Offshore Outsourcing & Scammer

Blog about offshore outsourcing and scammer in the outsourcing industry

Scammer: Avantika Nair - copying campaigns from others to get huge upfronts

Keep Calm & Achieve your GoalsThe scammer Avantika Nair seems to have no own ideas and is copying campaigns from others. She is doing that without thinking and it seems that she has never seen a school from inside.

Like all the other scammers she cannot show her face in her profile at Facebook because she does not like to provide a manhunt picture by herself.

Lets start with the first copied campaign. She is sending out emails like the following one (I have only removed the date and the recipient):

From: "Avantika N" <>
Date: June 2015
Subject: Regarding energy campaign project detail

Hello sir,

Please have a look that attachment..

*Thanks and regards,* *Avantika N (BDM)* *E-mail id :- <>* *Skype id:- avantika.n*

*Mob:- *8128673308

The content of the Word attachment:

Back Energy CampaignThe centre is interested in B2B Energy Campaign. Can you guide them the further procedure. Marked CC in this mail.

US  B2B ENERGY CAMPAIGN for NY with free leads and hot transfer to automated TPV.

Great program for centers with B2B experience!

  • Free Pre-scrubbed leads from Energy Company
  • Language: English & Spanish
  • Both Gas and Electricity = double payments when both are taken by consumer.
  • Payouts from  $150.00 to $225.00 per converted consumer.
  • Long-term campaign!
  • Automated TPV system where client sign up (Training will be given)
  • Weekly pay, 1st time after 3 weeks.
  • Min 5 agents to 10 agents to start.
  • Previous energy campaign experience big advantage.
  • No skype dialling

The following screenshot from the communication with her shows you the huge upfront fee she asks for:

Skype communication with Avantika Nair

This campaign is a copy from Deep Blue Marketing, which is not asking for any upfront or other fees. Avantika Nair has no contract with Deep Blue Marketing. A contract with Deep Blue Marketing would forbid her to ask for any fees for offering the campaigns of Deep Blue Marketing. You can see at the end of the campaign description that only contractors of Deep Blue Marketing will be allowed to offer their campaigns. You can be sure that you'll not get the campaign if you pay Avantika Nair and get forwarded from her to Deep Blue Marketing. You need to keep yourself on the rules, described inside the campaign offer, to get this or another campaign from Deep Blue Marketing. If you qualify for a campaign from Deep Blue Marketing you'll get the campaign WITHOUT ANY FEES OR PAYMENTS!!!


The next example shows that the egghead Avantika Nair did never go to school. She has copied the Italian Inbound process from another scammer without thinking. Maybe she does not have a brain or thinking hurt her too much. This campaign is already listed once in my blog under the title: "Scammer: Rohit Malhotra - Accent Technologies with missing geography knowledge". This example shows us that scammer are lazy and even don't like to inform themselves about their own offerings:

Campaign offer from Avantika Nair

This campaign is scam because Italy is a member of the European Union and Italy has their own language. Italian is the main language spoken in Italy. If you take a look at Wikipedia then you find which additional languages get all spoken in Italy:

Several minority languages are legally recognised: Albanian, Catalan, German, Greek, Slovene, Croatian, French, Franco-Provençal, Friulian, Ladin, Occitan and Sardinian (Law number 482 of 15 December 1999). French is co-official in the Valle d’Aosta - although in fact Franco-Provencal is more commonly spoken there. German has the same status in South Tyrol as, in some parts of that province and in parts of the neighbouring Trentino, does Ladin. Slovene is officially recognised in the provinces of Trieste, Gorizia and Udine.

You see that English is not in the list. I know from my own experience, Italy is a neighbor country from Austria and the most of the tourism is coming from Germany, that you have a higher chance to find somebody which speaks German at the touristic areas as someone which speaks English.

Even if you find some agents, which are speaking the Italian language, what will you do with an inbound call if you have no access to the customer database? The European data protection law does not allow that consumer/customer data are given access to others then company members. The fine for the first time is between € 50,000 and € 58,000. You would not find any company, which takes such a risk!


The third process from Avantika Nair seems to be scam too, because I don't think that you'll find in India some company, which will outsource their telemarketing service to any company. Domestic means that the caller are from the own country. This example shows again that she does not have any brain. She even does not understand what she is offering. It will be much more cheaper for them to hire some agents for telemarketing - especially for an inbound process where you need less people than for an outbound process:

Campoaign offer Avantika Nair


Summary: Avantika Nair is nothing else than a lazy scammer without any education. She only copies campaigns campaigns which are sounding good for her. With this method she likes to get your hard earned money without even using her own brain for the case she has one,


Facebook Profile Avantika-Nair.pdf (1.50 mb)


Scammer: Richa Jain from Facebook and BPO Friends

Profile graphic Richa JainWe know that scammer are lazy. Richa Jain is even so lazy that she even does not inform herself about fake campaigns. For this the scammer has copied campaigns from others including all failures. For example: I have published on March 27, 2015 about Scammer: Rohit Malhotra - Accent Technologies with missing geography knowledge. This scammer has copied the same campaign. Only the first page got removed. Take a look at Italian projects Client.pdf (583.92 kb) and compare it with Italian Process.pdf (650.1KB) from Accent Technologies.

In Italy is spoken Italian. The neighbor countries are France (French), Switzerland (French, Italian, German), Austria (German) and Slovenia (Slovene, Hungarian, Italian). In the brackets are written the official languages in the countries. Do you see anywhere English spoken in these countries? Italy is a country with a lot of tourism from the neighbor countries. As German is there a big part of this tourism you have more chances to get in contact with someone which speaks German then someone which speaks English. If you don't trust my explanations then you can find Italy on Wikipedia.

Here is the email from Richa Jain, which got forwarded to me with the comment: "The broker is charging 6,00,000 INR (i.e. 9,400 US$ approx)  for 10 seats.". I have only removed the name on whom it got sent.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: richa jain <>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 18:10:41 +0530
Subject: Details regarding the inbound process

Hello sir,
                                       I had send you the details
regarding the projects kindly look into the attachment and reply me
back and if you have any query let me know for the same.

Thanks And Regards
Richa Jain
Skype id richa.jain635
3 Anhänge 
Vorschau für Anhang "Aircell project details.pdf" ansehen
Aircell project details.pdf
Vorschau für Anhang "Energy Campaign.docx" ansehen
Energy Campaign.docx
Vorschau für Anhang "Italian_projects_Client.pdf" ansehen
584 KB

The other campaigns are well-known from other offers too. If they would be still available then they are nothing else then SCAM. Richa Jain proves with the upfront that there is no contract with any client. For this is the only way to get money by asking for an upfront (however the fee is called). That is the reason why there is no picture on her profile. The scammer does not like to provide a manhunt picture.

Richa Jain using the picture of the actress Nanditha Raj for her profileThe scammer has been using until April 25 at 1:55pm (Richa Jain changed her profile picture) on Facebook of the actress Nanditha Raj. The same picture is used at the profile from Richa Jain at BPO Friends until now.

I'm sure that Richa Jain is not the real name of the scammer. For this all the behavior and all offers from Richa Jain are nothing else then SCAM. A business man or a business woman need to show that he/she is real and genuine. With such a profile and offers is that not possible and my recommendation is that nobody shall try to make any business with such a scammer.


You can find the original picture, which gets used by the scammer, at

Actress Nanditha RajActress Nanditha Raj


Nanditha was born in Mumbai. Her father colonel Raj Kumar is an army officer. She studied in army schools and graduated from St. Francis college in Hyderabad. Nandita started her film career with Neeku Naaku Dash Dash under the direction of Teja in 2012. She was reportedly selected for the role from a state-wide hunt where she beat around 70,000 other aspirants. Her second film Prema Katha Chithram with Sudheer Babu as her co-star, released on 7 June 2013.


Aircell project details.pdf (31.15 kb)

Energy Campaign.docx (12.26 kb)

Italian_projects_Client.pdf (583.92 kb)

Richa Jain.pdf (2.82 mb)


Scammer: Rohit Malhotra - Accent Technologies - USA Airlines Customer Care INBOUND Process

Accent TechnologiesThe new SCAM campaign from Rohit Malhotra is a USA Airlines Customer Care INBOUND Process (United Airlines). 

We know Rohit Malhotra already from the article Scammer: Rohit Malhotra - Accent Technologies with missing geography knowledge.

According the U.S. law is not one company able to outsource a customer support process to a country where the customer data protection is not guaranteed by law. See the explanations at Why all this offered offshore outsourcing campaigns where customer data are involved are nothing else then SCAM? and U.S. data protection law.

A similar warning got sent out on May 5, 2015 from

USA Airlines Inbound ( : We did contact the management team of United Airlines Inc, and they have confirmed that they are not looking for any Customer Support/ Inbound Team or Center.


One email from Rohit Malhotra:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Accent Technologies <>
Date: Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 8:51 AM
Subject: USA Airlines Customer Care INBOUND Process
To: Accent Technologies <>

USA Airlines Customer Care INBOUND Process 

Language Used : ENGLISH 

Find attachment for details of "PROCESS +  PROCEDURE + PAYOUT + Our CHARGES + About Client " * mentioned in index of attachment"


Skype us on : accent.technologies1

Call us on : "  +91  8284009208  "

             "  +91  8054143789 "

Rohit Malhotra

Accent Technologies

Accent Technologies

Disclaimer: Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to anyone. In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by reply email. Please advise immediately if you or your employer do not consent to Internet email for messages of this kind. Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to the official business of my firm shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.

Attachment: USA_Process.pdf (520.24 kb)

Today I got a second email forwarded:


From: Accent Technologies [
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 time removed
To: corporate
Subject: Fwd: SLA



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: united Airlines Inc. <>
Date: Mon, May 4, 2015 time removed
Subject: SLA

Dear valued center,

 United is focused on being the airline customers want to fly, the airline employees want to work for and the airline shareholders want to invest in. 

  • World’s most comprehensive global route network, including world-class international gateways to Asia and Australia, Europe, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East with non-stop or one-stop service from virtually anywhere in the United States
  • A modern fleet which is the most fuel-efficient among U.S. network carriers (when adjusted for cabin size)
  • Industry-leading loyalty program that provides more opportunities to earn and redeem miles worldwide
  • Optimal hub locations, including hubs in the four largest cities in the United States
  • More than 84,000 employees reside in every U.S. state and in countries around the world

We had recently done NDA signup with xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (name removed), Now   we are moving to next step called SLA by signing this  agreement which indicates / Explains all  the requirements / Working Terms / Future Plans / Calls & Quality Parameters  and also some terms and conditions.

By Signing  this  agreement  Call Center ( First Party ) indicates that they are agree with below mentioned terms & conditions / Quality / Work or  other requirements.


Note: - Accent Technologies will be responsible or take care to arrange call , work flow , further signup / meeting tasks or verification of call center.

James (Jim) Compton

Member of the Board of Directors

Linda Jojo

Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer


Attachment: SLA.pdf (787.37 kb)

Update May 8, 2015:

A statement of United has arrived which confirms the fraud:

From: [
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 8:53 PM
To: corporate
Subject: Re: [Attachments Contain URLs!] Experience (KMM26630439V25738L0KM)




The fraudulent email you described is not from United Airlines. Please do not respond to this letter with any of your personal information. If you have any questions regarding our products and services, please visit us on


We appreciate your sharing this with us and look forward to welcoming you on board soon.




Katherine Dawson

Customer Care

RE: 8976676


Scammer: Rohit Malhotra - Accent Technologies with missing geography knowledge

Recently I got questions about an Italian Telecom inbound process. I have been surprised about this, because the questioners are coming from an area of the world where the country Italy and the language Italian is only as available in the world known.

My first question has been if their center has Italian speaking agents. Their answer surprised me more because they said no it is an English speaking campaign. English speaking in Italy? That could only be a mistake or a SCAM. I have taken a look into the campaign description found at (attached to this article too) and there has been really written at the first page “Italian Telcom Customer care – – Language Used: English”!!!

Accent TechnologiesAs an Austrian citizen I know Italy very well, because it is a neighbor country. If you are in the Tourist areas, then you have a higher chance to speak with someone by using the German language then by using English. There is even one area in Italy, which is called South Tirol. It has been belonged before the world war to Austria. There you even find more people, which are speaking German. With English you have only a chance in the big and expensive hotels.

Additional is written at the pdf document and at the homepage from Accent Technologies that a price war has happened in 2013. The first price war has happened before the European Union got founded, because the Telecom business has been in Europe a monopoly of the government before. The membership to the European Union reduced dramatically the prices for the telephone minutes. The next price war has started with the upcoming of the Voice over IP services. For this even this information is wrong, because the costs of the phone minutes and contracts have reduced to a level where you nearly get paid for making a phone call instead of paying for the minutes you speak.

If we take a closer look to the offer from Accent Technologies, then we find the following SCAM facts:

  • Accent Technologies is hiding themselves in the anonymity of the internet
  • Accent Technologies even does not have an own homepage. They are using the free hosting service from Yola. It seems that they even not have enough money for registering an own domain.
  • Accent Technologies is spamming the same campaign at LinkedIn for example in the group “BPO/KPO Networking” twice a day with more than 10 of entries (same content) under the username Rohit Malhotra.
  • Rohit Malhotra cannot show his face in his profile.

Italian Process.pdf (650.1KB)

Rohit Malhotra - LinkedIn.pdf (7.2MB)