paypal account the whole amount an drecs of paypal supervisor in wchich he said payment has been send to his account
[20.11.2015 06:35:59] KT Robby: can paypal take it back again from omar
[20.11.2015 06:36:02] Rudolf Faix: But with this proof you have accepted that you got the amount in an error
[20.11.2015 06:36:09] KT Robby: yes
[20.11.2015 06:36:18] KT Robby: s I will be getting this paymen t
[20.11.2015 06:36:20] Rudolf Faix: No, because you have sent it back already
[20.11.2015 06:36:49] Rudolf Faix: I think you need to proceed to a law court. That will take a lot of time
[20.11.2015 06:37:51] Rudolf Faix: I hope that you have some evidence about your work that you have better chances against him in front of law court. Evidences are for example call recordings
[20.11.2015 06:38:13] KT Robby: and now dze days is der any campaigns providers from your eyes those are working fine and sending payment properly so I ca run my home
[20.11.2015 06:38:20] KT Robby: yes I have all the evidences
[20.11.2015 06:38:31] KT Robby: i have recording on speaking with omar for payment
[20.11.2015 06:38:49] Rudolf Faix: OK, that will help you,
[20.11.2015 06:39:24] KT Robby: so i need to complaint to ftc
[20.11.2015 06:39:25] Rudolf Faix: There is,
[20.11.2015 06:40:52] Rudolf Faix: Yes, you need to file a complaint to ftc and you can try the service from Steve Mertensmeyer
[20.11.2015 06:41:16] KT Robby: i forward him msg on linked but dint get any reply
[20.11.2015 06:41:32] KT Robby:
[20.11.2015 06:41:40] KT Robby: dts the name of company
[20.11.2015 06:41:53] Rudolf Faix: That is the link to his homepage
[20.11.2015 06:42:06] KT Robby: ok
[20.11.2015 06:43:28] Rudolf Faix: The email of the debt collector Steve Mertensmeyer is SPMERTENSMEYER@MYRSCREDIT.COM
[20.11.2015 06:43:39] KT Robby: ok si r
[20.11.2015 06:43:46] KT Robby: how is dep blue marketing
[20.11.2015 06:43:54] KT Robby: lars b chriatsnsen
[20.11.2015 06:44:27] Rudolf Faix: He is ok too, His campaigns are promoted on my site as "Fair campaign offers"
[20.11.2015 06:44:38] KT Robby: yes
[20.11.2015 06:44:58] Rudolf Faix: Would I promote a scammer in Fair Campaign offers?
[20.11.2015 06:45:23] KT Robby: no neve r
[20.11.2015 06:45:41] Rudolf Faix: So you have given the answer to your question by yourself
[20.11.2015 06:46:15] KT Robby: yes
[20.11.2015 06:46:49] KT Robby: but i hope you can understand how they cheat people ;; we wrk very hard and he tuk my whole savings
[20.11.2015 06:47:32] Rudolf Faix: Yes, but for writing an article I need to have the documentation to show too.
[20.11.2015 06:47:46] KT Robby: i will give you everything
[20.11.2015 06:48:07] KT Robby: because ei wants everyone know his face cz in every eyes he is very fiar fr payment
[20.11.2015 06:48:22] Rudolf Faix: It is not enough to name someone to be a scammer without any proof. In this case he can bring me in front of the law court
[20.11.2015 06:49:00] Rudolf Faix: In Europe and U,S. is the law working very well
[20.11.2015 06:49:11] KT Robby: ok
[20.11.2015 06:49:25] Rudolf Faix: I cannot simple disappear like the people in India
[20.11.2015 06:49:55] Rudolf Faix: Even if it would be possible, I don't like to start from the beginning again.
[20.11.2015 06:50:39] KT Robby: in india i would like to ask you i am getting many mails for back office campaigns
[20.11.2015 06:50:53] KT Robby: and the consultacies are charging upfront
[20.11.2015 06:51:10] Rudolf Faix: Every upfront is only SCAM
[20.11.2015 06:51:21] KT Robby: so in your views is der any good consultacy in india whom i can deal
[20.11.2015 06:51:32] Rudolf Faix: The client has to pay the broker because he has hired him
[20.11.2015 06:51:33] KT Robby: cz they are giving back office campaigns
[20.11.2015 06:51:49] KT Robby: yes ;; you are right sir
[20.11.2015 06:52:20] Rudolf Faix: No, you'll not find one real broker in India. Not one client will hire a broker from India or another low wage country
[20.11.2015 06:53:47] KT Robby: so is der any person in your knowledge whom i can deal for back office campaigns so i can run my life on track ;; please just help me for this cz you must be aware of these people
[20.11.2015 06:54:12] KT Robby: any back office campign wchich i can get from offshore country from any person wchich you knows
[20.11.2015 06:54:54] Rudolf Faix: There are no back office campaigns available because consumer/customer data are protected by law and nobody will give you access to it
[20.11.2015 06:55:26] KT Robby: okay sir
[20.11.2015 06:56:03] Rudolf Faix: For this reason you'll not find any offer without upfront and upfronts are nothing else than SCAMs
[20.11.2015 06:56:13] KT Robby: and any inbound for you know any bo cz you will be in touch of many big people so i can get
[20.11.2015 06:56:16] KT Robby: yes
[20.11.2015 06:56:41] Rudolf Faix: What can you do with an inbound caller if you not have access to his data?
[20.11.2015 06:57:00] KT Robby: i am talking about inbound campaigns
[20.11.2015 06:57:11] KT Robby: any small campign with 10-20 seaters
[20.11.2015 06:57:33] Rudolf Faix: Yes I know and I have written about an inbound caller!
[20.11.2015 06:58:21] KT Robby: i mean there are many inbound call cntre in indai those are working for usa
[20.11.2015 06:58:28] Rudolf Faix: The same reason why there are no backoffice campaigns available are no inbound campaigns available
[20.11.2015 07:00:16] Rudolf Faix: Not one center from India has an Inbound campaign. Since 1998 is the consumer data protection law available, Each company would get fined with US$ 16,000 per customer record they give you access. AT&T has paid for such a failure US$ 25,000,000 fine
[20.11.2015 07:00:35] Rudolf Faix: Do you think anyone will take such a risk?
[20.11.2015 07:00:57] KT Robby: yes
[20.11.2015 07:01:14] KT Robby: but in new delhi many inbound for uk and usa are running
[20.11.2015 07:01:20] Rudolf Faix: Than you need to search for such an idiot
[20.11.2015 07:01:25] KT Robby: smaal call centres and big centres
[20.11.2015 07:01:32] KT Robby: not like that sor
[20.11.2015 07:01:34] KT Robby: sir
[20.11.2015 07:01:48] Rudolf Faix: UK has fines of € 58,000 per case
[20.11.2015 07:01:53] KT Robby: omg
[20.11.2015 07:02:07] KT Robby: :O
[20.11.2015 07:02:24] Rudolf Faix: So that are nothing else than big lies - the centers which are working on inbound campaigns
[20.11.2015 07:02:58] Rudolf Faix: Remaining Europe (except UK) has fines of € 50,000 per case for giving consumer data out
[20.11.2015 07:05:13] Rudolf Faix: With Europe I mean the European Union. Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, but there the company owner even faces the sieved air in prison for giving consumer data out
[20.11.2015 07:05:30] KT Robby: ok
[20.11.2015 07:05:41] KT Robby: so you mean i can never open an inbound
[20.11.2015 07:06:01] Rudolf Faix: Never because you'll not get access to the data
[20.11.2015 07:06:14] KT Robby: yes sir
[20.11.2015 07:06:19] Rudolf Faix: The only valid and possible campaign is lead generation
[20.11.2015 07:06:29] KT Robby: yes
[20.11.2015 07:06:35] KT Robby: whom i can delal with
[20.11.2015 07:06:45] KT Robby: Kathy sisk and ian haimes
[20.11.2015 07:06:57] Rudolf Faix: I have given you already all the 3 brokers which I know
[20.11.2015 07:07:02] KT Robby: ok sir
[20.11.2015 07:07:08] Rudolf Faix: Lars you have forgotten in your list
[20.11.2015 07:07:16] KT Robby: hahaaaaaaaaaaa
[20.11.2015 07:07:47] Rudolf Faix: Maybe there are some more out there, but I don't know them
[20.11.2015 07:07:59] KT Robby: ok
[20.11.2015 07:09:11] Rudolf Faix: Outsourcing is dead already, So you'll not find a lot of brokers. The scammers and the greediness of the center owners have destroyed the outsourcing industry already
[20.11.2015 07:09:27] KT Robby: yes sir
[20.11.2015 07:09:30] KT Robby: you are right
[20.11.2015 07:09:50] Rudolf Faix: The center have traded their data and for this the law got changed
[20.11.2015 07:10:11] Rudolf Faix: That has been the start of the end from the outsourcing industry
[20.11.2015 07:10:44] Rudolf Faix: More than phone directory data are not available for anybody world wide

The above communication shows only that Kshitij Tripathi has not capable of learning. He even don't try the ways of law, which I suggested to him, for getting the money back. That shows that it is not his own money he has lost and he cannot provide any proofs. He expect that other are doing his work and he needs to take only the money. Afterwards he complaints about getting called to be a scammer.

[25.05.2016 05:50:10] KT Robby: hello gm
[25.05.2016 05:50:11] KT Robby: sir
[25.05.2016 05:50:17] KT Robby: here is kshitij tripathi
[25.05.2016 05:50:33] KT Robby: whom abhishek make post about me regarding his scammer friend arib ahmed khan
[25.05.2016 05:50:36] KT Robby: need tot alk you
[25.05.2016 05:50:43] KT Robby: and elt you knwo the whole stiry
[25.05.2016 05:51:08] KT Robby: thye are blaming my name only reason my friend joe johnson has caught them on doing scamming

I have counted during a Google search in the year 2016 9 complaints from different centers posted on different platforms against the Scammer: - Kshitij Tripathi - Gaurav Sharma in the year 2016. Don't forget that the year 2016 is until now only 6 months old. For a detailed list simple read the article Scammer: - Kshitij Tripathi - Gaurav Sharma. This fact shows us that the scammer is Kshitij Tripathi and not someone else.


Scammer: Govindaraj Hariharan - Manickam Tamilselvan -

LinkedIn profile picture from the scammer Govindaraj HariharanThe seldom stupid scammer Govindaraj Hariharan brought himself to my attention. He has been thinking that he needs to send me an email about a scam and I'll immediately write an article about his maybe even not existing enemy or the better way that I make some promotion for his not existing sham campaigns.

How intelligent the scammer Govindaraj Hariharan is get's shown by the fact that he does not provide a manhunt picture at his LinkedIn profile, is using a wrong name for his domain registration record from, but is providing the real name and CIN number from his company in the signature of his emails.

Govindaraj Hariharan seems to use a defect keyboard where the caps lock or shift lock key seems to be not working or he likes to gain more attention by writing everything in uppercase letters. A rogue who thinks of evil about it.

That is the email the scammer Govindaraj Hariharan sent to me:

Von: Bernice Solutions []
Gesendet: Samstag, 11. Juni 2016 15:36
Betreff: Joshua Jeffrey Angeles Joven ( BIG SCAMMER )






best regards


BERNICE SOLUTIONS Pvt Ltd(CIN - U72200TN2016PTC110024)

MOBILE:+91-7708408377 Skype: hariharan_bernice

Attached to the email above have been a few screenshots, which shall proof his accusations. The problem is only that they are proofing that such a campaign cannot exist, like it is shown in his screenshot Joshua Fraud 6.png:

The offer shows image to notepad conversion of an existing printed document

Everybody can see clearly in the above screenshot that the attachments are a computer printed text, which got maybe scanned later. Such a work offer does not make any sense, because the owner from the text has it stored on his computer and another one is not allowed to copy it (copyright law). Additional gets shown in the above email by the text "kindly type the test files in notepad and revert it back" that the offered work is a image to notepad conversation.

I agree with his own words, written in his initial email to me "I AM NOT BROKER OR CONSULTANT", because Govindaraj Hariharan has proofed with the above screenshot that he is only a scammer.

He replied to my email where I have mentioned the the offer seems to be nothing else than a scam and he should prove first that his offer is legal before he is entering into any business:

Von: Bernice Solutions []
Gesendet: Samstag, 11. Juni 2016 22:28
An: Rudolf Faix
Betreff: Re: Joshua Jeffrey Angeles Joven ( BIG SCAMMER )

also i need to mention that we clear our issues today evening thanks for your support

My interpretation is that the scammer Govindaraj Hariharan recognized his mistake and tried to stop what he has started. A search at Google for a Joshua Jeffrey Angeles Joven in all possible variants resulted in one result which got posted at CallCentersForum by the scammer Govindaraj Hariharan himself:

Joshua Jeffrey Angeles Joven ( BIG SCAMMER )


The best joke has been the last reply from the scammer Govindaraj Hariharan - to my email where I had written that it does not make any difference if he has cleared his issues or not and that I see in the work offer only scam. He should explain me with proofs where I’m wrong. At this time he even converted the work from a image to notepad conversion into a HTML tagging work:

Von: Bernice Solutions []
Gesendet: Sonntag, 12. Juni 2016 03:55
An: Rudolf Faix
Betreff: Re: Joshua Jeffrey Angeles Joven ( BIG SCAMMER )

what happens is that i offered my campaign and send asked him to do three sample works of html tagging,

the output they sent was wrong, but i asked them to do rework and guided them in their work,

but in our company other operation directors are not ready to provide campaign to joshua's center, so in order to convince my team i asked joshua to wait for three days, unfortunately i cant able to contact him within three days, but instead he send me very harsh messages and says all are scammers in your company and country, so my team is very much humiliated because of this messages from hi, and decided not to offer him campaign, i mentioned this clearly to him that, we both are not going to do business together,

all these happens because of frustration between both of us,now we sort out things from a person we both know in our circle


Summary: The scammer Govindaraj Hariharan with his Company Bernice Solutions Private Limited and his website is not a broker or consultant. He is only a scammer, which is not intelligent enough for a real scam. He likes only to underline his own credibility by calling other people, who seems even not to exists, to be a scammer. Even his company got registered less than 2 months ago.

The scammer Govindaraj Hariharan has even forgotten that he asked me on March 4, 2016 for help finding for him a non-voice campaign:

I am looking for some non voice i posted almost in all posts in linked in. But i recieved the same Telecom consignment form filling process from all the members with different charges in it. I dont know whether it is legit or not

I need your help to find the right person

My reply has been: As there are no non-voice campaigns available for the reason of the data protection law you'll find only scammers. Nobody can find real non-voice campaigns.

Company registration data from Bernice Solutions Private Limited:

Company/LLP Master Data
CIN U72200TN2016PTC110024
ROC Code RoC-Chennai
Registration Number 110024
Company Category Company limited by Shares
Company SubCategory Non-govt company
Class of Company Private
Authorised Capital(Rs) 100000.0
Paid up Capital(Rs) 100000.0
Number of Members(Applicable in case of company without Share Capital) 0
Date of Incorporation 25/04/2016
Whether Listed or not Unlisted
Date of last AGM -
Date of Balance Sheet -
Company Status(for efiling) Active


DIN/PAN Name Begin date End date
07483992 GOVINDARAJ HARIHARAN 25/04/2016 -
07490288 MANICKAM TAMILSELVAN 25/04/2016 -

Domain registration data from

Registry Domain ID: 2010951351_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Update Date: 2016-03-10T12:55:41Z
Creation Date: 2016-03-10T12:55:41Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2017-03-10T12:55:41Z
Registrar:, LLC
Registrar IANA ID: 146
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.4806242505
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Bernice Bernice
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: 184, KPS Shopping Arcade, Near Ponmeni Busstop, Bypassroad
Registrant City: 625010
Registrant State/Province: Tamil Nadu
Registrant Postal Code: Madurai
Registrant Country: IN
Registrant Phone: +91.7708408377
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: Bernice Bernice
Admin Organization:
Admin Street: 184, KPS Shopping Arcade, Near Ponmeni Busstop, Bypassroad
Admin City: 625010
Admin State/Province: Tamil Nadu
Admin Postal Code: Madurai
Admin Country: IN
Admin Phone: +91.7708408377
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: Bernice Bernice
Tech Organization:
Tech Street: 184, KPS Shopping Arcade, Near Ponmeni Busstop, Bypassroad
Tech City: 625010
Tech State/Province: Tamil Nadu
Tech Postal Code: Madurai
Tech Country: IN
Tech Phone: +91.7708408377
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax:
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2016-06-11T13:00:00Z <<<

The provided sample text shows that the page got generated by an computer and contains copyrighted text. The problem is only that nobody has used such a font for printing books for the reason that it is hard to read and uses more space:

The image shows that the document with the sample text is a computer generated one

By the way, the above text is already public domain and can get found at A copyright expires normally 70 years after the authors death. More than 70 years ago such a font like shown above simple not existed.


A marketing deadbeat like to generate traffic to his site -

Greg MearesThe marketing deadbeat Greg Meares likes to generate traffic to his site Some people will use any means to lure visitors to their page. To this kind of people belongs Greg Meares. His problem is only that he is to lazy or to stupid to verify the information he is publishing. A good sounding headline is the most important thing for him. The problem is only that the way he entered can bring him in front of the law court and ends up mostly in high fines.

Greg Meares should rename his site into coffee-table gossip as he does not provide any non copy & paste content.

The site exists since August 5, 2004 (nearly 12 years already) and is until now a big secret in the world wide web like the Alexa traffic statistic is showing:

Alexa statisics about

Alexa, an Amozon company, is counting the traffic independent if you are using a plugin or not. As 43 sites are linking to is the site itself a big secret in the world wide web. Alexa says "We don't have enough data to rank this website.".

The reason seems to be the very impressing start site from and the marketing tactics. Here you see a screenshot from the very impressing start site of

Screenshot from the start page of

My opinion about such a start page is: Intelligence is not commercially available.

Greg Meares likes to compensate his missing marketing skills by publishing false allegations in the social networks for generating traffic. Such an false allegation gets found at Facebook:

I have been interested and followed the link where the advance fee scammer Satish Satz - Alacris Infotech from India tried to defame the broker from Europe Lars Christiansen.

The first link ended up at in the deep link with again an amazing content shown in the following screenshot:

Screenshot from a scammer posting

The provided link at "Click here to read the full article" is leading to, where the site does not exist already. It seems that the site owner has recognized that the content is only a defamation and has removed it for this reason.

In any case gets the link redirected to There you cannot find any information about a scam or about Lars Christiansen or Deep Blue Marketing.

Domain registration data from

Registry Domain ID: 126508820_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Update Date: 2015-08-06T12:30:06Z
Creation Date: 2004-08-05T16:22:23Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-08-05T16:22:23Z
Registrar:, LLC
Registrar IANA ID: 146
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.4806242505
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Greg Meares
Registrant Organization: Interactive Quality Solutions
Registrant Street: PO Box 454
Registrant City: Celina
Registrant State/Province: Texas
Registrant Postal Code: 75009
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: 469-667-1831
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: Greg Meares
Admin Organization: Interactive Quality Solutions
Admin Street: PO Box 454
Admin City: Celina
Admin State/Province: Texas
Admin Postal Code: 75009
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: 469-667-1831
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: Domain Registrar
Tech Organization: Register.Com
Tech Street: 575 8th Avenue - 11th Floor
Tech City: New York
Tech State/Province: New York
Tech Postal Code: 10018
Tech Country: US
Tech Phone: 902-749-2701
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax: 902-749-5429
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2016-05-17T23:00:00Z <<<


High risk for getting scammed: Larry Halili -

LaxMun Business SolutionsLinkedIn profile from Larry HaliliIt is never a good idea trying to fool others with lies. Every experienced call center manager in the offshore outsourcing industry knows that not one client from the traditional outsourcing countries is searching for a broker or consultant abroad. If a client is searching abroad then he is searching for a center directly for the reason to save the broker or consultancy fees. One of the basic business rules is that this one, which has hired a broker or consultant has to pay his salary and not this one which got hired from the broker or consultant. A company or client, which tries to reverse this rule proves that he is even not able to pay his duties. How he will be able to pay the hired center?

Companies, which like to outsource some campaigns or like to hire an consultant are not dealing with shell companies, because they like to meet the broker or consultant a few times in person before signing a contract.

One of such shell companies is LaxMun Business Solutions The domain is registered by using a privacy protection service. At their website are getting found the following addresses:

Philippines: Yangtze St. Riverside Subd., Angeles City 2009

USA: 9655 Granite Ridge Drive, Suite 200, San Diego, California, 92123

Office Number: 209-257-4772

A simple search at Google for the address "9655 Granite Ridge Drive, Suite 200, San Diego, California, 92123" returns as second search result:

Virtual offices available now at Stonecrest IV in San Diego, California ... › ... › United States › California › San Diego
Book now for great rates here or one of our other locations in California | ... 9655 Granite Ridge Drive, Suite 200, San Diego, California, 92123. Prev.

And at gets shown:

Stonecrest IV
9655 Granite Ridge Drive, Suite 200, San Diego, California, 92123

In an out of town business park that’s popular with companies of all sizes, our Stonecrest IV virtual office puts you in surroundings that look great - and work hard, too. From the building, you will see a central water feature and stunning modern architecture, home to useful amenities from an on-site deli to a fitness center. The site is also home to other businesses, including many in technology and energy, with additional retailers just around the corner at a popular shopping park.

The provided office number "209-257-4772" can only be from the U.S. or from Philippines and does not fit to both of the provided addresses. Angeles City has 455 as area code. The area code from Manila and Quezon City is 2 and the distance between Manila and Angeles City is around 85 km. A subdivision (subd. in the address) is at the Philippines only a living area. You can find some times home based business in a subdivision, but it is not a real business address from a company, which likes to have an affiliate at the U.S. too. Entries to subdivisions are normally protected by security guards.

For the case that the provided phone number is from the United States then you'll find the phone number by using the Online White Pages in Jackson, CA. The only problem is that Jackson, CA, located southeast from Sacramento - around 1,000 miles (1,600 km) north from San Diego.

For the above reason is the provided U.S. address only a mail forwarding service. U.S. clients cannot get cheated with such fake addresses because they know such situations. LaxMun Business Solutions will not have any direct clients from the U.S. and in Europe are cold calls only possible if you have the written and signed agreement from the called one in original. Say thanks for this law to the previous telemarketers for their sales tactics.

Larry Halili has posted a nice story at LinkedIN:

Help us to spread the news! Our Company was robbed by this Scammer Company from Banglore India. This Company is operating in the Philippines 3 months ago without Business License. They promise us such campaigns with Upfront Fees amounting to $23,913, They are "providing" campaigns such as AutoParts (, Tech Support, Chat Support, Lead Generation and etc.. We filed a case, but unfortunately these Nepalese went out of the country. They are hiding in India and Singapore. Currently they are still operating in India and Singapore

Larry Halili is contradicting himself as he is offering with the words "Do you need campaign? let's have a business talk at Skype. Here is my Skype: larry.halili1987" at LinkedIn by himself. That proves only that he is a broker or consultant by himself and not a call center. From where the campaigns are coming from? Not one client will contact him by his U.S. address and not one client is searching at the Philippines for a broker or consultant. If he has really lost some money, then would be the only way to compensate the loss to run the campaign in his own call center and not forward it to others where he cannot get some money for it.

Who would try to get some call center campaigns from a person or company, which is running an own call center and a broker company by themselves? The own call center will get the best campaigns and these ones, where the own call center has failed will get forwarded!

What are you thinking about somebodies business abilities, who's got scammed by himself because he has been too lazy for making a background check and trusted the promises given by a scammer without any verification? Such people are only interested in making money fast and not in making good business. Would you take any offer from such business owners? Can you have trust into offers made by such people?

Maybe Larry Halili likes to sell now the campaign, where he already did not got paid?

All together is showing that Larry Halili with his company LaxMun Business Solutions is not really a trusted business partner. For me is Larry Halili with his company LaxMun Business Solutions nothing else than a partner in crime of the Scammer: Ayush Baruwal - Rakesh Shendge Dwarkanath - Cybersygns Network Private Limited. It looks for me more like a team work then a fight. They try it with the idea to show a fight between them and during this fight one is selling the scam campaigns from the other one. So be aware that you are not get scammed from such a teamwork!

It does not really make any sense to use a privacy protection service for registering a domain and write afterwards the contact details at the website. It shows only that the provided information at the website seems to be fishy. The registration data from the domain

Domain Name:
Registry Domain ID: 2001892528_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2016-03-01T06:15:16Z
Creation Date: 2016-02-11T08:02:44Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2017-02-11T08:02:44Z
Registrar IANA ID: 2
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.8003337680
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: 12808 Gran Bay Pkwy West
Registrant City: Jacksonville
Registrant State/Province: FL
Registrant Postal Code: 32258
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.9027492701
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext.:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Organization:
Admin Street: 12808 Gran Bay Pkwy West
Admin City: Jacksonville
Admin State/Province: FL
Admin Postal Code: 32258
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: +1.9027492701
Admin Phone Ext.:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext.:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Organization:
Tech Street: 12808 Gran Bay Pkwy West
Tech City: Jacksonville
Tech State/Province: FL
Tech Postal Code: 32258
Tech Country: US
Tech Phone: +1.9027492701
Tech Phone Ext.:
Tech Fax:
Tech Fax Ext.:
Tech Email:
Name Server:
Name Server:
DNSSEC: Unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2016-03-01T06:15:16Z <<<

Update May 17, 2016 6:32pm: Larry has deleted his posting with the starting content: "Help us to spread the news! Our Company was robbed by this Scammer Company from Banglore India...." as it has developed into a self-shot.

The allegations have been coming already unbelievable at the time as I have confronted him with the email answer from Ayush Baruwal:

Sorry, but if I got scammed for the amount of US$ 23,913 I would not have a family day if someone tries to help me to get it back. In such case I would do everything what is possible to get my money back. More than EUR 20,000 are for me a lot of money and PHP 1,110,000 are for the most Filipinos a higher value than for me the EUR 20,000. I hope that I need not explain that until now, Tuesday, I did not receive any proves from Larry Halili. Maybe he has forgotten to send it or he does not have some. Everybody will understand that it is not so important taking care for missing more than US$ 20,000 and it is more important to like postings on LinkedIn during the whole day.

The only response I got from him until now has been a LinkedIn message and an email to this posting with the following content:

Before concluding you better be sure on what your are posting. Laxmun Business Solutions Inc. is a registered company in the Philippines. All allegations from Cyber Sygns are all true and we have a complete records and affidavit. We never partnered with this company. We have a strong reputation in the Philippines. Your report shows only that your are in their side and being bias. We have a strong partnership with our direct client in the US which we are currently running in our center, and we have the right to outsource the project to expand the business.

With the statement "All allegations from Cyber Sygns are all true and we have a complete records and affidavit." confirms Larry Halili, for the case that it is not really a type mismatch or a language problem, that all the allegations from CyberSygns are true. Maybe it is the reason why he has removed his posting at LinkedIn too.

I know only that building up a reputation takes normally years. How a start-up can have already a good reputation?

The domain got created on February 11, 2016 and is a little bit older than 3 months. Alexa lists that not one site is linking in and has even not enough data for calculate a ranking.

Alexa summary for the domain

A registered company in any country is not any guarantee that the owner is a trustful business partner. You'll find formerly business men in jail too.


Scammer: Ayush Baruwal - Rakesh Shendge Dwarkanath - Cybersygns Network Private Limited

Ayush BaruwalRakesh Shendge DwarkanathIn my previous article Scammer: Ayush Baruwal - Cybersygns Network Private Limited - Genuine Auto Spares - Edata Vendors I have described the company construction from the scammer Ayush Baruwal and his partner in crime Rakesh Shendge Dwarkanath.

Such a construction where the same person is on the one site the seller (Cybersygns Network Private Limited) and the buyer (client: Genuine Auto Spares) makes only sense if the person is a part of an illegal money laundering system or a scammer which likes to earn from his victims.

If Ayush Baruwal would have enough money where it makes some sense to run a money laundering system for himself he would not try to offer his scams to an industry which got already destroyed by scammers and the greediness of the call center owners. He even cannot be a part for any other money laundering process because his own construction, which shows already his commercial inability, would be a high risk for the other team members.

If we take a look at the Alexa global traffic ranking from the sites, and then we see that not one of the sites is generating any income for the scammer Ayush Baruwal. Only the site seems to have around one visitor every 3 months.

Screenshot about the popularity of

Screenshot from the Alexa ranking of the domain

Screenshot summary of the Alexa popularity ranking from

The above Alexa rankings are showing that no other sites are linking to the scammer sites and the sites are not generating any traffic. In summary are all the three sites nothing else than a economic write-off.

The scammer Ayush Baruwal proves in his own LinkedIn posting that he has no idea who his customers from Genuine Auto Spares are. Second hand car parts are normally only used from private people and unbranded small car service stations. The small car service stations are knowing which parts they need and where to get them. Private people, which are searching for second hand spare parts are by themselves are car service technicians by themselves or have some car service technicians as friend which helps them. The egghead Ayush Baruwal thinks that he need to put only some agents in front of a computer for giving simple technical support to such people. He even does not know that at the technical support line from the branded distributors are getting handled by master technicians and not from simple call center agents.

With the entry phrase "... the post that was posted against me by @Larry Halili and  now i cannot find the post anywhere" in his LinkedIn Pulse posting likes Ayush Baruwal to connote that the posting "Help us to spread the news! Our Company was robbed by this Scammer Company from Banglore India" got already removed, but the bitter truth for him is only that he seems to be too stupid to use the web browser at LinkedIn and to find his own comments again or he has been drunk and did not know what he is doing.

He lies already with the sentence "Our Clients company Genuine Auto Spares ..." because the Better Business Bureau lists Ayush Baruwal as company owner. How can he be his own client?

Everybody would believe him the sentence "even before I met these Guys I was under the possession of a property to run and operate my own centre", because he would send bills by himself to himself and pay it by taking out the money from the left pocket and put it into the right pocket. The whole scam system would not work in such a case.

The best joke I have read is: "Apart $23,913 USD claimed as Setup fee for Tech/ Chat Support its not what you call this upfront fee". Where is the difference between a setup fee and any other upfront fee? It is only another name for a fee invented by the scammer Ayush Baruwal, which has been playing client, broker and consultant in one person!

Summary: As the profile from the scammer Ayush Baruwal is already full of discrepancies and his statements full of lies can he, his companies, his shell companies and his partners can never be serious and trustful business partners.