Offshore Outsourcing & Scammer

Blog about offshore outsourcing and scammer in the outsourcing industry

Scammer - Vikram Pratap Singh - needs urgently some money

Logo of the scammer SHR SolutionsHow urgent the scammer needs money get shown in the following email sent on February 5 with an expiration date for the offer on the same day and an discount of 0.5 Lacs (around US$738).

All offered campaigns are nothing else than scam because in the traditional outsourcing countries is already since more than 10 years a data protection law available. Personal data, health and medical data, banking data and all data containing more information than a public phone directory are not allowed to leave the company.

Nobody will hire you to upload some videos somewhere, because for this you need to get the videos first that you can upload them. If they are online already available than they are already uploaded. Even if videos need to get uploaded somewhere than they not need somebody working manually because there are enough free tools available which doing this job automatically.

Only uneducated and very stupid people will believe that they need to type books new whenever they need to get printed or electronically distributed. All print products including newspapers are already since centuries electronically stored!

The scammers and their victims are so stupid and don't know that the personal computer is already 40 years old and nobody needs to fill forms by hand in the civilized world. So which data can get filled in the forms offered from Trusha Mistry from the scam company The domain is owned from the well-known scammer Vikram Pratap Singh.

Turn on your brain if you read such an email like below or an advertisement with the same offers:

From: Trusha Mistry []
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2016 7:50 AM
Subject: Regarding Offers on Non-voice Processes


Hello Sir/Ma’am,

Greetings for the day...!!!

We are in the field of providing Non-voice Processes.

We are offering huge discount in all non voice processes having limited slots till 5thFebruary 2016.

Details of some of projects are as follows:

1)Data QC Project which is of Rs.2 lacs we are offering it at a price of Rs. 1.5 lacs.

2)Health Card Project which is of Rs.3.50 lacs we are offering it at a price of Rs. 3.25 lacs.

3)Medical Form Filling which is of Rs.4 lacs we are offering it at a price of Rs. 3.50 lacs.

4)Financial Form Filling Project which is of Rs.4 lacs we are offering it at a price of Rs. 3.25 lacs.

5)VEVO Video Uploading Project which is of Rs. 2.25 lacs we are offering it at a price of Rs. 1.75 lacs.

6)Typing of Books Project which is of Rs.2 lacs we are offering it at a price of Rs. 1.50 lacs.

We also have many more other processes in which we are having discount for our clients.

If you are interested for doing business with us then you can reply me in e-mail for the same as well as contact me on below mentioned detail.

Thanks & Regards,

Trusha Mistry

Skype ID : trusha.mistry2

Don't forget that all offers above are nothing else than an advanced fee scam. The only one which gets something is the scammer. You pay only for the later knowledge that you got scammed.

The scammer is already well-known from the following articles:


Fraud warning sites

As I working every time transparent and don't hide any information, I have made a link collection of anti fraud information systems for your comfort. There you can find descriptions about the actual published scams. In any case you have to use your brain for not getting scammed. Everything, which sounds too good to be true is normally only a scam.

Internet Crime Fighters Organization
Internet Crime Fighters Organization Internet Crime Fighters Organization - Harnessing the Power of Internet Connectivity to Combat Internet Crime; Security Threats, Scams, Fraud

A scam warning site from the Australian Government

Scam shield
Scam Shield is a non-profit organization protecting citizens from scams and fraud schemes with advocacy and knowledge. Volunteers provide the fraud victims with helpful information and assistance.

ScamXposer | Make Money Online Business and Income Opportunity Scams & Reviews
Message board for posting various scams. Powered by VBulletin. Don't get scammed at

WOT - Web Of Trust
WOT is a free website reputation, rating and review tool that helps find trustworthy websites and protects against online scams, untrustworthy links, and unreliable web stores. Free add-on for Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera and Safari browsers.

Stay informed about the latest email hoaxes and scams by subscribing to the Hoax-Slayer Newsletter.

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Internet Fraud

Avoid getting scammed - make a background check
Description of free tools helping to identify scammer.

VOIP Fraud List
News | Voip Fraud LIST recommended by Nata Ellis (

A list of proved scammer can get found in the menu entry Scammer Exposed.

Offers from trusted and validated brokers can get found in the menu entry Fair Campaign Offers.



Kevin Steve aka Kareem Sallam from Egypt

I found an advertisement a few weeks ago, where something told me there is something wrong. It made me interested and i started with my standard procedure, which I have described at "How to identify scammer by using free tools from the Internet".

The only thing, that I could find is that the guy has used the picture from the author Brad Scott. His domain has been hidden behind an anonymizing service, This has leaded me to my second step in my investigation, which is described in "Using Google for making a background check of your business partner", because only this one are hiding themselves, which have something to hide,

After a few hours I got the result that Kevin Steve from USA is in reality or is working for Kareem Sallam from Egypt. For this I have published my result as an comment to his offer for warning others at LinkedIn:

@Kevin Steve aka Khareem Sallam from Egypt:

As you are not the author Brad Scott, why do you use his picture (

Why do you hide your domain ( [2016-02-25: Link removed - Domain already not exists]), which got created on Jan. 9, 2014 behind an anonymizer?

The link on the site [2016-02-25: Link removed - Domain already not exists] has no valid certificate. There are a lot free certificating agencies available for getting easy a valid certificate.

You'll find at a man called Kareem Sallam, which has written there that his websites are and

Kareem Sallam has a LinkedIn Profile too: and even there he has written that he is the Managing Director of connect2phone.

The site is 1.5 years old, and has already a bad reputation.

Do you think that this is a trustworthy base for a business?

Update Feb. 25, 2016: Link to removed as the domain does already not exist.

Update Jan. 18, 2017: Link to removed as the domain already does not exist.


Using Google for making a background check of your business partner

Google has few search options, which can help you to find something out about your new business partner. In any way you should start with the procedure described at How to identify scammer by using free tools from the Internet This will save a lot of time for you. The search here takes a lot more time.

Search with an exact phrase:

Put quotation marks around words "[any word]" to search for an exact phrase in an exact order. Keep in mind that searching with quotes might exclude relevant results. For instance, a search for "Alexander Bell" will miss pages that refer to Alexander G. Bell.

I use this function for searching names and domain names of my business partner. Especially by searching a specific domain name is it very helpful. Scammer sites are getting very fast documented by others and you are able to review their comments.

Search within a specific site:

Precede your query with site: if you know you want your answer from within a specific site or type of site (.org, .edu). For example: site:edu or

As you can search inside a specific site, you can exclude specific sites, by excluding them. To exclude them from the result set you need only put a dash in front. Example for not listing all the contacts from LinkedIn

Find related pages:

Use the related: operator to find pages that have similar content by typing related: followed by the website address. For instance, if you find a website you like, try using related:[insert URL] to locate similar websites.

In any case, even if you did not find out something bad about your new business partner, you should take the lowest risk as possible for making business. A nostrum for not getting scammed is not available.


Are not all scammer from "....." and "........"?

Recently I got a message, where I got asked: "Are not all scammer from ..... and ........?"

My answer has been very simple: You’ll find in each country good and bad people. Each country has jails with prisoners in it. The only difference is that countries with bad economics have a higher criminal rate. Depending on the size, the population and the economic situation of the country, you’ll find more or less scammers in it. In every life, whether animal or human, the survival instinct is the strongest one. Only some are thinking that they have found an easy way to get what they need by being lazy. You find this kind in the world of humans and animals.

For this reason don’t bash against a country. Be respectful to each other and don’t let some religious differences stand between you. There are some many different rules for showing respect as countries or areas are at the world, that nobody can know them all. For an example are even the greeting procedures different. In Europe is it usable shaking hands. At the Philippines the younger one takes the hand of the older one and leads his hand to his own forehead. Such a behavior is in Thailand impossible, there each one put his palms with their fingers at chest level close to their body and bows slightly. As higher the hands are placed as higher as more respect is shown. To touch the head of another one is in Thailand the worst case. For the Thais is the head considered sacred and must be respected.

How to identify scammer by using free tools