Everybody seems to know already that India is not really a trustful country and everybody needs to be very carefully not get scammed doing business on the Internet. Now these people likes even to change the history of the email.
On the site from mensxp.com - which is calling themselves in their caption "MensXP.com - India's largest Online lifestyle magazine for Men. Offering tips & advice on relationships, fashion, office, health & grooming" - is publishing a very lazy author with the name Ankush Bahuguna the article: "Email Was Invented By A 14 Year Old Indian Boy 32 Years Ago. But Sadly, Nobody Remembers Him"
The article got published on July 18, 2015 and has been now showing up at Facebook. The article has only the problem that not one word of the story is true. The author Ankush Bahuguna belongs to the storytellers.
Let me show you the facts why this article is nothing else than a fairy tale. Let's go 32 years back in time starting from the year 2015 and we will be arrive in the year 1983. The computers have been at this time Mainframes. IBM presented their first personal computer - the base of the technology we are still using today - the Model 5160, better known as IBM Personal Computer XT on March 8, 1983 coming with with 128 KB of RAM, a 360 KB double-sided 5¼ inch floppy disk drive, a 10 MB Seagate ST-412 hard drive with Xebec 1210 Modified Frequency Modulation (MFM) controller, an Asynchronous Adapter (serial card with 8250 UART), and a 130-watt power supply. The motherboard had an Intel 8088 microprocessor running at 4.77 MHz, with a socket for an optional 8087 math coprocessor. PC DOS 2.0 has been the operating system. Older systems have been using 8-bit processors from Intel or Zylog, not more than 64 KB of RAM and have been running CP/M from Digital Research. Access to other computers, mailboxes and networks got done by using modems for dial up access.
The history of modern, global Internet email services reaches back to the early ARPANET, with standards for encoding email messages proposed as early as 1973 (RFC 561). An email message sent in the early 1970s looks quite similar to a basic text message sent on the Internet today. Email played an important part in creating the Internet and the conversion from ARPANET to the Internet in the early 1980s produced the core of the current services. The ARPANET initially used extensions to the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to exchange network email, but changed to the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), first published as Internet standard 10 (RFC 821) in 1982.
1982 and 1983 is near together and the boy has been 1983 14 years old. How it comes that the protocol got declared already 1982 to a standard? Before something is becoming to be a standard it needs to get used from many people and SMTP is only a transport protocol and not the email itself. How it comes that Gary Turk from DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) could send out 1978 already the first spam email in the ARPANET. 1978 has been Shiva Ayyadurai 9 years old. Does the author likes to explain us that Shiva Ayyadurai developed already computer programs before he learned to read and write in school? Don't forget that libraries, which we know from the actual time in programming, has not been available. Commercial programs got programmed in the language Cobol, which could not get used to program an UART. The only language to program an UART for the serial communication has been Assembler.
The article from the author Ankush Bahuguna shows only that the people from India likes even to change the history. What else can you expect from such a nation?
As nobody can win something from such a lie why such an article got published? Making someone famous for something which he did not do? Nationalism? The history teaches what is the result of nationalism. One bad example of nationalism can get found in the European history: Hitler.
Update May 29, 2016: The discussion and further research shows that the article at mensxp.com is full from failures. One of the easiest failures to recognize is that the author even has not been able to calculate the count of years in the headline. The article got published July 18, 2015. 2015 - 32 years equals 1983.
Shiva Ayyadurai got born December 2, 1963 in Bombay. 1963 + 14 years equals 1977. The difference to the result above is only a failure from 6 years, a very long time in the IT industry.
In the WikiPedia article about Shiva Ayyadurai we find:
As a high school student in 1979, he developed an electronic version of an interoffice mail system, which he called "EMAIL" and copyrighted in 1982. That name's resemblance to the generic term "email" and the claims he later made for the program have led to controversy over Ayyadurai's place in the history of computer technology. Mass media interest in his work has been followed by public retractions or removals of claims that he invented email by organizations such as The Washington Post and The Huffington Post, as well as the Smithsonian Institution.
The above part of the WikiPedia article shows now that we in an exact time frame where an mail system has been possible. The only problem is that Shiva Ayyadurai has been 1979 already 15 years old for the case that the provided date he started programming is true.
As he has copyrighted it 1982 the program, which he has been calling by himself "EMAIL", he has been already 19 years old. To have a copyright on a program is something different than an invention. An interoffice message storing program is not something what can get called to be an email and you cannot have invent something, which already exists.
Gary Turk from DEC sent out the first spam email on May 3, 1978:

How can Shiva Ayyadurai have invented something 1979, which has been used already before 1978?
That shows the quality of journalism coming from India and how they like to change the history into their own favor. The problem is only with such a behavior they are pulling the reputation from their own country down. Instead of accepting the facts they are still living in their nationalistic dreams, which can get show in the comments found at the social media to this article. The problem is only that the history teaches us the big fails in the nationalistic dreams. Negative results from the past: Hitler, Napoleon.
Nationalism is every time dangerous. It starts by low level people which can try to impress with big words which don't have any value. The poor people, which don't have any education, believe into such words because they are not able to verify them. The low level from the nationalists get shown in the discussion at LinkedIn to this article. One of the worse comments are from Farukh Shah (Screenshot):

Do you see the point or I have to come personally and dig a hole in your head to allow this point to enter in your thick skulllllllllll
and (Screenshot)
Yes I can try finding what I am scared of is what If you are found in donkeys arse I am not showing my hand there to get u out u belong there mate or come out shut lol man
I don't think that someone likes to make any business with such low level people using such words like Farukh Shah who is calling himself to be a "Business Development Manager". Such people have no culture and are pulling the reputation of their own country more down. It is as typical sign from nationalists to ignore facts and to discuss in a normal way about provided information. Such people are believing only to their own construction of lies in their ill gotten brain.
Another comment which shows how the people in India are thinking is coming from Kshitij Tripathi (.pdf LinkedIn profile), he likes to be COO at Apostle BPO Out Sourcing & Info Solution Services from Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. He has written:
Rudolf Faix, the propaganda that you always do by getting TRP is good , keep it up but with other countries not with our country because we lives in democratic country where all citizens loves each other , and please stop making these post again otherwise things can be bad if this is reaching to national level, hope you understand where i am coming from , try to find scammers from our enemy pakistan , you will find many more to make yo famous
He thinks that other countries are not democratic and that it would be better to search for scammers from their enemies in Pakistan. The problem is only that from around 140 scammers I have listed in my blog are coming more than 100 from India. I can understand in his case his reaction, because about him and Apostle BPO Solutions has written Jessica Narcovich on April 7, 2016 at LinkedIn Pulse the article Scammer Alert(Apostle BPO Services) and at ScamBook we can find three entries dated on March 26, 2016, April 28, 2016 and May 13, 2016 with $ 23,000 damage. In such a case will it even not help to announce at LinkedIn an address from the U.S. if the real location is India.
Intelligent people are leaving such a country and change their citizenship like the Google CEO has done it. At WikiPedia is written Sundar Pichai - Citizenship United States.
Instead of using their energy in fighting against the scam in their own country, which would increase their own reputation and would make them more trustful, the people are lazy and are even trying to changing the history by manipulating the dates and with lies.
It is easier to come up with lame arguments like India is a big country with more than 1 billion citizen and citizen from other countries are scamming too. Sure you'll find crime in each country as each country has jails with prisoners in it, but using that as argument shows only that more than 1 billion people are not able to stop the scammers which are ruining the reputation of their own country. Who can stop in such case the scam coming from there if the local people are simple too lazy to stop them? Searching for excuses only will not help the people which got scammed. You'll find more scammer in a big poor country. A fight against scam and fraud need to be done at the place where the most of the scam and fraud is coming from.