Offshore Outsourcing & Scammer

Blog about offshore outsourcing and scammer in the outsourcing industry

Christopher Caudle likes to get more publicity for Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano

Christopher Caudle does not understand until now that the article "Scammer Wesley Jon Pollard - - -" is a free expression of my opinion and not an accusation. The difference gets found in the expression "can be". My opinion in this case is based on Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano's accepted and confirmed recommandation from Wesley Jon Pollard at her LinkedIn profile. This recommendation got found on August 25, 2015 on both LinkedIn profiles - Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano and Wesley Jon Pollard. With other words I have only used something to build my opinion what both had written and published in their own profile. If they had published some wrong information then they are guilty by themselves.

Here get the part cited, which Christopher Caudle likes to have removed from my blog. I have made only the "can be" bold to show that it only my opinion and I have added in the brackets the pdf download of the LinkedIn profile from Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano to show that this part is only a copy and paste):

Another partner in crime can be Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano (LinkedIn profile Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano.pdf (686.21 kb)). Wesley Jon Pollard has given her a recommendation beginning with the words “Maria was recently appointed Director with us due to certain qualities she can bring on board that benefit our clients from all around the world ….”. This shows that she has been a director and a decision maker in the organization of Wesley Jon Pollard.

Maria was recently appointed Director with us due to certain qualities she can bring on board that benefit our clients from all around the world. She came highly recommended by a present client who had previously worked very closely with her.

She is very detailed orientated, committed and hard working when it comes to getting clients what they need and always places their first, addressing areas that other brokers cannot offer.

Very unique in many ways, we are very delighted to have Maria on board as a director and look forward to seeing her career being even more successful with us.

Here is a screenshot from the received and accepted recommendations at Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano's LinkedIn profile (content from August 25, 2015):

Screenshot showing recommendations Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano received at LinkedIn

My opinion is that someone is not trustful if he accepts a recommendation because he is thinking it helps in business and if it comes to problems then he is rejecting the content of the recommendation. The reader has in this case the free choice in which part the lie gets found – the recommendation or the reject of the recommendation. Such a behavior can get compared with a flag spinning in the wind.

Christopher Caudle likes to impress in the following letter with a maudlin story and false interpretation of the law. He even addressed the letter wrong to the registrar Network Solutions, LLC. Already this fact shows his misunderstanding of the Internet structures and law interpretation.

Network Solutions, LLC can only take action with respect to a particular domain registration pursuant to (i) a request from the current domain name registrant; (ii) the terms of the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (“UDRP”) issued by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (“ICANN”), the international regulatory body that oversees the administration of domain names; or (iii) an order from a court or arbitral tribunal of competent jurisdiction.

Additional is the fact that under the U.S. Communications and Decency Act, an Internet Service Provider or Web host is immune from liability for the content posted on a website by a customer and therefore, neither a registrar nor its affiliates would be a party to any potential court, arbitral or regulatory proceedings. This fact shows his misunderstanding of the law situation too.

The next failure he made is that he is writing that he is "representing Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano" and there is no additional power-of-attorney document attached. Something like that can get written from everybody and everybody can value the content how he likes.

At the beginning of this article I have already explained that the content is only cited from the LinkedIn profiles of Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano and Wesley Jon Pollard. My opinion about the content of the citation with “can be” is nothing else than something "it may be" or "it maybe not". There is nothing where I have written that it is a fact. The fact is only the cited content of the LinkedIn profiles.

One of the fundamental rights in the civilized world is the freedom of expression. There are also countries available where the Internet gets censored. If someone prefers such a living would it be better for him to relocate to such a country. But I'm not sure if he will be able to help in censoring the opinion of others and the Internet.

The letter from Christopher Caudle to Network Solutions, LLC:

Screenshot letter from Christopher Caudle to Network Solutions, LLC page 1

Screenshot letter from Christopher Caudle to Network Solutions, LLC page 2

Other articles about the case around Wesley Jon Pollard:


The red herring and/or deception around Wesley Jon Pollard

A person with the Facebook profile calling himself Bruce Young shared on September 11,  2015 06:16pm (GMT+2) with Christopher Claude my LinkedIn posting where I had in the comments section a communication with Wesley Jon Pollard and explained him that hiding himself in anonymity is not good base for making business. I also explained him my motivation for hunting scammers.

The content from Bruce Young:

Check this out

The big investigator, police man (Sargent) and Sherlock Holmes from Eynsham did even not follow the link and posted his flames against me into the comment, because he has been thinking that Bruce Young sent him the link with the article “Is Christopher Caudle more than just a friend of the alleged scammer Wesley Jon Pollard?”.

By taking a look at the Facebook profile of Bruce Young I find the first 17 postings done on August 22, 2015. On the same day he has created a page with the name “Scammers Beware”, which has until now only 8 likes and two postings – the self-promotion of the page - done on August 22, 2015.

August 23, 2015: Bruce Young started his Facebook campaign where he is searching for Wesley Jon Pollard.

On September 10, 2015 Bruce Young published the first time a transcript of the Skype communication with Wesley Jon Poilard. This communication is dated from August 21, 2015.

Christopher Claude reported Wesley Jon Pollard in a forwarded email to me on August 26, 2015 as missing since July 7, 2015 – the email is dated with July 30, 2015. A copy of the email gets found in the updates from August 26, 2015 at the article “Scammer Wesley Jon Pollard - - -

My opinion about the rumors around Wesley Jon Pollards disappearance is nothing else than a red herring or a deception:

  • Someone, who communicated per Skype on August 21 will not get searched two days later already.

  • Someone, who needs to hide, will not get in contact by using Skype with people from which he is hiding.

  • Someone, who needs to hide, will not use his old and existing accounts for offers of his new company ( for the case he did it not by a mistake.

  • Someone, who has nothing to hide, does not need to block me at LinkedIn
    Here a screenshot from Wesley Jon Pollards public profile when I'm logged in as Rudolf Faix at LinkedIn:
    Screenshot shows that Wesley Jon Pollard has blocked me on LinkedIn

    And here a screeshot from the same time, using another browser, without beeing logged in:
    Screenshot of the public LinkedIn profile without loginBlocking someone on LinkedIn does not really help. It makes the person only more suspicious. Everybody has a lot of friends and sometimes others are giving you access for searching some information. In such a case the blocking gets dismantled easily.

It is also my opinion that if somebody is searching for Wesley Jon Pollard he will find him at the place of the people whose name should get removed from the publicity or which are making the most rumors. For me it looks like that the profile from Bruce Young with the picture from the wrestler and actor “The Rock” Dwayne Johnson, got only created for helping Wesley Jon Pollard. I think that even the published pictures from Wesley Jon Pollard are only a fake and are showing in reality someone else.

Other articles about the case around Wesley Jon Pollard:


Bruce-Young-Chris-Caudle-message.pdf (231.25 kb)

Facebook-profile-Bruce-Young.pdf (6.39 mb)

LinkedIn-posting-Call-center-owners-dont-start-working-without-a-security-deposit-given-by-the-client.pdf (152.52 kb)

Update Jan. 18, 2017:
Link from the Facebook profile Christopher Claude ( removed as it returns error 404 - not found.


Is Christopher Caudle more than just a friend of the alleged scammer Wesley Jon Pollard?

Christopher CaudleIt seems that Christopher Caudle does not understand the difference of a presumption ( “can be”, “seems to be”) and a fact (“is a”). It doesn’t matter what he understands and what not. Interesting is his actual connection to the disappeared and putative scammer Wesley Jon Pollard.

He expressed himself in an email July 30, 2015 (found in the update from August 26, 2015), which he has forwarded to me on August 26, 2015:

I have known Wesley Jon Pollard for many years. He lives in the Philippines and owns the company mentioned, which has a large number of important clients on his books. He arranges call centres for his clients, and makes a point of visiting each one to vet the company and ensure their procedures match their application.

Christopher CaudleWe find in the LinkedIn profile “Lord Caudle” (Lord-Caudle-LinkedIn.pdf (459.36 kb)) that he is CEO of Chat Network Plc since March 2011 and Chairman from Surecall Telecoms Ltd since the year 2010. He got for both jobs recommendations, one from a Turkish and one from an Indian LinkedIn member. The recommendations got given in exchange.

Praveen George from India got a recommendation from “Lord Caudle” on March 26, 2014 and has written a recommendation for “Lord Caudle” on March 27, 2014.

Riz Balloch from Turkey has gotten a recommendation from “Lord Caudle” on April 13, 2012 and got a recommendation from “Lord Caudle” back on the same day. In this case cannot get determined which recommendation was written first.

Coincidentally Wesley Jon Pollard has published yesterday (September 9, 2015) a post in LinkedIn Pulse (Wesley-Jon-Pollard-Addressing-what-needs-are-required-for-a-successful-sales-website.pdf (206.19 kb)). In this article he offers 24 hour live chat services of – a site registered in the high risk country (ScamAdviser) Pakistan with an U.S. phone number:

So this is the final and fifth part in our post episode on what a successful 24 hour support service such as ourselves can do for your websites sales and customers service side, since we are 100% committed to delivering a successful outcome month in and months out, 365 days a week for all our clients.

At a page gets found with the title “lord chris caudle's Page” (.pdf (197.20 kb)). The page has the first entry from February 2, 2012 (.pdf (180.64 kb)) and the last entry from September 10, 2014.

In my view, are here occurring too many coincidences. Each normal thinking person will ask the following questions:

  • Are Christopher Caudle and Wesley Jon Pollard more than friends?

  • Why is Wesley Jon Pollard offering the same kind of business at the same time like Christopher Caudle?

  • Which role takes Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano that Christopher Caudle likes to get her name from the article "Scammer Wesley Jon Pollard - - -" removed? This article was merely quoted from LinkedIn profiles parts which Maria herself has accepted or written. Others may probably have similar considerations when they are reading the profiles carefully.

  • Is the whole case, not just a red herring? Especially if taking a look which countries are all involved in this case: Philippines (ROLLINGDICE PHILIPPINES), India (ROLLINGDICE PUNE), Pakistan (domain, UK, USA (actual profile and phone number used in advertisings), etc.

  • If Wesley Jon Pollard is on a escape he would not be so stupid and use his old accounts (LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest) and his own name for making money to finance his escape. For the case that the authorities are searching for him would it be very easily to locate him by his IP address using for posting the articles. Why should he give the hints to the authorities by himself if he is on escape? I think that Wesley Jon Pollard has helpers, which are publishing his articles. Who are these helpers in this case?

  • Christopher Caudle writes by himself in his mail from July 29, 2015 (found in the update from August 26, 2015 of the article "Scammer Wesley Jon Pollard - - -"): “I wish to report Wesley Jon Pollard owner of Out of the Box solutions, as missing presumed kidnaped, since 7th July 2015”. Who should kidnap him and for which reason? The offshore outsourcing business is down, there is not much to earn. Who shall pay in this case the ransom?

    Another statement from Christopher Caudle:
    It is my opinion having served for 10 years with the British Police (now retired) that Wesley Jon Pollard was not in India and never arrived there, I do not believe he was in Malaysia either, and that he is somewhere in the Philippines possibly kidnapped.
    I think that each one knows that the Philipines are an island state. You can leave the Philippines only by using a ship or an airplane. In both cases you'll be listed as crew member or as a passenger if you are leaving the Philippines on a legal way. The authorities would check this database. The opinion from Christopher Caudle shows only his missing geographical knowledge and his missing talent in investigating.

  • Wesley Jon Pollard has been looking today (September 10, 2015) at 10:35am (Manila time) - 3:35am UK time at my LinkedIn profile.

  • If Wesley Jon Pollard disappeared on July 7, 2015 like Christopher Caudle has written it, how can it be that Bruce Young had a communication with Wesley Jon Pollard on August 21, 2015 (Facebook posting of Bruce Young.pdf (150.80 kb))?
    A transcript of a conversation between my two friends;

    21/08/2015 00:03:40] Wesley Pollard: Mate payment will be at the end of the month
    [21/08/2015 00:03:41] FRIEND1: I plea to you Wes to understand my fears and my apprehension. I look up to you.
    [21/08/2015 00:06:43] FRIEND1: to be completely honest and open, here's my fear Wes; that I will no longer hear from you after today, no date has been set as when I can received it, meaning there is no projection as to when the money is coming in, if indeed there was a need to wait on...that's my fear Wes, and it is my fault that I trusted you too early despite advises from friends
    [21/08/2015 00:07:13] FRIEND1: please understand
    [21/08/2015 00:07:51] Wesley Pollard: You will have it by the end of the month ok

    SO WHERE IS IT NOW? NON PAYMENT. end of month of what year?
    If Bruce Young has chatted on August 21, 2015 with Wesley Jon Pollard, why sends me Christopher Caudle on August 26, 2015 the message that Wesley Jon Pollard "disappeared, properly kidnapped on July 7"?

Exactly all this facts are making the full story for me very supicious. I think that it is nothing else than red herring.

Other articles in the connection with the case about Wesley Jon Pollard:


Lord-Caudle-LinkedIn.pdf (459.36 kb)

Wesley-Jon-Pollard-Addressing-what-needs-are-required-for-a-successful-sales-website.pdf (206.19 kb)

lord-chris-caudle's-Page-CampaignProvider.pdf (197.20 kb)

Lord-Chris-Caudle-(NEW)-UK-PPI-Personal-Injury-Sales-Process.pdf (180.64 kb)

Facebook-Bruce-Young-A-transcript-of-a-conversation.pdf (150.80 kb)


Scammer Wesley Jon Pollard - - -

Wesley Jon PollardWesley Jon Pollard seems to be a scammer, but everybody, who’s got scammed from him, is guilty by himself. Wesley Jon Pollard could not show his face in the social networks and he did not have an own domain. He used the free hosting service from weebly for offering his scam campaigns. These people who have got scammed did not make their homework and there has even been nothing for making a background check. Their own greediness by hunting for a campaign has been the reason for their problems now.

At his LinkedIn account from Wesley Jon Pollard we’ll find a recommendation from a LinkedIn member Barry Bermudez. As Barry Bermudez has given him a recommendation is now the question open if Barry Bermudez is a partner in crime or not?

Updated August 28, 2015 (For this part are updates available take a look at the updates at the end of this article): Another partner in crime can be Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano (no public profile - see the pdf at the end of this report). Wesley Jon Pollard has given her a recommendation beginning with the words “Maria was recently appointed Director with us due to certain qualities she can bring on board that benefit our clients from all around the world ….”. This shows that she has been a director and a decision maker in the organization of Wesley Jon Pollard.

Maria was recently appointed Director with us due to certain qualities she can bring on board that benefit our clients from all around the world. She came highly recommended by a present client who had previously worked very closely with her.

She is very detailed orientated, committed and hard working when it comes to getting clients what they need and always places their first, addressing areas that other brokers cannot offer.

Very unique in many ways, we are very delighted to have Maria on board as a director and look forward to seeing her career being even more successful with us.

Another member found out that the name Wesley Pollard is used at the site It can be that Wesley Pollard is coming active again. The domain got registered in Pakistan:

Registry Domain ID: 1901864881_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2015-04-12T02:28:45Z
Creation Date: 2015-02-10T13:02:26Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-02-10T13:02:26Z
Registrar: PDR Ltd. d/b/a
Registrar IANA ID: 303
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Mazhar Shahzad
Registrant Organization: ALM Advertising Agency
Registrant Street: M2-5 Eden Tower, Main Boulevard, Gulberg-III, Lahore, Pakistan
Registrant City: Lahore
Registrant State/Province: Punjab
Registrant Postal Code: 54000
Registrant Country: PK
Registrant Phone: +92.3334268769
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: Mazhar Shahzad
Admin Organization: ALM Advertising Agency
Admin Street: M2-5 Eden Tower, Main Boulevard, Gulberg-III, Lahore, Pakistan
Admin City: Lahore
Admin State/Province: Punjab
Admin Postal Code: 54000
Admin Country: PK
Admin Phone: +92.3334268769
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: Mazhar Shahzad
Tech Organization: ALM Advertising Agency
Tech Street: M2-5 Eden Tower, Main Boulevard, Gulberg-III, Lahore, Pakistan
Tech City: Lahore
Tech State/Province: Punjab
Tech Postal Code: 54000
Tech Country: PK
Tech Phone: +92.3334268769
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax:
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1-2013775952
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
>>>Last update of WHOIS database: 2015-08-25T01:20:27+0000Z<<<

Scamadviser reports about the domain

Warning: A New Site Involving A High Risk Country
Alert Result: Registered contact email address is a free one
Alert Result: Technical contact email address is a free one
Alert Result: Administrative contact email address is a free one
Alert Result: This website is 195 Days old
Alert Result: The website expected life (365 days) is relatively short.
Alert Result: This website setup involves countries known to be high risk
Alert Result: This website is likely to be operating from a high risk country

We cannot be sure that Wesley Jon Pollard is active at the site registered in Pakistan, but on the site we find the names Kristy Beede, Wesley Pollard and Scott Bigelow (the name of a wrestler died January 19, 2007). You can observe that not one of these profiles has a picture. Scammers don't like to provide a manhunt picture by themselves.

As we see is the site registered in Pakistan and the provided addresses on the site are:

OBS, Portman Square, Marylebone, W1H. UK
OBS House, Margarita Heights, Batangas, PH. 4200 Tel: +63091506110390
OBS House, Taconic Road, Greenwich CT 06831 USA. Tel: (860) 377-1909

The UK address does not have any house and phone number. This address is incomplete and seems to got invented.

The US address is incomplete too. If you are using Google maps and take a look at the satellite pictures than you see that this is a forest area where you don't find any named houses.

Wesley Jon Pollard is active with his U.S. phone number on Facebook (, LinkedIn ( and Twitter ( He is offering his scams via

The Philippian address from Bantangas is invented too and the phone number is wrong written. Correct written is the phone number +639156110390. This phone number got used from Wesley Jon Pollard in his LinkedIn Pulse postings:

And we can find the same phone numer at the website from

Unit No. 4, Building No. D, Below Panchratna Apartments, Bhairobi Nala, Wanowrie, Fatima Nagar, Pune - 411040

D/25 B P Township, opposite to GouldSmith School Kolkata - 700094

OBS House Margarita heights batangas PH 4200

Screenshot contact details

Domain registration data of

Registry Domain ID: D9085202-AFIN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Update Date: 2015-01-07T06:06:42Z
Creation Date: 2015-01-07T13:06:42Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-01-07T13:06:42Z
Registrar:, LLC
Registrar IANA ID: 146
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.4806242505
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registry Registrant ID: CR184611386
Registrant Name: Sudarshan Mitra
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: Garia
Registrant City: Kolkata
Registrant State/Province: West Bengal
Registrant Postal Code: 700032
Registrant Country: India
Registrant Phone: +91.7767984645
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID: CR184611388
Admin Name: Sudarshan Mitra
Admin Organization:
Admin Street: Garia
Admin City: Kolkata
Admin State/Province: West Bengal
Admin Postal Code: 700032
Admin Country: India
Admin Phone: +91.7767984645
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID: CR184611387
Tech Name: Sudarshan Mitra
Tech Organization:
Tech Street: Garia
Tech City: Kolkata
Tech State/Province: West Bengal
Tech Postal Code: 700032
Tech Country: India
Tech Phone: +91.7767984645
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax:
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2015-08-25T2:00:00Z <<<

We had a similar scam from Wilpower Infotech - the name of the scammer has been Christine Wisner:

For the case someone has more information or better information about this case please feel free to contact me and I'll include your proves into the posting.

LinkedIn Profile from Wesley Jon Pollard (.pdf) (995.34 kb)

LinkedIn Profile from Barry Bermudez (.pdf) (646.29 kb)

LinkedIn Profile from Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano (.pdf) (686.21 kb)

Facebook Jon Pollard actual profile (.pdf) (4.44 mb)


Updates August 26, 2015

Bruce Young informed me about Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano:

Maria was scammed too Rudolf, she was made and led to believe by Wes too, victims as well. For Barry, Wes, was with his legit company.

Sim Antonio informed me about Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano:

Its just that this Maria is clean, she was a victim as well.

As for Maria, I think she is not aware, what she told me as we did communicate is that she removed all her connections with Wes

I can vouch for you she is clean, she is a victim as well. She is pursuing Wes as well.

Maria was able to removed Wesley's recommendation . Please Sir, she is absolutely a victim here of Wesley as well.

Christopher Caudle sent me the following email:

Hi ref the post some information for you.

Ref Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano I have been assisting in the hunt for Wesley for a long time but ref Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano she has never been nor is a director for any of his companies, I do know that Wesley put all these recommendations on without her knowledge, and she has been trying to get hold of Wesley ever since to have it removed. She does not have a contract with Wesley and she is a freelancer and is NOT employed by the company as a director. Wesley used her to send out all his documents, contracts etc to centres. So i hope you can correct the post made about her as its not true.

I would say that your criticism of centre owners are unjust in this case, as they did due diligence and everyone they spoke to seemed to point to Wesley's out of the box company as being ok.

As a former friend of Wesley (I am no more since this) I can say that as an ex police officer in the uk, that he has committed fraud and theft against centres. Currently the police are fully aware and are acting to make an arrest soon.

So you know how this started I paste below a copy of the email I sent to the Philippine police regarding Wesley, which has finally led to where we are today after a long and exhaustive investigation by me, obtaining contacts he knows, obtaining all phone numbers of him, and his home address.

I think you are doing a fantastic job keep up the good work, I will give you updates as and when i hear from the police via Maria who has been helping me track Wesley as she is as shocked as everyone is more so.

Crime Report Details;

Blotter 1078pg.0038 of 30th July 2015

National Police No +63746611489

Police Officer dealing: PO2 ELVIRA DULNUAN

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 9:03 PM
To: '' <>
Cc: '' <>
Subject: Wesley Jon Pollard

Attached photo of Wesley Jon Pollard with his wife and son.

Dear Sir,

I wish to report Wesley Jon Pollard owner of Out of the Box solutions, as missing presumed kidnaped, since 7th July 2015.

The circumstances around his disappearance are as follows.

I have known Wesley Jon Pollard for many years. He lives in the Philippines and owns the company mentioned, which has a large number of important clients on his books. He arranges call centres for his clients, and makes a point of visiting each one to vet the company and ensure their procedures match their application. His mother is Jacqui Pereira, his sister is Corinna Pollard and he has a daughter Mercedes Pollard.

His itinerary was as follows:-

UK left on 3rd July for Philippines

Arrived Philippines on 5th July

Philippines left on 8th July at 15:05 to Malaysia arriving 18:40

Malaysia left on 8th July at 22:10 to Bangalore India arriving 23:40
Staying at Oberi Hotel

Call made by centre owner Naveen Kumar to Wesley on +639156110390 who answered, Mr Naveen Kumar asked if they should meet, Wesley said no he was tired and he was going to sleep, claiming he was in the Oberi hotel.

Bangalore left on 10th July at 07:50 to Delhi arriving 10:35

Delhi left on 10th July at 11:10 to Dehradul arriving 12 noon.
Staying at JW Marriot hotel

13th July visits to a number of centres in Dehradul
14th July staying in same hotel JW Marriot.

Dehradul left on 15th July at 19:40 to Delhi arriving at 20.30

Staying at Leela Palace Hotel

15th July until 21st July staying in Delhi

22nd July left 10:00 to Mumbai arriving at 12:15
Staying at JW Marriot hotel

Was supposed to meet Naveen Kumar as he was to meet at the centre at 9am, Mr Naveen called him and asked shall he pick him up, to which Wesley said no I have my own arrangement.
Wesley did not show up

Wesley was supposed to be in Mumbai until 27th.

I have checked with all hotels and he neither stayed at the hotels nor made any reservations. His laptop is on and he is showing as away on skype, this is unusual when he goes away he always shows offline. Also he is not answering his mobile, which is again unusual, as he is always contactable. He has not been on his Facebook page since 7th July and we cannot make any contact with him whatsoever.

It is my opinion having served for 10 years with the British Police (now retired) that Wesley Jon Pollard was not in India and never arrived there, I do not believe he was in Malaysia either, and that he is somewhere in the Philippines possibly kidnapped.

He did on a call when drunk one day say to his representative, that he had a million in the bank, this could easily have been overheard, but this is conjecture.

As he still is missing and his clients and centres are very worried about their contracts, I have taken over to try to help Maria Reburiano save his business from problems and I am talking with clients and centres to assure them that Wesley will contact them soon.

I therefore formally request that this case is looked into as a missing person possibly kidnapped, and that appropriate resources are engaged to find Wesley and ensure his safety and safe return.

Lord Christopher Caudle
Direct DDI (+44) 1865731223

Lord Caudle


Update September 8, 2015:

Christopher Caudle likes to get some more publicity in this case and tried to impress me with the following statements on Skype:

From a legal standpoint as it can still be clearly read it would come under slander and libel, as it was not true, the hosting company would also be liable as well. I'm only just saying as I was in the police for 10 years so I know. I would not want to see maria take it down a legal route, which might happen anyway if she ended up harming herself because of all this. Do let me know what you think Rudolf.

That is exactly what everbody likes to read if he is opening Skype. The problem is only that Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano did not only accept the recommendation, where she got called to be a director from Wesley John Pollard, she called herself in her LinkedIn profile "Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano. Title: Director for Sales / BPO (Philippines) at Out of the Box Solutions". As much as I like to help her for the reason that she has tried to help the scammed ones to find Wesley John Pollard, but she has chosen exactly the wrong way for getting help.

The Internet is viral and it is not so easy to get something out of the Internet as many services are archiving the contents. Even Google still lists sites from her publishing, which got already deleted from the source. In her own case you'll find still the entries in Google:
Screenshot Google where Ma Eliza Reyes Reburiano calls herself Director of Sales from Out of the Box Solutions

Interesting is in any case that we not only find at Eynsham online an entry where he describes himself as “I served the village as a Section Officer (Sgt) for Thames Valley Police Special Constabulary for 10 years, and started the first Eynsham foot patrols.”, we find an entry at a page with the title “lord chris caudle's Page” (.pdf (197.20 kb)). The page has the first entry from February 2, 2012 (.pdf (180.64 kb)) and the last entry from September 10, 2014. At Christopher Caudle's LinkedIn profile (.pdf (459.36 kb)) does not get anything found about his work as Section Officer. At his LinkedIn profile are only jobs as CEO and chairman listed. It seems that Christopher Caudle is really a multi talent.

Christopher Caudle seems to have a problem with his elf-esteem and likes to title himself to be a Lord. The definition of the British title Lord can get found in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. However the name of Christopher Caudle does not get found in the Members of the UK House of Lords directory.
Christopher Caudle titles himself as Lord Caudle

I don’t know the real background why Christopher Caudle stands up in this way for Maria. Anyone can make his thoughts by himself about the reasons. My opinion is that he thinks to know everything and does not accept any technical arguments from others. He knows the meaning of "it seems to be" otherwise he would not call in his Facebook postings for self-justice, he would use the official and legal way to file his complaints.

I’m sorry for Maria’s publicity in this case and everybody shall accept that she tries to help in the case against Wesley John Pollard. Please don't judge her for her past in this case. Maybe she got cheated too. Everybody is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty and even in the case she get's found guilty for something in this case, is active repentance an extenuation.

Other articles in the connection with the case about Wesley Jon Pollard:


lord-chris-caudle's-Page-CampaignProvider.pdf (197.20 kb)

Lord-Chris-Caudle-(NEW)-UK-PPI-Personal-Injury-Sales-Process.pdf (180.64 kb)

Lord-Caudle-LinkedIn.pdf (459.36 kb)

Update Jan. 18, 2017: The Link to;ProcessType=41&amp;MenuSubID=57 got removed as it already returned error 404 - not found. If you like to know more about Chris Caudle, then visit the page and enter Caudle into the search form. There are some results. :)