Watch out for this company, Alacris Infotech – Satish Satz, they are copying campaigns from others among other and charging up to $800.00 for a center to be connected and then never answer again, we have various centers contacting us that has lost money due to them.
LinkedIn profile of Alacris Infotech:
Contact information:
Satish Satz
Alacris Infotech
Skype id: alacris infotech
As scammer don’t have any contract with client they cannot provide any work. Real campaign broker getting paid from their clients directly. For this they need not charge something for the center. Don’t forget that any upfront, however it gets called, is only SCAM. The same SCAM is asking for a security deposit without giving any physical value.
Even their company logo is nothing else than a stolen font from
Remember: Each scammer cannot show is face and are trying to hide themselves in the anonymity of the Internet, by using signs, symbols, pictures of celebrities or even no picture at their profile. Each scammer, which has no contract with the client, has only the possibility to get money through upfront fees!!!
Here is an email confirmation of the scamming action from Alacris Infotech – Satish Satz
From: VR e-Techs []
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: April 2015 Campaigns & Service from Deep Blue Marketing.
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: April 2015 Campaigns & Service from Deep Blue Marketing.
Hello sir,
The satish satz tried to get money from me too. he has a partner with name venkatesh raj with phone number :+91 994-097-2026
+91 995-244-4697
One more email correspondence:
Thank you for information.Mr shatis from Alcris info tech outsource his AUS Education they dont charge me any thing.please suggest me he is trustable or not.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: Lars B Christiansen
Date:04/07/2015 5:45 PM (GMT+05:30)
To: 'info4imperial'
Subject: RE: About campaign
(Disclaimer removed)
From: info4imperial []
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 8:23 AM
To: Lars B Christiansen
Subject: RE: About campaign
I never pay upfront but if he not realse payment then what i do??.
He is not sending me MOU and also not provided CRM..
In appoinment setting CRM is availble or not.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

Satish Satz (around 8 years ago)
Thanks to Rajdeep Chauhan from LinkedIn
LinkedIn Profile Sathish Satz.pdf (7.33 mb)
Posting at LinkedIn with comments about Scammer Alacris Infotech – Satish Satz.pdf (3.43 mb)
From time to time, I get the question: "How we can find business opportunities?" or "Do you have a genuine campaign for me?".
My answer is every time the same:
I'm not a campaign broker. It is easy to wait for a campaign broker rings you up and ask if you like to make some work for one of his customers. This is the way, where you get scammed too.
You own a call center and you have agents, which are only partly busy with work. Why do you not use your agents, which are not busy, for selling and promoting your own center? In such a case you need not pay a high broker fee, because your own agents are cheaper working.
Use the Internet and search at the job platforms like craigslist, elance, indeed, etc. Sell your own services by calling such companies, which are searching for telemarketers. Promote your own services by putting advertisments at such platforms. All that is called marketing. You are doing this for your customers too, do you not trust your own services? Don't wait until the brokers are knocking at your door. is one of the oldest Internet platforms for advertising Hire great frelancers Click here to find millions of jobs from thousands of company web sites, job boards and newspapers. one search. all jobs.
You can find a lot more at Google.
Found at
There are so many unscrupulous so called brokers, sharks and predators out there ready to pounce on the poor unexpected call centers these days, who are desperate in some cases to expand and once they have been conned by the already above mentioned, feel disgruntled and apprehensive about using campaign brokers, especially if they had been shafted with a upfront fee!
When selecting a campaign broker, first test then, ask why are would they be asking for a upfront fee to start with? How do they justify it, what will your center get out of it? Press and push them and never ever take on a project in hast! If they don’t like this, walk away!
I always advise all my clients when it comes to selecting a campaign broker, to ask the broker to put their money where their mouth is! If they want a fee, thats fine as long as it based on the performance that a center is getting. Never ever pay a fee up front, as you are the one that is doing the campaign broker a favor, not the other way round.
Also test the campaign broker on how knowledgeable they are about the campaign, is the broker so knowledgeable about what they are providing they could actually be an agent on the campaign as well, if not walk away.
Also ask the campaign broker what happens after the campaign is running, do they walk away or offer help, advice and free consulting, if not walk away because this crucial and sometimes even through your best efforts, a campaign can start to go south, a great campaign broker should be able to show you how to turn it round for you.
If you run a call center and require free help and advice, my door is always open and I hope this article has been of help. After all an excellent campaign broker should not be there to grab your money and run, or only look after their clients interest, they should be protecting the call centers interest too.
Since I’m bashing against spammers and scammers, I get a lot of messages, which are sounding similar. Today morning I got this message from India:
I am in process of setting up call center and has been discussing various business opportunities with the brokers. Everyone asked for upfront consultancy fees and their responsibility ends with the SLA signed up with the business client. I found it too much risky and when I questioned this process and suggested alternate business modes like you mentioned monthly royalty fees or consultancy fees after one month billing cycle or even asked for bank guarantee but none of these brokers has shown interest and were not ready to proceed further.
At the end I am happy that i didn't proceed as one of known contacts has wasted their time and money both with the broker.”
Brokers, I’m not your enemy, but if you are continuing like you have done it until now, you are destroying your own business! You need to do something against the black sheep’s (spammer, scammer and other criminals) in your branch. Even your best and largest customer can run into bankruptcy. How you will survive if you are getting rejected from other centers, because you are scamming the same way like others?
Call centers, I cannot help you with campaigns, because I’m not a campaign broker. A few days ago one contact from Spain has asked me, if I know a Spanish speaking call center. I have forwarded the contact data of the only Spanish speaking call center, which I have known at this time, which is based in Guatemala for free. I even don’t know if they are making or have made a contract. I can only recommend you to speak and help each other. Together you’ll be strong and this kind of brokers, which like to draw only money from you. It is better to earn nothing than to pay for nothing. As soon they are not able to sell campaigns on the way they have done it until now, the real brokers will accept your rules in making business.