Such a system, which Mohan Raj is offering, will not work with in any case. He is sending out a campaign called "VoIP Termination Process", where you shall call Premium Phone Numbers from different countries. It is easy for him to offer such a process without any upfront or consultancy fee, because he scams you with the VoIP fees. For the case that such a Premium Phone Number is reachable from your VoIP provider, then the fee for such a Premium Phone Number is not equal to the landline fee. The fee to call such a Premium Phone Number is much higher, because the service provider get paid for receiving the call.
I give you an example from Austria. There we have Premium Phone Numbers, where the caller pays € 3.64/minute (€ 3.03 excl. tax). The service provider gets paid € 2.70/minute excluding tax. The calling time is limited to 30 minutes per call. Even we, if we make a test calls to such of our own numbers are losing € 0.33 per minute.
Summary: A Premium Phone Number is normally not reachable from abroad. Very seldom you'll find a VoIP provider, where you can call such a Premium Phone Number and if you find one, then the rate for such a call will be in any case higher than the payout rate. Even if the VoIP provider has not listed such destinations explicit you'll see that your prepaid balance will be earlier zero or your monthly bill will be much higher than expected.
Why do you think he needs you for this project?
If the system would work, than you need nothing else than GoAutodial, which does the job without any agent!!! You are needed only for paying the very high bill!!!
The SCAM offer from Mohan Raj:
VoIP Termination Process
Call Premium Number and Earn Every Minute from 2 Rs to 20 Rs
1) ProcessType: Non-Voice (You Need not to speak to anyone, you just call the premiumnumber and wait till call gets disconnected)
2) No Accuracy No target
3) 24/7 Working Time
4) No separate man power required
5) No Upfront or Consultancy or Signup Charges
Process Details:
Premium Numbers:
Premium-rate telephone numbers are telephone numbers for telephone calls during which certain services are provided, and for which prices higher than normal are charged. Unlike a normal call, part of the call charge is paid to the service provider (client), thus enabling businesses to befunded via the calls. While the billing is different, calls are usually routed the same way they are for a toll-free telephone number, being anywhere despite the area code used. These telephone numbers are usually allocated from a national telephone numbering plan in such a way that they are easily distinguished from other numbers.
Premium routes and minutes:
These kinds of routes are basically used for dialing the premium rate numbers. Without the premium routes you will not be able dial at premium numbers. VoIP do have white and grey or CLI or non CLI and premium as well, we will only work at premium routes for calling the premium rate numbers no other services are used here.
What’s Your Work?
1) You just need to terminate your cheap VoIP on our Client Premium Number.
2) No Need to speak to anyone
3) Our Premium Numbers will get connected automatically and disconnected automatically. Every call will stay up to 1 hour in line.
Procedure to Start:
1) If your premium VoIP is ready, ask us for destination and payout rates.
2) Then, we will give login id and password for a CDR portal where you can track every second of your traffic.
3) We will give u dialers to dial and help u to place many calls at a time in single system
4) Our Technical support team will help you in training and support available 24/7
5) Start earning for every call and get paid daily.
Payout depends on Premium Number and Destination you are calling.
For Example, Our top paying destination
Country Name Payout
Cameroon 8.30rs/minute
Chad 5.25rs/minute
Comoros 9rs/minute
Somalia 8Rs/Minute
France 6rs/minute
Latvia 8Rs/Minute
Bosnia 4rs-6rs/minute
UK 5Rs/Minute
Poland 3Rs/Minute
Congo 8-10Rs/minute and so on………
Your Earning depends on
1) Your Premium VoIP Cost
2) Destination Chosen
3) Minutes Burnt.
Normally, Using Single system you can burn more than 5000minutes. So you can earn 5000 to 10000 Rs every day.
Minimum Requirementsto Start Process:
1) Minimum 1 System
2) Internet Connection
3) Premium VoIP Minutes to call IPRN
Payment: Daily
Mode: PayPal, Western Union, Bank Wire (you can choose anyone)
CRM, Dialer, Report will be provided.
Training: Yes
NOTE: You should have your minutes ready. We are not charging anything for Premium Numbers, CRM, Dialer and Login ID Creation.
For further discussion Contacton Skype: ivr.mohanraj
VoIP Termination Process.pdf (133.29 kb)