Offshore Outsourcing & Scammer

Blog about offshore outsourcing and scammer in the outsourcing industry

Scammer - Vikram Pratap Singh - needs urgently some money

Logo of the scammer SHR SolutionsHow urgent the scammer needs money get shown in the following email sent on February 5 with an expiration date for the offer on the same day and an discount of 0.5 Lacs (around US$738).

All offered campaigns are nothing else than scam because in the traditional outsourcing countries is already since more than 10 years a data protection law available. Personal data, health and medical data, banking data and all data containing more information than a public phone directory are not allowed to leave the company.

Nobody will hire you to upload some videos somewhere, because for this you need to get the videos first that you can upload them. If they are online already available than they are already uploaded. Even if videos need to get uploaded somewhere than they not need somebody working manually because there are enough free tools available which doing this job automatically.

Only uneducated and very stupid people will believe that they need to type books new whenever they need to get printed or electronically distributed. All print products including newspapers are already since centuries electronically stored!

The scammers and their victims are so stupid and don't know that the personal computer is already 40 years old and nobody needs to fill forms by hand in the civilized world. So which data can get filled in the forms offered from Trusha Mistry from the scam company The domain is owned from the well-known scammer Vikram Pratap Singh.

Turn on your brain if you read such an email like below or an advertisement with the same offers:

From: Trusha Mistry []
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2016 7:50 AM
Subject: Regarding Offers on Non-voice Processes


Hello Sir/Ma’am,

Greetings for the day...!!!

We are in the field of providing Non-voice Processes.

We are offering huge discount in all non voice processes having limited slots till 5thFebruary 2016.

Details of some of projects are as follows:

1)Data QC Project which is of Rs.2 lacs we are offering it at a price of Rs. 1.5 lacs.

2)Health Card Project which is of Rs.3.50 lacs we are offering it at a price of Rs. 3.25 lacs.

3)Medical Form Filling which is of Rs.4 lacs we are offering it at a price of Rs. 3.50 lacs.

4)Financial Form Filling Project which is of Rs.4 lacs we are offering it at a price of Rs. 3.25 lacs.

5)VEVO Video Uploading Project which is of Rs. 2.25 lacs we are offering it at a price of Rs. 1.75 lacs.

6)Typing of Books Project which is of Rs.2 lacs we are offering it at a price of Rs. 1.50 lacs.

We also have many more other processes in which we are having discount for our clients.

If you are interested for doing business with us then you can reply me in e-mail for the same as well as contact me on below mentioned detail.

Thanks & Regards,

Trusha Mistry

Skype ID : trusha.mistry2

Don't forget that all offers above are nothing else than an advanced fee scam. The only one which gets something is the scammer. You pay only for the later knowledge that you got scammed.

The scammer is already well-known from the following articles:


Scammer: Phani Indra - Malladi Phanindra - - with unbelievable offers

SaveBPO Logo

Update November 18, 2015: The following shows how scammer are thinking how they can build up a business and how they are thinking how they can continue if they are getting catched to be scammer.

I have written the article one day after I have warned the scammer Phani Indra - Malladi Phanindra immediately as he had published the scam campaign in Facebook. In the hope that nothing will happen to him, he continued posting copying one campaigns after another from other sources where he even didn't know the source. It did even not make any difference for him if the campaign is genuine or not. He even does not have any knowledge how to identify a scam campaigns and he has ignored my warnings. Only important for him has been to make money. The way to get money and if the payer gets something for his money has not been important for him.

As the most of the campaigns are only available against an advanced fee are the campaigns nothing else than scam. A real client is searching for a broker or consultant which is near of his place and not abroad. The clients likes to have the possibility to make a complaint immediately and directly as soon as something goes wrong. If a client is searching abroad then he is searching directly for a center and not for a middle man. In this case he likes to avoid the kids game "Chinese message" and save the fee for the broker. For this reasons are 99.9% campaign offers with source from low wage countries nothing else than scam.

On this article he has shown an reaction and started to delete the campaign offers from his site after he even used a friend, which tried to explain me in the Facebook group "the campaign is from a friend":

Screenshot from Facebook discussion with the argument that the campaign is from a friend of a friend

My opinion is that people which have such a kind of friends don't need some enemies - such people are already punished with these kinds of friends!

Afterwards he started to delete the campaign from his site In the social networks are the offers still available - only the link to his site is not working. Here a screenshot from the scam offer in Facebook from today morning:

Screenshot from Facebook with the scam offer

As I told him, that he does not have any contract or permission with Deep Blue Marketing and for this he needs to remove the campaigns from Deep Blue Marketing too, he replied: "Are you talking about the UK Boiler Survey campaign with hot key transfer. Project ?". This answer shows that he even does not know the source of the campaigns and he had never any contact with any client or another broker. He has only copied campaigns from suspicious sources in the hope of getting rich from the up-front fees.

After he has deleted some campaigns - only from his site, he sent me the following message at Facebook:

I have just moved all energy campaigns to trash
All done now
I request you to remove my name from your blog
If you find any other scam or fraud projects in my site
Please contact the author

Sorry, but business is not a kindergarten game. For doing business you need to build up a reputation. Only to change the author of the site and using different names for the fraud does not bring a good reputation and does not release the owner of the site from beeing liable for the content. With other words is it nothing else than a nice try for continuing scamming centers by saying it is only a market place. Even a bad reputation is a reputation.

The whole story shows only how the scammers are trying to play man-in-the middle. For the case that the offered campaign is a real campaign how they like to make money with copy & paste. If the campaign is a scam than they get at least the up-front fee. In any case is it scam, because they even don't know who is the provider of the campaign and from where they have copied the campaign.

Original article November 17, 2015: Yesterday I found some unbelievable campaign offers in the social networks. The offers got posted from Phani Indra / Malladi Phanindra the owner of the domain A warning about the scam offers got ignored from him, because today morning the offers still exists in the social networks and on his site It seems that he thinks that he can get rich by asking an advanced fee from centers. In one worse case he even thinks that he can get 7 Lacs (US$ 10,574) for a campaign where data from the client need to be accessible to the salesperson. The client will get fined from the US FTC (Federal Trade Commission) with US$ 16,000 per record. AT&T had paid in the past for such a failure, where data got stolen during an outsourcing process and the fines have been even cheaper, US$ 25,000,000. This ones, which don't believe it can take a look at the FTC site or at my report about this case.

Not one client will take the risk to get fined. A client likes to save money by an offshore outsourcing process and not pay more than his top workers get paid for doing the job. As in the traditional outsourcing countries (Australia, Canada, European Union, U.S.) the consumer and customer data are protected by the data protection law and the fines for breaking the law are very high, not one client will outsource any campaign where the center needs to have access to their database. It does not matter if the data are getting misused by the center or stolen from by a someone else during a data breach. The business owner is liable in any case because he has collected the data.

Let us take a look at the offered scam campaign first

US International Inbound: Insurance Sector

Project description:

US Customer Care Process is to handle Inbound Calls of the customers who wanted to Inquire / Renew / claim / Transfer Insurance / Address or Other Modification.

  • +/- Calls could be in Health Insurance in regards to : HMO, PPO, EPO and Miscellaneous Insurance of (Visitor Insurance, Green Card holders Insurance, Student Health Insurance,J1 Visa Insurance, OPT Students Insurance, Europe Travel Insurance, Health Insurance for Visa, International Health Insurance, Group Travel Insurance, Short-term Heath Insurance, Discount Cards, Global Employees Group Insurance .

  • +/- Calls could be in Property and Casualty Insurance in regards to: Property (flood, earthquake, home, auto, pet) and Casualty (errors and omissions, workers’ compensation, disability, liability).

  • +/- Calls could be in Reinsurance in regards to: Insurance of Proportional, Non Proportional, Risks Attaching Basis, Losses Occurring basis, Claims –Made basis.

  • +/- Calls could be in vehicle Insurance in regards to: insurance of cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other road vehicles.

  • +/- Calls could be in Life and Health insurance in regards to: Insurance of Health (Dental, Vision, Medications), Life (Long-Term Care, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Hospital Indemnity), Miscellaneous (Europe Travel Insurance, Trip Cancellation Insurance, Cruise Insurance, Missionaries Insurance, marine Crew Insurance), Annuities (Securities) and Life and Annuities.

Seats : 10 Seats X 3 Shift
Payout : $10 Per Hour Per Agent
Billing : Approx 35 lakhs for 30 Seats. (Advance Billing for 1 Month at the time of Go Live)

Payment methodology: The Business Associate will diligently carry out Inbound Customer Care work; Business Associates will get calls on a regular daily basis as per below mentioned terms and conditions. Client agrees to provide Validation formats/Process document and other necessary information for processing documents to the Business Associate at the time of work commencement. The Business Associate shall submit the Reports as per schedule provided by the client; however Payouts are be released after getting the QC report of (bi-weekly) that particular period. The Client will pay each bill within maximum 5th of each month, all then payouts are going to be release after Quality Check Certificate. The Payout can be raised through e-mail or Fax and followed by hard copy. Q.C will be provided in 10-15 working days.

Quality: The Business Associate shall maintain accuracy of 84.99% for the processed as per Quality score card terms and norms. If the Business Associate cannot reach 84.99% accuracy on 1st submission then the Client shall give the Business Associate another 15 days for rectifying the mistake in future workings and there after the Client has the right to terminate this agreement on receiving 3rd Quality report with a further notice.

Documents Required:

  • Company Profile and DOT Certificate
  • Company’s LOI (Letter of Interest)
  • Director’s Proof along with Senior Management Profile
  • Pan Card o Company’s Registration Proof
  • Center’s Screen Shots

Technical Requirements:

  • 2 MBPS Leased Line + Server ( Min 8 GB RAM IBM X360 with Xeon Processor )
  • 10-12 Seats capacity with 12 computers along with 12 headphones.
  • Dual core Computers (Minimum) + 1 GB RAM.
  • Server: “IBM X360 (Xeon Processor) with 8 GB RAM and 1 TB HDD (Minimum or more than that).
  • PABX, ACD and CRM are from Client Side 4 MBPS Leased Line or we also accept if center wanted to use their Thin Clients shall operate in a Fiber rich environment with its own bandwidth.
  • In Each Slot, A team of 10 (Ten), Agents (the Team), 1 Team Leaders, one Trainer. All mentioned above must be provided in One week, starting from the day this agreement is signed.

Commercial Charges Apply : Signup amount: INR 7,00,000

If you are interested contact us @ or call us at 9701875999/ 8143444986

Please don’t ask for more details as you got them all in this post.

The offered campaign needs the knowledge of an insurance salesman. The education of an insurance salesman takes in Europe 3 years. How can agents, which don't know anything about insurances and centers where even the center owners don't know something about the law in foreign countries, will be able to handle such a job? How good the education in India is and how much interest about foreign laws gets already shown by offering such a sham campaign. The scammer is even too stupid to invent a real scam campaign.

That education of the scammer Phani Indra / Malladi Phanindra has been not better than passing far away from any school gets shown by the fact that he requires IBM X360 Xeon Processor for the center. it shows only that he has no idea about the requirements of a call center and the work of a call center. A client will not load any application to the server of the center. Into forms are getting only some text data to the server of the client submitted. Such a datatransfer to websites can get done at the lowest speed of a mobile Internet connection. Depending on the used codec from the center and the VoIP provider is additional a bandwidth between 8kBit/sec and 80kBit/sec per seat necessary. A bandwith of 1MBit/sec would be plenty enough for a center with 10 agents.

The scammer Phani Indra / Malladi Phanindra from seems even to be stupid, because I have warned him in a chat about the scam. As everybody can see it in the provided protocol below he agreed with it and continued to post more of his scam campaigns instead of deleting them. The provided timezone is GMT+1:

1:32pm Save Bpo:
Thank you for your caution
Ill look into this
but i see there are 3 centers running this process from 18 months
Can you help me with this ?

1:45pm Rudolf Faix: You can only delete it because it is against the U.S. consumer protection law. Some other option is not possible

1:45pm Save Bpo:
Hmm, Thank you
Well i got partnered with and got these projects
Do you think its worth to work with them ?

1:46pm Rudolf Faix: Each inbound project with consumer data is nothing else than scam (countries: Australia, Canada, European Union, U.S.)

1:47pm Save Bpo:
with *

1:47pm Rudolf Faix:
That is nothing else than an advanced fee scam. Agents would even not be able to handle it without a few month training
You should know about the law in the different countries before you are offering something

1:49pm Save Bpo: True

1:49pm Rudolf Faix: the only possible and legit campaigns are lead generation

1:50pm Save Bpo: Ill have a look into them

2:13pm Rudolf Faix: callcenterpartner has the campaign not at their homepage. Have I overseen it?

He did even not stop with his copy and paste process from He even copied the campaign from Deep Blue Marketing where onshore U.S. centers are getting searched. It seems that he thinks that U.S. companies are searching in India or on India websites for campaigns. For this idea you need to have studied, like he has written on his LinkedIn profile, at the Kakatiya University. We all know that intelligence is not commercially acquirable. Without thinking he has copied all campaigns from - even the scam campaigns where data needs to get used, which are protected by law and not one client will give a center access to these data.

The above campaign gets found in the and With other words the scammer even does not know from where he is copyng the campaigns. The only purpose or the campaign offers is to get an advance fee. That is nothing else than SCAM!!! All actions of the scammer are showing only how lazy he is. Malladi Phanindra / Phani Indra is even too lazy to invent his own campaigns. It seems to be very hard for someone which likes to have studied at an University to use his brain.


  • Not one client will risk to get fined with millions of dollars for giving you access to his customer database. The fine is much higher then the client is able to save on such a project.

  • Uneducated agents are not able to handle such a job

  • Everwhere where you have to pay to get some campaigns you'll get only scammed

  • Fees for the broker or consultant need to get paid from this one, which hires the broker or consultant and not from the company which shall do the work.

  • Real brokers with a contract with a client have to work for the client and not for the center for this the client has to pay them

  • Scammers like Phani Indra / Malladi Phanindra are thinking they can get rich by creating a website and copy and paste from others without any knowledge of the content. They even don't know that not one client is searching for a broker or consultant from abroad!
    For this reason it does not make any sense to create a platform like in India. Not one client will use it.

  • Scammers from India are normally not listed with their sham companies on the site Ministry of Corporate Affairs ( But be aware you can get scammed from listed companies there too.

Domain registration data from

Domain Name: SAVEBPO.COM
Registry Domain ID: 1844257178_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Update Date: 2014-12-24T19:02:11Z
Creation Date: 2014-01-25T23:50:36Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-01-25T23:50:36Z
Registrar:, LLC
Registrar IANA ID: 146
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.4806242505
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Phani Indra
Registrant Organization: SaveBpo
Registrant Street: 3-156/9/6,Vimaladevinagar
Registrant Street: Malkajgiri
Registrant City: Hyderabad
Registrant State/Province: Andhra Pradesh
Registrant Postal Code: 500047
Registrant Country: India
Registrant Phone: +91.9701875999
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: Phani Indra
Admin Organization: SaveBpo
Admin Street: 3-156/9/6,Vimaladevinagar
Admin Street: Malkajgiri
Admin City: Hyderabad
Admin State/Province: Andhra Pradesh
Admin Postal Code: 500047
Admin Country: India
Admin Phone: +91.9701875999
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: Phani Indra
Tech Organization: SaveBpo
Tech Street: 3-156/9/6,Vimaladevinagar
Tech Street: Malkajgiri
Tech City: Hyderabad
Tech State/Province: Andhra Pradesh
Tech Postal Code: 500047
Tech Country: India
Tech Phone: +91.9701875999
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax:
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:
Name Server: NS1.IPAGE.COM
Name Server: NS2.IPAGE.COM
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2015-11-16T12:00:00Z <<<


Scammer: SHR Solution - - Vikram Pratap Singh

LinkedIn profile graphic of Kashyap BhattThe "Scammer: Vikram Pratap Singh - SCISOLUTIONS.US, ALDIABLOS.US, ALDIABLOS.COM and SHRSOLUTION.ORG" is still active and tries to sell dreams to call centers. For offering these dreams he likes to get a dream charge, sorry he calls it consultancy charges, of INR 300,000 (~US$ 4,488.80). It looks like the scammer needs urgent a lot of money!

Until now Vikram Pratap Singh did not get it that the personal computer is nearly 40 years old and that in the civilized countries are for this reason no form filling projects available. All forms are getting generated from computers and there are no forms which need to get manually filled. Additional are consumer data protected by the law in the traditional outsourcing countries and the fines for breaking this law are very high so that not one company will take the risk and would outsource (not onshore and not offshore) their data processing. Health and bank data are very sensible data and have additional a special protection from the law in the traditional outsourcing countries.

Typical for each scammer is that he cannot show his face in his LinkedIn profile. The reason for this is very simple - the scammer does not like to provide a manhunt picture by himself.

The email from

From: Kashyap Bhatt []
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2015 1:11 PM
To: 'Kashyap Bhatt' <>
Subject: Health Insurance Form Filling



We are outsourcing company located in Ahmedabad . We also have existence in country such as USA, UK, Singapore and cities in India.

We have a tie up with client in US, UK, Canada, Australia and we can outsource their process to you.

In some of these processes we are the direct client located in India and take sole responsibility for your payment.

We charge you a consultancy fee for the processes that are given. All processes are genuine and free of risk.

Awaiting your reply.

Please see details of the project.

Health Insurance Form Filling


Project Description:

  • Payout = INR 20 Per Form (Inclusive ST)
  • Work load: 4000 forms/ Week For 1 Slot
  • Weekly Payment.
  • The forms need to be filled in to the software that will be provided.
  • The type of data needed to fill would be from an image or a PDF file.
  • Training will be provided online/onsite (Onsite training travel and other charges to be borne by the centre).
  • 1 Slot = 10 seats.
  • Contract Period : 11 month
  • Submission period: 6 days
  • QC Report: 5 day
  • Consultancy charges : 3,00,000/-INR

      Feel free contact me for any queries.

Thanks & Regards,
Kashyap Bhatt
+91 70960 25070
SHR Solution
Skype : kashyap.bhatt26

The email headers:

Received: by with SMTP id 91csp1330143qgj;

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From: "Kashyap Bhatt" <>
To: "'Kashyap Bhatt'" <>
Subject: Health Insurance Form Filling
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The actual domain registration data from

Registry Domain ID: D168825547-LROR
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Update Date: 2015-05-31T12:27:25Z
Creation Date: 2013-05-30T15:00:02Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-05-30T15:00:02Z
Registrar:, LLC
Registrar IANA ID: 146
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.4806242505
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registry Registrant ID: CR144307266
Registrant Name: Registration Private
Registrant Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC
Registrant Street:
Registrant Street: 14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309
Registrant City: Scottsdale
Registrant State/Province: Arizona
Registrant Postal Code: 85260
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.4806242599
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax: +1.4806242598
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID: CR144307268
Admin Name: Registration Private
Admin Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC
Admin Street:
Admin Street: 14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309
Admin City: Scottsdale
Admin State/Province: Arizona
Admin Postal Code: 85260
Admin Country: United States
Admin Phone: +1.4806242599
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax: +1.4806242598
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID: CR144307267
Tech Name: Registration Private
Tech Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC
Tech Street:
Tech Street: 14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309
Tech City: Scottsdale
Tech State/Province: Arizona
Tech Postal Code: 85260
Tech Country: United States
Tech Phone: +1.4806242599
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax: +1.4806242598
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2015-09-07T22:00:00Z <<<

Update Jan. 18, 2017: Links for the domain and to the removed as they don't exists anymore.


Is the use of the Avatar technology in the U.S. illegal (Robocalls)?

FTC RobocallsIf the main and only purpose of the software an illegal action then this software is illegal. In the case of the Avatar system is service legal because at the site from the Federal Trade Commission are listed a few cases where Robocalls are allowed:

Some prerecorded messages are permitted — for example, messages that are purely informational. That means you may receive calls to let you know your flight’s been cancelled, reminders about an appointment, or messages about a delayed school opening. But the business doing the calling isn’t allowed to promote the sale of any goods or services. Prerecorded messages from a business that is contacting you to collect a debt also are permitted, but messages offering to sell you services to reduce your debt are barred.

Other exceptions include political calls and calls from certain health care providers. For example, pharmacies are permitted to use prerecorded messages to provide prescription refill reminders. Prerecorded messages from banks, telephone carriers and charities also are exempt from these rules if the banks, carriers or charities make the calls themselves.

As you see in the above statement are legal and illegal purposes for Robocalls available. Illegal is this technology for making business (promoting any goods or services) in the United States of America. That the Avatar technology is a Robocall technology gets found out by reading the judgement from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas Houston Division, Civil Action No. H-13-2777, Case 4:13-cv-02777 from January 28, 2014 (.pdf). In this case Flowroute got sued to conspire with Avatar because: "Flowroute’s VoIP services, and employing Flowroute’s Calling Name Management Service ('CNAM-MS') to alter the caller’s identification as it appeared on Plaintiff’s cellular phone." Like expected had this case a positive end for Flowroute. The same way like Flowroute is Avatar only a service provider and is not responsible for the misusage of their products from their customers.

At Federal Trade Commission - Consumer Information - What to do if you get a Robocall explains the FTC attorney Kati Daffan in here video and in the first paragraph of the transcription what is a Robocall:

If you have a telephone, robocalls may be ruining your day. I'm Kati Daffan, an attorney at the Federal Trade Commission. If you answer the phone and hear a recorded message instead of a live person, it's a robocall. If the recording is a sales message and you haven't given your written permission to get calls from the company on the other end, the call is illegal period.

Playing pre-recorded messages or compile manually pre-recorded messages live will remain to be a prerecorded material and is never the same like speaking to a live person. There is no way to foresee all possibilities during a call. For this reason a live speaking agent cannot get replaced.

A short description of the Avatar system is that a call center agent is playing prerecorded messages to the called ones. The messages are getting selected depending on the answers from the called ones. With other words the called one does not speak with a real agent and for some questions are even no prerecorded answers available. Only if the called one is interested in the offer he gets transferred to a real person. One agents handles normally two calls at the same time. I think everybody knows the result of mulittasking.

Avatar is promoting their services as "Lead Generation without the accent". From my own experience and from the experience of my customers is it in the German speaking area of Europe (Austria, Germany and a part of Switzerland) not important to speak without an accent to make a sale. Much more important is it to adjust your own communication within splits of a second to the same level as your presumptive customer is using. A joke during the communication at the right time can be an ice breaker. This cannot get done by using prerecorded messages. Already the first impression a sales person is making can lead to a good business or to a total loss.

Avatar Technologies Phl, Inc. is providing their services only B2B and for this reason they need not warn about the misusage of their product. From business owners is it expected that they know the law in their country and in the country they are serving. For a consumer are the offered services not from any interest. For this reason they need not warn them about the illegal use of their products.

The FTC is challenging the DEF CON community to create a tool that people can use to block and forward unwanted robocalls automatically. Forwarded calls will go to a honeypot — a data collection system that researchers and investigators can use to study the calls. See the contest descriptions and the winners of the 2015 Robocalls: Humanity Strikes Back Contest.

Look at the videos where an attorney from the FTC explains the illegal Robocalls.

Clark-et-al.-v-Avatar-Technologies-Phl-Inc.-et-al.-Decision.pdf (128.96 kb)


Scammer: - Prince Technology - India

Prince TechnologyPrince Technology from Ahmedabad is offering their invented campaigns for getting rich fast. All campaigns are getting offered against an upfront fee between INR 400,000 (US$ 6,135) and INR 600,000 (US$ 9,203). Already the upfront fee is proving the scam because it shows that the scammer has no contract with the client.

The offered campaigns are: 

    Answer incoming calls regarding Australian Tourism & Travels from customers to take orders, answer inquiries and questions, handle complaints, troubleshoot problems and provide information.

    This campaign description shows that the scammer does not know something about travelling and the rules of handling complaints and responsibilities of tour operators and Tourism Organization. It seems that he has never left his village for a travel.

  2. Chat Support Project..pdf (138.99 kb)
    Description: Center has to provide customer support for USA leading online retail shop. Center has to provide knowledge support to customers. Center has to assist and help the customers to buy the products and guide them to using the website to full extent.

    Here shows the scammer that he has no idea about the U.S. consumer data protection law. Such a process can even not get outsourced onshore without risking a big fine for the client. Maybe the scammer has been drunk or under the influence of drugs by inventing this campaign.

  3. ERS Inbound Project Details.pdf (205.90 kb)
    Emergency Road Services

    Even here is proving the scammer that he has no brain. For emergency road services are not taken simple phone lines. Such services have a seperate wiring. Such a process cannot get outsourced because the emergency phone numbers from the authorities are not reachable from outside of the area for which they are responsible. Such services can get only handled local! For this campaign the scammer likes to get INR 600,000 (US$ 9,203). I understad it that, it is very hard for the scammer to sell such a shit!

    1. To Handle Incoming Calls From Existing Pharmacy Customers
    2. In Order To Provide Medicine Ordering Assistance and Customer Service
    3. Online Assistance for Billing and Other related issues.
    4. To Provide Extensive Support And Assistance To The Existing Customers.

    Here the scammer is proving again that he has no idea about the US data protection law. The same way like data from bank customers are health data highly protected. Such a campaign even cannot get outsorced onshore for the reason of the data protection law.

As address gets provided in the offers:

Prince Technology
Ashram Road,Income Tex, Ahmedabad, Pin-380009, Gujarat. India
Email Id : |
303,Labh Complex,B/H C.U.Shah College,
Mo.+91 94264 78376 | Office. +91 79 30000290
Web. :

The domain registration data from are incomplete and wrong:

Domain ID:D9378972-AFIN
Created On:15-Apr-2015 10:20:12 UTC
Last Updated On:14-Jun-2015 19:21:00 UTC
Expiration Date:15-Apr-2016 10:20:12 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:Webiq Domains Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (R131-AFIN)
Registrant ID:WIQ_43335936
Registrant Name:Priyank Brahmbhatt
Registrant Organization:Prince Technology
Registrant Street1:Prince Technology Patan
Registrant Street2:
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:Patan
Registrant State/Province:Gujarat
Registrant Postal Code:362268
Registrant Country:IN
Registrant Phone:+91.0000000000
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Admin ID:WIQ_43335936
Admin Name:Priyank Brahmbhatt
Admin Organization:Prince Technology
Admin Street1:Prince Technology Patan
Admin Street2:
Admin Street3:
Admin City:Patan
Admin State/Province:Gujarat
Admin Postal Code:362268
Admin Country:IN
Admin Phone:+91.0000000000
Admin Phone Ext.:
Admin FAX:
Admin FAX Ext.:
Tech ID:WIQ_43335936
Tech Name:Priyank Brahmbhatt
Tech Organization:Prince Technology
Tech Street1:Prince Technology Patan
Tech Street2:
Tech Street3:
Tech City:Patan
Tech State/Province:Gujarat
Tech Postal Code:362268
Tech Country:IN
Tech Phone:+91.0000000000
Tech Phone Ext.:
Tech FAX:
Tech FAX Ext.:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:

Summary: The brainless scammer likes to get rich quick by cheating call centers. Everybody which takes such a campaign proves by himself that he has even less brain than the scammer. Such people are guilty by themselves for losing their hard earned money.

Don't forget: It is usual in the normal business that this one, which hired a broker, has to pays him!!! A client which likes to outsource a project will hire a broker, which is nearly reachable and not a broker or consultant from India!