Offshore Outsourcing & Scammer

Blog about offshore outsourcing and scammer in the outsourcing industry

Anatomy of a scam - Sun Edison Inc. - Richard Doyen - Emmanuel Salamat (Logan) - Reginald Alexandre

As there a few people which are playing man-in-the-middle is it not easy to discover the real start of the scam. The chain is running from Sun Edison Inc. via Richard Doyen (USA) to Emmanuel Logan (Pakistan) to Reginald Alexandre (USA) until the campaign reach the call center located again in Pakistan. All involved parties have a reason to scam and to use the workforce from others without paying them:

  1. Sun Edison Inc.
    The shares from Sun Edison Inc. getting traded at the New York Stock Exchange (Symbol: SUNE). Sun Edison Inc. is calling themselves:

    SunEdison Inc is a developer and seller of photovoltaic energy solutions, an owner and operator of clean power generation assets. The Company is also engaged in the development, manufacture and sale of silicon wafers to the semiconductor industry.

    By expanding the news from the New York Stock Exchange a lot of investor alerts and calls from attorneys for a class action lawsuit against Sun Edision Inc. are getting found. Investors have lost a lot of money with Sun Edison Inc. Examples for these calls for a class action lawsuit are getting found at Business Wire articles from February 1, 2016, November 12, 2015 and Barron's Tech Trader Daily.

    A call center which is working for a company like Sun Edison Inc. needs to use normally the name of the client and not allowed to say that they are calling from a company with a name like "Home Solar Experts". Hiding the real company name makes only sense if the company Sun Edison Inc. has something to hide.

  2. Richard DoyenRichard Doyen, NJ
    More suspicious to be a scammer is Richard Doyen. He is nothing else than a simple junior salesman at Sun Edison Inc without any previous sales experience. In his LinkedIn profile (.pdf) he is titling himself since June 2015 to be a "Residential Energy Consultant at SunEdison". Any information about a energy or technical background knowledge is in his LinkedIn profile missing. He writes by himself about his job at Sun Edison Inc.:

    SunEdison is the number one renewable energy company in the world. My responsibilities are to facilitate solar sales for qualified home owners in New Jersey. I am building the outside sales force and implementing the SunEdsion culture.

    In the comment to my article Scammer: Reggie Alexandre - centers and others are not getting paid has Richard Doyen written:

    I came to know about this post by Emmanuel as he is working for me in NJ. I am a Residential Energy Consultant at Sun Edison and as far as the leads are concerned which Emmanuel sent me those where pathetic with bad quality. Emmanuel has already shared my feedback for those leads. I haven't payed any money to Emmanuel yet as we didn't get anything out of the leads he sent over. Emmanuel is good guy to work with as he delivers quality work, this is the first time I came across when his quality wasn't good. But he told me that he was moving to another place and he outsource the work to Reggie and further he outsourced it to zeeshan, so that's was the reason why quality wasn't good.

    The above comment got sent from:

    IP Address Country Region City Postal Code
 US New Jersey Maplewood 07040

    In the above comment is declaring Richard Doyen himself to be a scammer and a liar.

    The first lie gets already found in the comment where Richard Doyen is writing "I came to know about this post by Emmanuel as he is working for me in NJ." This statement is already wrong because Emmanuel Salamat also known as Emmanuel Logan is located in Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan. He is nothing else than "broker" for call center campaigns. He is not working in New Jersey, USA.

    Emmanuel Salamat / Emmanuel Logan has been commenting the article "Scammer: Reggie Alexandre - centers and others are not getting paid" from the IP address:

    IP Address Country Region City ISP
 Pakistan Punjab Rawalpindi Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

    It is for a scammer easy to say without bringing up any evidence that the quality of the calls has not been good. That are doing other scammers too. I think more about the case that Sun Edison Inc. is even not knowing that they have hired a call center and that the junior salesman Richard Doyen (he has been at this time less than 6 months the salesman job and did not have any previous experience in energy sales at this time) had the idea to let others working for him.

    Richard Doyen provides at his LinkedIn profile the following career:

    • Assistant Restaurant Manager, September 2001 - September 2005, 4 years 1 month
    • U.S. Army, different jobs, January 2006 - January 2015, 9 years 1 month
    • SunEdison, since June 2005 until now, 9 months

    If we take a look at the previous career from Richard Doyen then the question "From where the sales experience shall come from?" is coming up. It seems that Richard Doyen likes to maximize his own earnings and he simple decided not to pay the peoples working for him.

    Here are some recordings from the generated leads. For data protection reasons I have only removed the personal data. The original files are still available:

      • Recording from November 25, 2015:
      • Recording from December 7, 2015:
      • Recording from December 9, 2015:

    What did the junior salesman Richard Doyen expect to get? Did he expect that the called ones will drop their hard earned money into his postbox? Maybe it is time for the scammer Richard Doyen to wake up from his bad dream?

    For Richard Doyen makes it more sense that the call center needs to name themselves "Home Solar Experts". In such a case he is avoiding complaints and call-backs to his company where his fraud would get discovered.

  3. Emmanuel Salamat aka Emmanuel LoganEmmanuel Logan aka Emmanuel Salamat
    Emmanuel Salamat aka Emmanuel Logan had written on February 4, 2016: "I have paid reggie $300 for 10 approved leads from my own pocket for the lead generation and I have the proof of it with me". It is nice that he has the proof with him, but why did he not show us the proof? I think that the proof does not exist and cannot get shown for this reason.

    For me are there a few more questions still open:

    • Why shall Emmanuel Salamat aka Emmanuel Logan paying for leads from his own pocket? Has there something happened that he has mixed up some leads with other centers?
    • Why got now 10 of the "pathetic with bad quality" leads approved?
    • Why Emmanuel Salamat aka Emmanuel Logan is not knowing the agreement with the call center? There is written that each approved lead has the price of $55 and not $30! Is it another way for maximizing the earnings of the scammers? For me it seems that the scammers Emmanuel Logan and Richard Doyen are working very tight together.
    • Why Emmanuel Salamat should send some money to Reginald Alexandre located in the U.S. as he knows that the call center is located in his own country Pakistan? Would it not be cheaper from the bank transfer fees that he pays the center directly and send to Reginald Alexandre only his own portion of the payment?

    For Emmanuel Salamat aka Emmanuel Logan makes it only sense that the call center is calling with the name "Home Solar Experts" if he likes to trade the generated leads to different clients. In this case he would not have provided the name Sun Edison Inc. as client, but it can be that he is the partner in crime from Richard Doyen or Richard Doyen is his own invention. In any case is the IP Address from Richard Doyen's comment posting not from a proxy server.

  4. Reginald Alexandre / Reggie AlexandreReggie Alexandre aka Reginald Alexandre
    Reggie Alexandre has immediately provided the name of his upstream in the chain. For him is the same information about the company name, the call center is calling from, valid like for Emmanuel Salamat aka Emmanuel Logan.

    Emmanuel Logan has written in his comment: "I have paid reggie $300 ...". That means it has happened in the past. I had a Facebook chat with Reggie Alexandre on February 5, 2016. I have used this public provided information from Emmanuel Salamat for asking Reginald Alexandre. I understand his answer that he will forward the money to the call center as soon as he receive it.

    Here is a screenshot from the Facebook chat with Reginald Alexandre:

    Facebook chat with Reginald Alexandre

    Reginald Alexandre seems to have forgotten, that already a few people are already earning as the campaign have been already in Pakistan. He has been thinking he can make some additional money by bringing the campaign back to the U.S. and forward it again to Pakistan. For this reason he is a partner in crime with the other scammers.

In summary is the campaign nothing else than a scam campaign. The scam started with Richard Doyen and he find some helpers, which did not prove the provided information of the campaign. A junior salesman can even not sell something without a confirmation from a higher instance. It seems that Richard Doyen tried to enrich himself from the work of people living in a low wage country. The greediness from Emmanuel Salamat and Reginald Alexandre completed the scam.

That Emmanuel Salamat aka Emmanuel Logan is nothing else than a big liar gets shown by the fact that the promised $300 did not arrive at the call center in Pakistan until now. Emmanuel Salamat thinks that people are getting full from his empty promises.

Update Jan. 18, 2017:
Link from the Facebook profile Reggie Alexandre ( removed as it returns error 404 - not found.