Offshore Outsourcing & Scammer

Blog about offshore outsourcing and scammer in the outsourcing industry

Scammer: Asif Iqbal Ahmed - Skype: asifiahmed - +919903326185 -

Asif Iqbal Ahmed - Skype: asifiahmed - +919903326185 - razor0089@hotmail.comA partner in crime from the scammer Sebastian Serret - SeptConsult Limited (reports found at Scammer: Sept Consult - Sebastien Serret - Restaurant booking at the Seychelles and Scammer: Sebastien Serret - SeptConsult Limited - is running out of arguments) or the inventor from the scam campaigns itself is Asif Iqbal Ahmed. It does not make any difference in front of the law court which one of the two is the real source of the scam. Already trying to scam someone is punishable by law and both are offering scam campaigns.

He contacted me on Skype and tried to convince me that the offered campaigns from SeptConsult Limited are legal and he is getting paid from Sebastien Serret. The problem is only that he is only a broker of scam campaigns and not a center owner like it gets already shown at the caption of his Skype profile where is written: "INBOUND AND OUTBOUND CAMPAIGNS AVAILABLE..ONLY INTERESTED CENTERS CONTACT.". Again gets confirmed that scammers are even too lazy to think and to stupid to fake some proofs. The stupid scammer Asif Iqbal Ahmed has been thinking that it is enough to tell me that he is running a center and gets paid every month for convincing me that the offered campaigns from Sept Consult - Sebastien Serret are legit. Sebastien Serret by himself has written during his Skype chat: "We will send you proof, reference and even offer you a visit by the end of the month to be able verify about us". That means that there is not one center available until now, which got paid until now and for this reason are no proofs available.

The scammer Asif Iqbal Ahmed is offering his sham campaigns at Call Centers Forum, Call Center Zone, Campaign Provider, News Central, etc.

At Call Center Zone we find from Asif Iqbal Ahmed the following scam offer dated on December 3, 2015:


Hello Centers,
My client is looking for some centers who are willing to start up a decent long term business and develop as time passes. We need centers for our new inbound project on board.
Only Centers who are keen to build up their business tentatively for a long run are welcome aboard.




REGARDS : Asif Iqbal Ahmed
+91 9903326185

Skype : asifiahmed

Asif Iqbal Ahmed seems not knowing that big international hotel chains have their own booking central and are giving room contingents to tour operators. He even does not know that travel data are protected since more than 10 years as personal and consumer data by law and not one client can give access to their data. That fact shows that the only thing in what the scammer Asif Iqbal Ahmed is interested in is the upfront fee which the center has to pay for getting a work which does not exists. Not one client will take the risk to outsource such a campaign because the fines are much higher than the amount which can get saved by outsourcing such a process.

Another scam offer from Asif Iqbal Ahmed gets found at Call Centers Forum with the dated on September 23, 2015:


Hello centers,
I have a client from UK who is keen to do business with centers in INDIA AND OVERSEAS who can handle OUTBOUND CALLS for their customers and handle the calls in the best possible way.
The campaign is with regards to PAYMENT PROTECTION INSURANCE.



PAYOUT would be 7 Pounds UK Currency.

Any quality centers kindly catch up with me on skype : asifiahmed

or mail me your company profile so that we can get in touch and get started.

Thank You

Regards : Asif Iqbal Ahmed
+91 9903326185

This fact shows that the scammer is even to lazy to read some news. The PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) has resulted during the year 2014 into a big mis-selling scandal. How can get PPI sold in this case in September 2015? This fact shows again that Asif Iqbal Ahmed is an uneducated, brainless and stupid scammer.

The Skype profile from the scammer Asif Iqbal Ahmed:

Skype profile from the scammer Asif Iqbal Ahmed

Hopefully is Sebastien Serret keeping his promise from the chat with me, where he has written: "I said we will accept all claims". It seems that the claims will arrive faster than they are expected.

Some people like the scammer Asif Iqbal Ahmed are only born stupid and have nothing learned in their life, spitting only big words without any knowledge.

His stupidity get's confirmed from his Skype chat shown on the following screenshot:

Screenshot from the Skype messages of Asif Iqbal Ahmed

The above conversation shows the low education level or the enormous bad quality in education of the Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri Law College where the scammer Asif Iqbal Ahmed like to have studied and the Kolkata High Court where he likes to work as written in his Facebook profile. In civilized countries such people like Asif Iqbal Ahmed are even not allowed to clean the streets in front of such places.

Here a screenshot of his Facebook profile (part of his education and workplace):

Screenshot of the Facebook profile from Asif Iqbal Ahmed

The scammer is even so stupid that he thinks that I'm afraid to pick up the phone. I'm not speaking with such low level people like Asif Iqbal Ahmed. I prefer the written communication in such a case that I'm able to publish it with copy and paste for the case there is some important information or some information of public interest included.

Update Jan. 18, 2017:
Link from the Facebook profile Asif Iqbal Ahmed ( removed as it returns error 404 - not found.


Scammer: Sebastien Serret - SeptConsult Limited - is running out of arguments

Sebastien SerretI enjoy it every time if a scammer or a businessman who has not fulfilled his commercial due diligence gets in contact with me and tries to explain that he is not a scammer. In the most cases are the scammers confirming their fraud.

Shortly after I have published the article Scammer: Sept Consult - Sebastien Serret - Restaurant booking at the Seychelles I got a contact request at LinkedIn from Sebastien Serret:

  • Yesterday, Sebastien Serret said the following:

    Good Morning Mr Rudolf, I came across your post about me and my company and was wondering about your conslusions. Request to please clarify your points. Thank you

    3:24 AM (GMT+1)

  • Yesterday, Rudolf Faix said the following:

    Good morning Sebastien, please feel free to clarify the points.

    3:30 AM (GMT+1)

  • Yesterday, Sebastien Serret said the following:

    we are a very young management company not the direct client for this project and the chain of restaurants is not based in Seychelles nor Mauritius. Our company is duly registerered in Seychelles for a business strategic reason only and we provide our proof of address and ID from Mauritius as well to any center that we work with. Though we agree that there was a typo error in the MOU regarding the refunded amount but we sent an email to correct it as soon as it was pointed out to us. Hence we would like to request to kindly remove this post. If it can be genuinely proved that we took money from centers and did not pay them or if we gave them some process and then do not pay, then I am totally responsible and will shamefully accept to be labelled as a scam but up and until then, please do the needful.

  • Yesterday, Sebastien Serret said the following:

    Please feel free to add me on Skype for any further information that you may require.

  • Yesterday, Sebastien Serret said the following:

    Skype ID: sedconsulteltd

    3:43 AM (GMT+1)

A typo error in his favor found in a contract shows already the quality from the business of the scammer Sebastien Serret from SeptConsult Limited. I think that the intelligence from the scammer is very limited, because he likes to get the article removed by arguing about trivialities. I did not find anywhere some argument about the main important things like:

  • Why does he not get paid from these ones which hired him?
  • Who is booking at 3 am in the morning a table at a restaurant (the campaign need 10 agents for 24 hours)?
  • Which size has the restaurant that it can handle the bookings received during one day from 10 seats, which are working around the clock?

To clarify these point I have answered:

  • Yesterday, Rudolf Faix said the following:

    The world largest restaurant is the Royal Dragon restaurant in Bangkok.( It is even noted in the Guiness Book of records. They have a staff count of over 1,000 people. Do you like to know how many people are making the bookings for this restaurant? Maybe you can explain me who will make a booking at 3am a table at a restaurant? Maybe you can explain also why someone shall pay something for getting work? This one, which hired you for the campaign has to pay you and not this one, which makes the work,

    4:04 AM (GMT+1)

The scammer Sebastien Serret needed 11 hours for sending an answer to these questions and again there is no answer to the open questions. He has sent me the following answer:

  • Yesterday, Sebastien Serret said the following:

    Though we understand your point we also are very clear as to why we charge a security deposit but at no point do we harass or pressure the centers to pay us.

  • Yesterday, Sebastien Serret said the following:

    We will send you proof, reference and even offer you a visit by the end of the month to be able verify about us. If by that time we are not able to do so like I said we will accept all claims.

    3:04 PM (GMT+1)

The scammer Sebastien Serret has confirmed the scam with the above answer. He had not one question answered which I have sent to him. Additional does he need one more month for faking proofs.

He has only converted the "application fees" into a "security deposit". In the MOU is written:

Note: Whereas the Centre is engaged in this type/nature of work and whereas he has represented to the Client to this effect and is keen to undertake and execute this work by paying Application Fees of $ 2,000 upon signature of this MOU.

The offer is nothing else than a advance fee scam. A security deposit has to get paid to the center because they are investing their workforce into the campaign and not to this one, which is investing NOTHING!

The proofs will have the same quality like the recommendations he has given for others in his LinkedIn profile (.pdf). There is written

  • September 25, 2015, Sebastien worked with Céline at Rogers Outsourcing Solutions
  • April 8, 2013, Sebastien managed Ericka at AXA Customer Services
  • March 20, 2013, Sebastien worked directly with Khatleen at Sedeco

but we find about his own experience only:

  • Chief Executive Officer
    SeptConsult Limited
    2014 – Present (2 years) | Seychelles

  • Chairman of the Board of Directors
    SedConsulte Limited
    October 2013 – September 2015 (2 years) | République de Maurice

  • Conseiller à l'Environnement et l'Eco-Système (English: Adviser at the environmental and ecosystem)
    Consulat Honoraire de l'Union des Comores (English: Honorary Consulate of the Comoros)
    July 2014 – February 2015 (8 months) | République de Maurice

It is every time very suspect if someone tries to hide something in his experience. A search at Google with the keyword SedConsulte Limited returned two more LinkedIn profiles where the owners have removed SedConsulte Limited from their profile:

Googles search results for SedConsulte Limited

Additional got found:

It is very suspicious if a small company got shut down and everybody tries to hide the information that he has been working for the company. In the most cases is the reason for such a behavior that the company has been a fraud one.


Scammer: Deepankar Sharma - - - -

Deepankar Sharma LinkedIn profile pictureThe scammer Deepankar Sharma (.pdf) has been crying to me like "please stop me scamming" or he has been so stupid to show me that he is really a scammer. Both is possible, because in earlier communications he had already shown that he is even too stupid to start a computer from a DVD. With other words the scammer Deepankar Sharma, which calls himself at his LinkedIn profile to be a BPO consultant, don't know which software he can use for call center (he asked me on Skype for it) and which VoIP provider is offering a good service (he asked me on Skype for it earlier) and seems to be in need to read instructions for going to the toilet. Such a guy is never a BPO consultant or a call center owner. He is even for scamming too stupid or too lazy.

In any case the scammer Deepankar Sharma has tried to verify his scam campaigns with my help. The problem is only that he got an unexpected result and a free promotion at my blog.

The scammer Deepankar Sharma provides to phone numbers from India at his Skype profile - +918871384948 and +919074105850:

Skype profile of Deepankar Sharma

Here is my Skype conversation with the scammer. I have marked the important information red and interrupted the communications with my comments:

[25.02.2016 19:00:19] deepankarsharma: Hello sir
[25.02.2016 19:00:21] deepankarsharma: How ru
[25.02.2016 19:00:41] deepankarsharma: One of person from florida offer me inbound they are not charging me anything
[25.02.2016 19:00:57] deepankarsharma: They give me commision 20% per sale
[25.02.2016 19:01:23] deepankarsharma: And i dnt knw much about inbound pls tell me
[25.02.2016 22:36:16] Rudolf Faix: Good morning
Thanks, I'm fine, I hope you are fine too
Be very carefully with the offer, because he is not able to give you accesss to any customer data for the reason of the customer protection law.
[03:41:49] deepankarsharma:
[03:42:01] deepankarsharma: Company website
[03:43:15] deepankarsharma: Tanim ovi the person name
[03:49:03] Rudolf Faix: This website is 167 Days old
The website expected life (365 days) is relatively short.
The website appears to be less than six months old
[03:54:38] Rudolf Faix: The website has maybe a visitor once a month -
[03:55:07] Rudolf Faix: No other sites are linking to this site
[03:56:04] Rudolf Faix: The name Tanim Ovi is not from an U.S, person
[03:56:21] deepankarsharma: He is from
[03:57:12] deepankarsharma: One more person are there is Malvin
[03:57:14] deepankarsharma: Can you ping me +1-239-285-9143

Nice from Deepankar Sharma to provide his VoIP number from the United States. We'll find that he has even used this phone number for the domain registration for his scam domains and provided at some websites, but let us continue the game and let us see how it is going on.

[03:57:17] Rudolf Faix: That sounds like he is somewhere from Asia, maybe China
[03:57:20] deepankarsharma: That is no
[03:58:26] Rudolf Faix: Funny is their first info contact address "". That sounds not really good

Wow, it seems that someone has been under drugs as he is using the bookkeeping department as first customer contact. That shows already that the company is not really trustful because the most request are coming about their billing.

[03:58:32] deepankarsharma: Malvin Alfaro is the another guy
[04:01:20] Rudolf Faix: The domain is registered to Malvin Alfaro. It seems that his source is Italy or Spain (from the name). That does not say that he is not U.S: citizen
[04:01:56] Rudolf Faix: You'll find a lot of people with European and Chinese source in the U.S.,
[04:02:55] Rudolf Faix: The registrant email of the domain is: That sounds very strong like a name from India
[04:03:29] deepankarsharma: Yes
[04:03:36] Rudolf Faix: Domain Name: IALFATECH.COM
Registry Domain ID: 1959242128_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Update Date: 2015-09-11T15:29:16Z
Creation Date: 2015-09-11T15:29:16Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-09-11T15:29:16Z
Registrar:, LLC
Registrar IANA ID: 146
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.4806242505
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Melvin Alfaro
Registrant Organization: IALFATECH LLC
Registrant Street: 8891 Brighton Lane Suite 105
Registrant City: Bonita Springs
Registrant State/Province: Florida
Registrant Postal Code: 34135
Registrant Country: VN
Registrant Phone: +1.2392859143
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:

We have here the VoIP phone number from the scammer Deepankar Sharma. Remember it from before, where I should call him. Additional we have the provided "other guy" with the name Melvin Alfaro, an address from Florida, which shall be located in the country VN (Vietnam) and the email address from an Indian guy. I think everybody believes that this is are too many failures that it can be a true information.

Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: Melvin Alfaro
Admin Organization: IALFATECH LLC
Admin Street: 8891 Brighton Lane Suite 105
Admin City: Bonita Springs
Admin State/Province: Florida
Admin Postal Code: 34135
Admin Country: VN
Admin Phone: +1.2392859143
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: Melvin Alfaro
Tech Organization: IALFATECH LLC
Tech Street: 8891 Brighton Lane Suite 105
Tech City: Bonita Springs
Tech State/Province: Florida
Tech Postal Code: 34135
Tech Country: VN
Tech Phone: +1.2392859143
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax:
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2016-02-26T3:00:00Z <<<
[04:03:39] deepankarsharma: That name,is indian name
[04:04:50] deepankarsharma: How can i identify that he is genuine or,not
[04:04:58] Rudolf Faix: There is a failure in the registration data too. Registrant Country: VN
Vietnam is not getting found in the US
[04:05:17] Rudolf Faix: The address is a fake
[04:07:41] Rudolf Faix: The provided phone is a mobile phone with provider sprint
[04:08:45] Rudolf Faix:
[04:09:42] Rudolf Faix: The owner of the phone is:
Alfa Brothers Construction
Phone: (239) 285-9143
Fax: (239) 215-8481
Office: 15761 Marcello Circle Naples, FL 34110
Contractor's License: CRC1331059
[04:11:42] Rudolf Faix: The website from has no content about their business
[04:16:35] deepankarsharma: Ok
[04:17:48] Rudolf Faix: The domain got registered on May 27, 2015 and has until now no content
[04:20:40] Rudolf Faix: Why someone from the US shall register a domain in Denmark and does not use it for one year? It is very suspicious
[04:21:31] Rudolf Faix:
[04:23:44] Rudolf Faix: Here you'll find their real website:
[04:48:16] deepankarsharma: Thanks sir
[04:48:29] Rudolf Faix: you are welcome
[04:49:59] deepankarsharma: Sir i told u before that one of person offer me pharma campaign
[04:50:00] deepankarsharma:
[04:50:35] deepankarsharma: Is website and one of us consultant refer me skype id
[04:52:47] deepankarsharma: Here i am sending u some screen shot
[04:52:55] deepankarsharma: Valerie RX
[04:53:11] deepankarsharma: She edu me about pharma campaign
[04:53:23] deepankarsharma: And she also refer,me,one person name Simon miller
[04:54:11] deepankarsharma: Pls check,this is genuine or,not
[04:56:00] Rudolf Faix: The domain does not sound like from a pharma company. The site is protected by a privacy service and only 285 days old
[04:56:33] Rudolf Faix: The site is hosted in Sweden. Very seldom will host an US company abroad
[04:56:59] deepankarsharma: Ok so wht is all about
[04:58:49] Rudolf Faix: is nothing else than a MLM system. The most of these systems are nothing else than fraud or scam
[04:59:22] Rudolf Faix: You can sign up without someone and work for yourself. You need not someone from them.
[05:00:11] deepankarsharma: Ok
[05:01:07] deepankarsharma: Simon miller give me two portal sales and commission portal
[05:01:46] deepankarsharma:
[05:01:47] deepankarsharma: Login id deepankarsharma4
[05:01:51] Rudolf Faix: That you get by signing up without simon miller too
[05:01:55] deepankarsharma: Password 12345
[05:02:26] Rudolf Faix: The password says already everything about their system :)
[05:02:36] deepankarsharma:
[05:03:04] deepankarsharma: This password i reset
[05:03:05] deepankarsharma: Sir

Not only the password has been very suspicious, there is more suspicious that the domain got created  9 months ago (creation date May 17, 2015) and the "commission portal" domain is only a few days older than one month (creation date January 21, 2016). Both domains are hidden by a privacy protection service, which does not make them really trustful.

[05:03:26] Rudolf Faix: Don't worry about it
[05:03:40] deepankarsharma: This is genuine
[05:03:54] Rudolf Faix: Hidden domain ownership says already very much
[05:04:05] deepankarsharma: Coz lars might be outsource this campaign
[05:04:10] deepankarsharma: I dnt understand sir
[05:04:51] deepankarsharma: I am very much worried if is fake then i can stop this or genuine then o can start
[05:04:52] Rudolf Faix: Do you mean Lars from DBM
[05:05:59] deepankarsharma: Yes i am,not sure that he outsource this same campaign but he also offer same campaign
[05:07:21] deepankarsharma: Wait
[05:07:23] Rudolf Faix: I don't see any Pharma campaign in the offers from Deep Blue Marketing
[05:09:12] deepankarsharma: Please send your mail,id i will forward u lars mail
[05:09:47] Rudolf Faix: Here you have alll open campaigns from DBM:
[05:10:07] Rudolf Faix: is my email
[05:11:58] deepankarsharma: Check ur mail sir

The forwarded Email from the scammer Deepankar Sharma (as the email is a fake I'm listing here only the relevant parts, the full email can get seen in the .pdf format):

deep sharma <> Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 5:11 AM

Thanks & Regards'
Deepankar Sharma

From: deep sharma
Sent: ‎04-‎02-‎2016 08:31
To: Lars B Christaisnen []
Subject: RE: Hourly paid B2C US Pharmacy Hot transfer campaign

Thanks for sending me pharma details. I am interested in this campaign please tell me.

Are you provide me traning. ?
Are you provide me script ?
And what is the payout per sale?

Thanks & Regards'
Deepankar Sharma

From: Lars B Christaisnen []
Sent: ‎03/‎02/‎2016 23:59
To: 'deep sharma'
Subject: RE: Hourly paid B2C US Pharmacy Hot transfer campaign

You see the type mismatch in the email address of Lars Christian if you copy & paste the email address with the right mouse click to another destination. I have copied the mistake near to the name into brakets and marked the type mismatch red for making it visible. For this reason the communication could never happened as the scammer and faker Deepankar Sharma likes to show. I liked that he forwards me the mail headers from this emails, but he could not do it. 

[05:14:44] Rudolf Faix: Maybe the campaign is new.
[05:16:39] deepankarsharma: This is same as mine pharma campaign
[05:17:01] deepankarsharma: Robert Shindoll
[05:17:10] deepankarsharma: Offer me,that campaign
[05:17:19] Rudolf Faix: I'm not sure. The email address has a problem in the mail you forwarded to me
[05:17:57] deepankarsharma: Ok
[05:18:30] Rudolf Faix: can you copy me the headers? Normally you'll find the headers in google near the date. There is an arrow down menu there you can select "show original"
[05:18:44] deepankarsharma: Link your linkdin id one person Robert Shindoll outsource me,this campaign. He is in your,linkdin id also
[05:18:50] deepankarsharma: Might be u knw him
[05:19:03] deepankarsharma: Wair
[05:19:09] deepankarsharma: Wait
[05:19:20] Rudolf Faix: You'll find at my LinkedIn profile a lot of scammers too
[05:22:48] Rudolf Faix: The correct email address is: is that what you have sent in your email.
You could even not have a communication with Lars because I have verified the settings on the mailserver
[05:22:54] deepankarsharma: I will send u mail again when i reached to office
[05:23:25] Rudolf Faix: You see the difference in the email address?
[05:23:59] Rudolf Faix: There is even no office email address available
[05:26:02] deepankarsharma: Got it

Are we in the kindergarten that he needs time for producing a new fake? How stupid is this scammer that he even does not get it that he got caught already? Someone like this likes to be a BPO consultant? I think a kindergarten child has more brain than the scammer Deepankar Sharmar. Who shall hire such a stupid consultant? An interested amateur can deliver a better work than this guy.

[05:28:50] Rudolf Faix: The email needed to bounce back in any case
[05:31:21] Rudolf Faix: At the mailserver are only 3 email addresses for registered. So don't send me any fakes.
[05:31:39] Rudolf Faix: I'll not help you to invent campaigns!
[05:33:16] deepankarsharma: Sir i got this mail so i forward u i dnt knw that fake or,genuine that why i need ur guidance to identify sir
[05:34:27] Rudolf Faix: From: deep sharma <>
Sent: ‎04-‎02-‎2016 08:31
To: Lars B Christaisnen <>
[05:35:19] Rudolf Faix: From: Lars B Christaisnen <>
Sent: ‎03/‎02/‎2016 23:59
To: 'deep sharma' <>
Subject: RE: Hourly paid B2C US Pharmacy Hot transfer campaign
[05:37:03] deepankarsharma: Sir what u want to say sir.? Sir my intention is,not,to give u fake id sir. I need ur guidance to not been scam thats why i sentt to u
[05:37:27] Rudolf Faix: There is no "RE:"possible.
[05:38:20] deepankarsharma: Ok
[05:38:37] Rudolf Faix: The mailserver does not know a email address For this is no "RE:" possible
[05:40:21] Rudolf Faix: As you are showing me a communication between you and an non existent email address are you this one which has faked the emails
[05:40:54] deepankarsharma: I dnt knw that mail,id is fake,or,genuine
[05:41:11] deepankarsharma: Sir if i knw this is fake then i never reply that
[05:41:41] deepankarsharma: Thats why i sent u to identity because u knw very well and,ur,more experience from me
[05:41:46] Rudolf Faix: Each domain is running on an mailserver. If a recipient is wrong than the mailserver rejects the email which arrives
[05:42:23] deepankarsharma: Ok
[05:43:06] Rudolf Faix: For this are getting used the domain mailservers and not freemailers for making business
[05:44:15] deepankarsharma: Ok thanks,sir,for,giving me,info,next time when i get mail,from this,mail,id, i will infrom u
[05:45:03] Rudolf Faix: In this case you need to provide the email headers too

The provided U.S.VoIP phone number gets found in the domain registration data of, a company which registers a domain and continues to use their weebly hosting. That is not really a good idea. It shows that nobody from the company has any idea about making business and the business is only existing in a dream. Here is a screenshot from with the provided U.S. VoIP phone number from the scammer :

Screenshow from with the provided U.S. VoIP phone number from the scammer Deepankar Sharma

Does anyone believe that one client from the traditional outsourcing countries will hire such an egghead as an consultant? 

Domain registration data from

Registry Domain ID: 1996153535_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2016-01-21T11:46:10Z
Creation Date: 2016-01-21T11:45:44Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2017-01-21T11:45:44Z
Registrar: PDR Ltd. d/b/a
Registrar IANA ID: 303
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Domain Admin
Registrant Organization: Privacy Protection Service INC d/b/a
Registrant Street: C/O ID#10760, PO Box 16 Note - Visit to contact the domain owner/operator Note - Visit to contact the domain owner/operator
Registrant City: Nobby Beach
Registrant State/Province: Queensland
Registrant Postal Code: QLD 4218
Registrant Country: AU
Registrant Phone: +45.36946676
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: Domain Admin
Admin Organization: Privacy Protection Service INC d/b/a
Admin Street: C/O ID#10760, PO Box 16 Note - Visit to contact the domain owner/operator Note - Visit to contact the domain owner/operator
Admin City: Nobby Beach
Admin State/Province: Queensland
Admin Postal Code: QLD 4218
Admin Country: AU
Admin Phone: +45.36946676
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: Domain Admin
Tech Organization: Privacy Protection Service INC d/b/a
Tech Street: C/O ID#10760, PO Box 16 Note - Visit to contact the domain owner/operator Note - Visit to contact the domain owner/operator
Tech City: Nobby Beach
Tech State/Province: Queensland
Tech Postal Code: QLD 4218
Tech Country: AU
Tech Phone: +45.36946676
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax:
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1-2013775952
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
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Domain registration data of

Domain Name:
Registry Domain ID: 1932855038_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL: [link removed] Date: 2015-05-27T01:58:22Z
Creation Date: 2015-05-26T21:57:55Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-05-27T01:57:55Z
Registrar: Ascio Technologies, Inc
Registrar IANA ID: 106
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +44.2070159370
Domain Status: OK
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Melvin Alfaro
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Tech Name: Host Master
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Name Server:
Name Server:
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System: [link removed] Last update of WHOIS database: 2016-02-26T08:20:14 UTC <<<

Domain registration data of

Domain Name:
Registry Domain ID: 1929691416_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2016-02-24
Creation Date: 2015-05-17
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-05-17
Registrar: NameSilo, LLC
Registrar IANA ID: 1479
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.6024928198
Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Status: clientRenewProhibited
Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registry Registrant ID: 
Registrant Name: Domain Administrator
Registrant Organization: See
Registrant Street: 1928 E. Highland Ave. Ste F104 PMB# 255
Registrant City: Phoenix
Registrant State/Province: AZ
Registrant Postal Code: 85016
Registrant Country: US
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Registry Admin ID: 
Admin Name: Domain Administrator
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Admin Street: 1928 E. Highland Ave. Ste F104 PMB# 255
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Admin Postal Code: 85016
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Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID: 
Tech Name: Domain Administrator
Tech Organization: See
Tech Street: 1928 E. Highland Ave. Ste F104 PMB# 255
Tech City: Phoenix
Tech State/Province: AZ
Tech Postal Code: 85016
Tech Country: US
Tech Phone: +1.3478717726
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Tech Email:
Name Server:
Name Server:
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
Last update of WHOIS database: 2016-02-26 01:39:04


Scammer: Sandeep Yadav - ACE Infosys -

Yadav SandeepIt is every time funny if a scammer contacts me by Skype and does not seems to know why I call him to be a scammer. So has done it Sandeep Yadav too. He does not feel guilty for scamming others. For him is it nothing else than ecommerce and he does not feel himself guilty if the center gets nothing for their hard earned money. I call this kind of business understanding nothing else than scam, fraud, crime, etc.

That Sandeep Yadav is a chronic liar gets already shown at his profile in the section education. It seems that he is even too stupid to fake his own education. On December 18, 2015 I made a pdf-printout from the LinkedIn profile of Sandeep Yadav for my last scammer report ("Scammer: Sandeep Yadav - Viral Pithadiya - - does even not know what legal services are"). The pdf-file can get found here. There is written about his education:

Gujarat University
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.), Business, Management, Marketing, and
Related Support Services
2013 – 2019

k kaa shahtri comerce college
Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.), 2013, B
2013 – 2015

While 2019 (we have now 2016) can get accepted as a type mismatch, I did not believe that someone can go working and make two different studies during the last semester of one of his studies. In his profile has been written that he has been working since January 2015 as project manager for the MNC group.

If we take now a look into the LinkedIn profile from Sandeep Yadav (.pdf), than we see there is written (Copy & Paste - it is not a type mismatch from me):

Gujarat Univercity
Bachelor’s Degree, B.COM, A
2011 – 2014

If we are comparing the data than we see that the Scammer does not know the dates he visited the University and he does not know which University he visited.

The scammer Sandeep Yadav seems to be so proud about his invented education, because this is the most important point in his Skype chat with me. First he complained that I have been calling him to be scammer and afterwards he immediately complained about my statement that he does not have any education. What can you expect from someone, which even don't know which University he visited?

Here is the full Skype communication with the scammer Sandeep Yadav from ACE Infosys. The provided time is GMT+1:

[22.02.2016 06:04:45] yadav sandeep: hello
[22.02.2016 11:23:06] *** yadav sandeep möchte Sie auf Skype hinzufügen

Hi Rudolf Faix, I'd like to add you as a contact. ***
[22.02.2016 11:24:12] *** Rudolf Faix hat Kontaktdetails mit yadav sandeep ausgetauscht. ***
[22.02.2016 11:24:31] Rudolf Faix: Hello
[22.02.2016 11:26:28] yadav sandeep: How are you sir ?
[22.02.2016 11:26:43] Rudolf Faix: Thanks, I'm ok
How are you?
[22.02.2016 11:26:55] yadav sandeep: I am good
[22.02.2016 11:28:18] yadav sandeep: Mr. Faix you mentioned on Linked In that I am scammer , but i still not understood what scam i did ?
[22.02.2016 11:29:09] Rudolf Faix: Did you not follow the provided link?
[22.02.2016 11:29:45] yadav sandeep: as per that link you have mentioned that i am not Graduate .
[22.02.2016 11:30:16] Rudolf Faix: One moment, I'm searching for your name in the blog
[22.02.2016 11:31:05] yadav sandeep: As we do outsource all shorts of BPO
[22.02.2016 11:31:20] yadav sandeep: voice and non voice projects with reference centers
[22.02.2016 11:31:45] Rudolf Faix: I got it already you made from the online shoe and apparel provider an airline
[22.02.2016 11:33:44] yadav sandeep: revently we got new campaign of Zappos ,that is US based company for E commerce
[22.02.2016 11:34:09] yadav sandeep: and they are starting to give customer support for Airlines
[22.02.2016 11:34:33] yadav sandeep: and in that process we are charging the consultancy from the Advance billing
[22.02.2016 11:34:55] yadav sandeep: So Mr. Faix now tell me what scam we are doing ?
[22.02.2016 11:35:21] Rudolf Faix: Your company is ACE infosys?
[22.02.2016 11:35:48] yadav sandeep: Yeah
[22.02.2016 11:37:26] Rudolf Faix: Zappos Airlines Inbound Voice process
Shipping BPO Non Voice process
Axis Bank
are all scam campaigns
[22.02.2016 11:38:15] yadav sandeep: You know what is Axis bank process ?
[22.02.2016 11:38:22] Rudolf Faix: Not one campaign is possible by the law of the outsourcing countries
[22.02.2016 11:38:30] yadav sandeep: that checque collection process in India
[22.02.2016 11:38:37] Rudolf Faix: Not one bank is able to outsource some inbound process
[22.02.2016 11:39:47] yadav sandeep: Mr. Faix Axis bank process is not Inbound
[22.02.2016 11:40:11] yadav sandeep: that is Checque collection from the Cheque drop boxes
[22.02.2016 11:41:03] Rudolf Faix: Your offer is non voice process for BPO centers
[22.02.2016 11:41:15] yadav sandeep: yes we are
[22.02.2016 11:41:32] yadav sandeep: As we have Aircel Form Filling
[22.02.2016 11:41:49] Rudolf Faix: Which barcode do you like to handle in the shipping BPO non voice process?
[22.02.2016 11:41:51] yadav sandeep: Aircel is leading telecome company in India
[22.02.2016 11:42:26] Rudolf Faix: I have not listed an Aircell campaign
[22.02.2016 11:42:47] yadav sandeep: i am talking at presently we have this one.
[22.02.2016 11:43:26] yadav sandeep: Apart from this we have PF form filling (Providand Fund)
[22.02.2016 11:44:40] Rudolf Faix: I have listed an Airline "Zappos", a barcode shipping process, non voice voice form filling process with no target :), the axis bank,
[22.02.2016 11:46:13] yadav sandeep: Zappos Inbound as i said this is not Airline Company they will provid ticketing service to the customer

The promotion for this campaign looks a little bit different than Sandeep Yadav tries to explain now:

If the campaign has been a real one why ACE Infosys has deleted this campaign immediately as my article "Scammer: ACE Infosys - - Viral Pithadiya - - Niraj Shah" got published? I will not delete an article or a posting if I know that the provided information is true. Even if the information is wrong, than I'll write an update with an excuse and the correct information and strike through the wrong information.

[22.02.2016 11:46:25] Rudolf Faix: In December got listed a Dell inbound project, ADVANCE AND DAILY BILLING WITH INBOUND PROCESS, DIRECT SIGN UP
[22.02.2016 11:46:56] yadav sandeep: Yes we were having Dell Inbound
[22.02.2016 11:47:12] Rudolf Faix:
[22.02.2016 11:47:41] yadav sandeep: there is a Client In India who is already running Dell Non voice and with good performance he got Voice campaign to run
[22.02.2016 11:47:53] Rudolf Faix: ou can download there the pdf file of your own posting
[22.02.2016 11:48:22] yadav sandeep: But he was not able to run that campaign and he outsourced it as a Authorised vendor

Wow, a center, which is not able to run a campaign, can forward/resell this campaign from a big U.S. company, which lets make their contracts from their own attorneys. I think more that the center owner did not read his own contract for the case the campaign existed.

[22.02.2016 11:48:58] yadav sandeep: Viral Pithadia is our web developer

With this message Sandeep Yadav is confirming how much he has learned at the University for his "Bachelor’s Degree, B.COM, A", but I'm sure for this is the University from Gujarat guilty and not he by himself. Only unsuspecting people let registering their domain in the name of some staff. Viral Pithadia is the owner of the domain. If ACE Infosys fires Viral Pithadia than they are losing their domain together with their staff.

[22.02.2016 11:48:59] Rudolf Faix: Sure, because this process does not exist.
[22.02.2016 11:49:25] yadav sandeep: Mr. Faix we have all the proofs.
[22.02.2016 11:49:47] yadav sandeep: and running Center In Banglore (India)
[22.02.2016 11:50:13] Rudolf Faix: You only need to take a look at the consumer protection law of the different countries and than you'll see that such a process is not possible by law-
[22.02.2016 11:51:37] yadav sandeep: You have also listed Axis Bank process ?
[22.02.2016 11:51:43] yadav sandeep: so what about that ?
[22.02.2016 11:51:56] yadav sandeep: its not Inbound
[22.02.2016 11:52:20] Rudolf Faix: Yes, banking data are especially protected. No bank likes to run into bankruptcy
[22.02.2016 11:52:50] yadav sandeep: its not to bankruptcy
[22.02.2016 11:53:13] yadav sandeep: Its Cheque collection from the Drop boxes.
[22.02.2016 11:53:39] Rudolf Faix: They will run into bankruptcy as soon the people get it that their data are getting stolen or misused
[22.02.2016 11:53:40] yadav sandeep: and Bank is paying INR 250 for per drop box
[22.02.2016 11:54:12] yadav sandeep: there is no need to use data in this process

Sure there are no data in this process. The data written on the cheques are public data and you can copy it everywhere. It does not matter if a few cheques are missing or someone gets access to the giro accounts as he knows already the account numbers and the names from the cheques. A bank, which offer such a work will run into bankruptcy before she can pay the outsourced center. Not one customer will have trust into such a system.

[22.02.2016 11:54:15] Rudolf Faix: The same way like Zappos is an airline?
[22.02.2016 11:54:56] Rudolf Faix: Checks are the same like money. For this purpose each bank has special security rules.
[22.02.2016 11:55:18] yadav sandeep: In Zappos also no need to use Data its ticket window and ticketing counter like make my trip.

I see how the scammer Sandeep Yadav understands the travel business: Everybody knows that he does not need to provide personal details and credit card information when he is booking a flight. For this reason the airplanes are all empty because the passengers need not provide any payment at the time of booking. For this reason the travel agencies are overbooking the airplane by selling each seat 5 times. If more people are coming to the departure than have place in the airplane the airline simple takes another unused airplane out of the hangar, take the next free grew, make the pre-flight check (which is done within a few minutes), fill some kerosene and start without any flight registration with the remaining people to the same destination.

[22.02.2016 11:56:11] yadav sandeep: Mr. Faix Axis bank process sign up we are doing into the Head office of bank in India.
[22.02.2016 11:56:22] Rudolf Faix: Sure an online distributor for shoes, clothing and accesories
[22.02.2016 11:56:40] yadav sandeep: its Ecommerce company

With this statement has confirmed Sandeep Yadav, a "Bachelor’s Degree, B.COM, A", that he even don't know the meaning of the word e-commerce (WikiPedia).

[22.02.2016 11:57:19] Rudolf Faix: Zappos has only made a joint venture promotion at the airport of New York with Jetblue. That has been a marketing gag and not more
[22.02.2016 11:58:26] Rudolf Faix: If you not believe me than go to
[22.02.2016 12:01:19] Rudolf Faix: Here you'll find the source about their marketing gag
[22.02.2016 12:03:07] Rudolf Faix:
[22.02.2016 12:05:25] Rudolf Faix: As you are offering campaigns, which are not existing and like to take upfront fees, how would you call yourself in this case?
That is scam, fraud, crime
[22.02.2016 12:07:39] yadav sandeep: No Mr. Faix we are always doing the contract that if due to any reason the process not would be there will refund your money
[22.02.2016 12:08:27] yadav sandeep: and we are doing veryfication personally after that only we are outsourcing
[22.02.2016 12:08:54] yadav sandeep: maximum we preffer to outsource the process with reference center.
[22.02.2016 12:09:24] yadav sandeep: where you can check thier payment proofs and all things but with some procedure.
[22.02.2016 12:11:10] Rudolf Faix: It is very simple, you are offering something what does not exist. Others are forwarding me their complaints and I make the background check. If the background check is negative than it will result in an article about the scam.
[22.02.2016 12:12:51] Rudolf Faix: That not all get their money back can get read at:
[22.02.2016 12:14:47] yadav sandeep: that all is false.

This complaint is only solved because a wrong company got complained., a leading Medical Service Provider company based in California, USA got complained.

Sure we all know it. If it is written about themselves is it all only a defamation. As soon as something is gets written about someone other than it needs to be true! That shows that the education has stopped in the pre-kindergarten area of Sandeep Yadav and his partner in crime Chhaya Sharma:

[22.02.2016 12:14:58] yadav sandeep: we have agreement with them
[22.02.2016 12:15:13] yadav sandeep: they took process and unable to complete that work
[22.02.2016 12:15:35] yadav sandeep: and after completing 2-3 months they are saying need money back
[22.02.2016 12:15:43] yadav sandeep: tell me how its possible
[22.02.2016 12:16:03] yadav sandeep: we are consultant not taking complete money in our pocket
[22.02.2016 12:16:30] yadav sandeep: and if you are not able to complete that work so that is not our folt.
[22.02.2016 12:17:05] yadav sandeep: we have lots of proofs of we made payment to them for whatever they worked.

Sure Mr. Sandeep Yadav, everybody will believe you that the center has been so much thankful that they have written how thankful they are into the Complaint Board. For example is one complaint, which show the kind of payments you have done and which proves you have:

whatever the projects they outsource it’s all fake projects, they charge money too much and they will rotate that money for payments by 10% in the amount what we paid and they won’t respond at all


This company has cheated me of 1, 50, 000 for three seats in freelance adposting job saying daily payments. its been over months n i have recieved just bits and pieces of payment, there is a problem while posting, no body is there to provide a solution.

Already these two messages are showing the kind of scam, which ACE Infosys is running. Additonal likes the scammer Sandeep Yadav making us to believe that ACE Infosys is playing man-in-the-middle. For the case that they are really reselling campaigns, what I don't believe, are they guilty by themselves for not verifying their source and are for this reason a partner in crime of the scammer. It does not make any difference if they are the partner in crime or the criminals by themselves. In any case they have broken their commercial duty of diligence. I know for this is again the University from Gujarat guilty, because they did not teach it to the scammer with the "Bachelor’s Degree, B.COM, A". Remains only the question how the University of Gujarat could teach him this business law as the scammer has never visited any University?

Not the centers are not able doing the work on the invented campaigns, the scammers are using a little bit from the upfront fee and let the centers doing something and make a statement that the work got done with too many failures. It is nothing else than a crime!

[22.02.2016 12:18:21] Rudolf Faix: That is your statement and the kind of your processes are all against the consumer protection law. It fits all so nice together
Even with your own words in this conversation: Zappos Inbound as i said this is not Airline Company they will provid ticketing service to the customer
The problem is only that they are even not dealing with tickets
[22.02.2016 12:20:02] yadav sandeep: Mr. Faix you should learn more about Zappos.
[22.02.2016 12:20:28] Rudolf Faix: What do you like to teach me about Zappos?
[22.02.2016 12:21:03] Rudolf Faix: Do you like to teach me that travel data are not protected by law?
[22.02.2016 12:22:32] Rudolf Faix: Have you ever read the U.S. Consumer procetion law? Do you know that for each misused record Zappos will pay US$ 16,000 fine? Where are they able to save something by outsourcing?

At this point the scammer Sandeep Yadav from ACE Infosys seems to have been running out of arguments because he did not reply me until now. It looks like that Sandeep Yadav believes that his scammer income will go down because he made the following posting for a new pyramid system:

The site got registered 55 days ago (Creation Date: 2015-12-27T15:36:00.00Z), is using a privacy protection service and the most visitors are coming from Russia and Ukraine. The only work you need to do is to promote the site for getting new members. Conclusion: Nothing else than a new pyramid system, cheap, quick and dirty programmed as even the FAQ page is not working.

Older reports about ACE Infosys - Sandeep Yadav:


Scammer - Jainam Shah - SHR Solutions - - Vikram Pratap Singh

As more urgent a scammer needs money as more unbelievable are coming their offers. The only purpose of the offers is to lead some new and inexperienced center owners into paying their huge upfront fees (advance fee scam).

Anybody, which is thinking that he can get a form filling process or an inbound process, should read first about the data protection law in the traditional outsourcing countries (U.S. data protection law, European Union data protection law - EU Data Protection Directive, Australian data protection law - Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)). Additional this one should read my article Important information about non-voice processes (form filling, backoffice, etc.) and inbound campaigns. It will help him to understand why he needs to pay upfront fees for all these offers. The reason is very simple. There is no client available, which hired any broker for such a campaign. The only income possibility for the scammer is the upfront fee which has to get paid from the center. Vikram Pratap Singh with his sham companies SHR Solutions, SCI Solutions, Aldiablos Infotech, Smart Consultancy India, etc. is such a scammer.

SHR Solutions is now hiding their domain ownership with a privacy protection services, but a search in their domain registration history shows us the real owner:

Vikram Pratap SinghVikram Pratap Singh
101, Moryansh Ellanza, Shayamal Cross Road
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 380009
Phone: +972.5126999

Vikram Pratap Singh is the owner of the following scam sites too - he is running a real scammer empire (Scammer: Vikram Pratap Singh - SCISOLUTIONS.US, ALDIABLOS.US, ALDIABLOS.COM and SHRSOLUTION.ORG). Additional are listed a few complaints about these scam sites:

With the background knowledge from above you'll read already the spam email, sent from Jainam Shah from the sender domain, with another mind:

From: Jainam Shah <>
Date: Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 5:34 AM
Subject: Get Excellent Bpo Non Voice Project Urgent In Bpo Dept

Hello ,

 Greetings For The Day!!!

 As we Are one Of the Leading Outsourcing Company For bpo voice & Non Voice projects & online-offline & chat process.

 I would like to inform you that we’re having various data entry projects with very good pay outs.


    1)    Get Fix Payout More Than Rs 700000 Monthly With Simple Video Uploading Process (Payout:weekly) With 1 Month Advance Billing


     2)    Telecom  form filling Process # Earn 10000$ per 10 id per monthfix payout With B.g

      3)     Vaccination Offline Form Filling Project 44 cents (us dollar) per form

     4)  Earn 1200000 with Simple Usa banking Form Filling Process

     5) Earn Weekly Rs 80000 By Simple Health Insurance Form Filling

         6) Financial Remuneration Form Filling With Monthly Earning INR 7.2 LACS


 Here I am sending you the detailed information on the same and I would also to inform you that we’re outsourcing voice processes ( inbound ) with handsome payouts

Provide Your Contact Details For Future Communication……

Have A Great Day Ahead…..!!!


Thanks& Regards,

Jainam shah

Buisness Development Manager

Skype Id:Jainam.shah78


We know already their first offer - the video uploading process from my article Scammer: SHR Solution - Kashyap Bhatt - DAILYMOTION VIDEO UPLOADING PROCESS. There we can see that the process is not really something what can get outsourced.

Not one company found on the world will pay you for any "Form Filling Process". The data protection law from the traditional outsourcing countries will make them too much problems. On the other site are computers cheaper than the salary of the offered work from the scammer SHR Solutions. Data are getting entered at the point of sales and not somewhere else. Telecom companies have been the first, which have been using SQL Databases. You'll find until today the syntax, especially developed for Telecom companies, in the syntax of the SQL standard. There is no need for any manual data conversion (Copy & Paste process) or any other manual interaction with data. Any data are getting collected and entered in the system at the point of sales and not somewhere offshore.

Vaccination data are very sensible health information data. Such data are getting only collected if an health insurance company pays the bill for the vaccination or the doctors work. These data are getting collected only at the doctors office for the billing system. These data are getting online and encrypted transferred from the doctors office to the health insurance company. Does anyone believe that they are getting somewhere plain readable sent for any manual process? All other vaccinations, which are getting paid from the patient itself don't get collected somewhere else than at the personal vaccination records of the patient.

The same data protection law is valid for the health insurance form filling project. Not one insurance will give you any access to any data from them. The data are protected by law and are getting only collected at the point of sales where the offer gets directly calculated. There is no need to send the data somewhere else where they can get stolen or copied. This one, which is collecting data, is responsible for the security of the data. Why someone shall take the risk and send these data to a country where any law gets ignored and scam is nothing else than a popular sport?

A bank from the U.S., which gives you data for a form filling project, will get faster closed from the government than they are able to transfer the data to you. Banking data are highly sensible and subject of banking secrecy law. Not one banker will be so stupid and send his data somewhere for any manual manipulation, because he knows that he will end up in jail and the key to his cell will get thrown away.

Anyone, which believes that there is any client available, which pays for a "Financial Remuneration Form Filling" monthly INR 7.2 LACS (~US$ 10,459,80) should very fast consult a madhouse doctor. All personal data are protected by the data protection law, only stupid advanced fee scammers try to make money with such data.