Offshore Outsourcing & Scammer

Blog about offshore outsourcing and scammer in the outsourcing industry

Scammer: Vrogem Global Solutions - Gourav Jain

The scammer Gourav Jain from Vrogem Global Solutions tries to sell dream work to call centers. He did not get it until now that at the traditional outsourcing countries is it forbidden by law to give access to consumer and customer data for outsiders  Only stupid ones will take such campaigns where they need to pay for working in the case if the campaign even exists..

The email offer of the scammer Gourav Jain:

Vrogem Global Solutions


Dear Center

We are offering Genuine Inbound and Outbound Process with advance payouts. Direct signup with client , on line and onsite signup option available.Currently available Projects are:

1. Vodafone Inbound ( Value Added Services)
2. Verizon Inbound
3. XML Tagging ( Non Voice)
4. Chat Support
5. More Process are available

For more details please contact Gourav : 8013815198 or mail us at

Only Inbound Calls, No sales or transfer....

Gourav Jain
Vrogem Global Solutions


Copyright © 2015 vrogem global, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because we got your contact from database as a reputed and fast growing call center or it company.

Our mailing address is:
vrogem global
20/ Janata Sarani
Calcutta 700001

The scammer Gourav Jain from Vrogem Global Solutions confirms In the following email that he has no contract with the client by asking for upfront fees:

From: gourav jain <>
Date: Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: Call Center Projects
To: Hamza Khan <>

Dear Mr. Hamza Ali Khan,
Sorry for late reply, Yes we do have upfront as we are providing genuine inbound projects, but all projects will sign up after reference check of existing centre and payment proof.
Gourav Jain 

Everybody, which pays for getting work, is guilty by himself if he gets scammed. The stupid scammer Gourav Jain from Vrogem Global Solutions is hoping that he finds some call center owners, which are more stupid then himself.


Scammer: Avantika Nair - copying campaigns from others to get huge upfronts

Keep Calm & Achieve your GoalsThe scammer Avantika Nair seems to have no own ideas and is copying campaigns from others. She is doing that without thinking and it seems that she has never seen a school from inside.

Like all the other scammers she cannot show her face in her profile at Facebook because she does not like to provide a manhunt picture by herself.

Lets start with the first copied campaign. She is sending out emails like the following one (I have only removed the date and the recipient):

From: "Avantika N" <>
Date: June 2015
Subject: Regarding energy campaign project detail

Hello sir,

Please have a look that attachment..

*Thanks and regards,* *Avantika N (BDM)* *E-mail id :- <>* *Skype id:- avantika.n*

*Mob:- *8128673308

The content of the Word attachment:

Back Energy CampaignThe centre is interested in B2B Energy Campaign. Can you guide them the further procedure. Marked CC in this mail.

US  B2B ENERGY CAMPAIGN for NY with free leads and hot transfer to automated TPV.

Great program for centers with B2B experience!

  • Free Pre-scrubbed leads from Energy Company
  • Language: English & Spanish
  • Both Gas and Electricity = double payments when both are taken by consumer.
  • Payouts from  $150.00 to $225.00 per converted consumer.
  • Long-term campaign!
  • Automated TPV system where client sign up (Training will be given)
  • Weekly pay, 1st time after 3 weeks.
  • Min 5 agents to 10 agents to start.
  • Previous energy campaign experience big advantage.
  • No skype dialling

The following screenshot from the communication with her shows you the huge upfront fee she asks for:

Skype communication with Avantika Nair

This campaign is a copy from Deep Blue Marketing, which is not asking for any upfront or other fees. Avantika Nair has no contract with Deep Blue Marketing. A contract with Deep Blue Marketing would forbid her to ask for any fees for offering the campaigns of Deep Blue Marketing. You can see at the end of the campaign description that only contractors of Deep Blue Marketing will be allowed to offer their campaigns. You can be sure that you'll not get the campaign if you pay Avantika Nair and get forwarded from her to Deep Blue Marketing. You need to keep yourself on the rules, described inside the campaign offer, to get this or another campaign from Deep Blue Marketing. If you qualify for a campaign from Deep Blue Marketing you'll get the campaign WITHOUT ANY FEES OR PAYMENTS!!!


The next example shows that the egghead Avantika Nair did never go to school. She has copied the Italian Inbound process from another scammer without thinking. Maybe she does not have a brain or thinking hurt her too much. This campaign is already listed once in my blog under the title: "Scammer: Rohit Malhotra - Accent Technologies with missing geography knowledge". This example shows us that scammer are lazy and even don't like to inform themselves about their own offerings:

Campaign offer from Avantika Nair

This campaign is scam because Italy is a member of the European Union and Italy has their own language. Italian is the main language spoken in Italy. If you take a look at Wikipedia then you find which additional languages get all spoken in Italy:

Several minority languages are legally recognised: Albanian, Catalan, German, Greek, Slovene, Croatian, French, Franco-Provençal, Friulian, Ladin, Occitan and Sardinian (Law number 482 of 15 December 1999). French is co-official in the Valle d’Aosta - although in fact Franco-Provencal is more commonly spoken there. German has the same status in South Tyrol as, in some parts of that province and in parts of the neighbouring Trentino, does Ladin. Slovene is officially recognised in the provinces of Trieste, Gorizia and Udine.

You see that English is not in the list. I know from my own experience, Italy is a neighbor country from Austria and the most of the tourism is coming from Germany, that you have a higher chance to find somebody which speaks German at the touristic areas as someone which speaks English.

Even if you find some agents, which are speaking the Italian language, what will you do with an inbound call if you have no access to the customer database? The European data protection law does not allow that consumer/customer data are given access to others then company members. The fine for the first time is between € 50,000 and € 58,000. You would not find any company, which takes such a risk!


The third process from Avantika Nair seems to be scam too, because I don't think that you'll find in India some company, which will outsource their telemarketing service to any company. Domestic means that the caller are from the own country. This example shows again that she does not have any brain. She even does not understand what she is offering. It will be much more cheaper for them to hire some agents for telemarketing - especially for an inbound process where you need less people than for an outbound process:

Campoaign offer Avantika Nair


Summary: Avantika Nair is nothing else than a lazy scammer without any education. She only copies campaigns campaigns which are sounding good for her. With this method she likes to get your hard earned money without even using her own brain for the case she has one,


Facebook Profile Avantika-Nair.pdf (1.50 mb)


High Risk getting Scammed: KS Advisors - Jasper Blunt -

For the case that the client exists tries KS Advisors - Jasper Blunt to play to be the man in the middle. I think we all know what happens during the Children's Chinese whispers game. Maybe he has already proven with the client his intelligence and for this the client does not need him. Now he tries it to stay in business over the center. This egghead does not know the work of a center and he does not know the products from the client. For what will you need him - only for unqualified messages? If he would know how center work is done, then he would have his own center. If he would know how sales is done, then he would not make such failures like in his email, which are even not done by absolutely beginners.

His biggest mistake is that he is promising inbound campaigns if the center is working already a few months on their outbound campaigns. This is a promise, which he cannot keep. This promise should lead you to accept his conditions. If you think about it you'll get it clearly: You don't get any access to the customer database of the client because this data are protected by law in the traditional outsourcing countries and the fines are very high - US$ 16,000 per customer record. What can you do with an inbound caller in this case? For offshore and onshore outsourcing are only outbound campaigns possible. Everything else are only dreams.

I have used a simple Google search as in the email is not more then the name KS Advisors and no other provable address. I have only found a company KS Advisors Inc., which is involved in a $10 million Hedge Fund Fraud. I cannot say it, if it is the same company or not. 

Here is the email where Jasper Blunt from KS Advisors confirms that the client did not find him useless for more than only searching a call center:

From: jasper blunt <>
Date: Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 7:06 PM
Subject: IVA Packout Leads Required

Hello and a very warm greeting from KS Advisors  


We provide your company with superlative Business Advisory /Marketing Consultancy for a permanent solution to a long term issue faced by call centers that have tired taking process from middleman and in turn run into non-profitable campaigns or SCAM like Tech Support and henceforth aren’t generating the required revenues.


Please find the attachment for the criteria


This is how we work:

1.       We work on long-term retainer ship contract basis working as Business Advisor/ Marketing Consultant

2.       We will provide direct business to your center (as many as they can handle in contract duration)

3.       We can only talk about Inbound with a center working successfully for 6 months with proven track record having minimum 15+ seats and after working with me for minimum 3 months

4.       The Advisor would also guide center in implementing and successfully running those campaigns

5.       Center need to follow the advice given by the Business Advisor for successful execution of process and keeping the clients contented. The center needs to cooperate with the Business Advisor for mutual benefits. Centers who only need process and don't wish to seek support need not to contact

6.       Contract between us could be signed online

Please contact after reviewing the above mentioned terms


Please note we don't deal with broker, only business owners or financial decision makers of direct center


Please don't request for process details till you join us online to talk & know each other in detail


For any further queries please feel free to contact the undersigned




Skype: KS.Advisors  


KS Advisors




Scammer: Mohan Raj - Bangalore - phone: 8971727049 - skype: ivr.mohanraj

Mohan RajSuch a system, which Mohan Raj is offering, will not work with in any case. He is sending out a campaign called "VoIP Termination Process", where you shall call Premium Phone Numbers from different countries. It is easy for him to offer such a process without any upfront or consultancy fee, because he scams you with the VoIP fees. For the case that such a Premium Phone Number is reachable from your VoIP provider, then the fee for such a Premium Phone Number is not equal to the landline fee. The fee to call such a Premium Phone Number is much higher, because the service provider get paid for receiving the call.

I give you an example from Austria. There we have Premium Phone Numbers, where the caller pays € 3.64/minute (€ 3.03 excl. tax). The service provider gets paid € 2.70/minute excluding tax. The calling time is limited to 30 minutes per call. Even we, if we make a test calls to such of our own numbers are losing € 0.33 per minute.

Summary: A Premium Phone Number is normally not reachable from abroad. Very seldom you'll find a VoIP provider, where you can call such a Premium Phone Number and if you find one, then the rate for such a call will be in any case higher than the payout rate. Even if the VoIP provider has not listed such destinations explicit you'll see that your prepaid balance will be earlier zero or your monthly bill will be much higher than expected.

Why do you think he needs you for this project?
If the system would work, than you need nothing else than GoAutodial, which does the job without any agent!!! You are needed only for paying the very high bill!!!

The SCAM offer from Mohan Raj:

VoIP Termination Process


Call Premium Number and Earn Every Minute from 2 Rs to 20 Rs

1)   ProcessType: Non-Voice (You Need not to speak to anyone, you just call the premiumnumber and wait till call gets disconnected)

2)   No Accuracy No target

3)   24/7 Working Time

4)   No separate man power required

5)   No Upfront or Consultancy or Signup Charges

Process Details:

Premium Numbers:

Premium-rate telephone numbers are telephone numbers for telephone calls during which certain services are provided, and for which prices higher than normal are charged. Unlike a normal call, part of the call charge is paid to the service provider (client), thus enabling businesses to befunded via the calls. While the billing is different, calls are usually routed the same way they are for a toll-free telephone number, being anywhere despite the area code used. These telephone numbers are usually allocated from a national telephone numbering plan in such a way that they are easily distinguished from other numbers.


Premium routes and minutes:

These kinds of routes are basically used for dialing the premium rate numbers. Without the premium routes you will not be able dial at premium numbers. VoIP do have white and grey or CLI or non CLI and premium as well, we will only work at premium routes for calling the premium rate numbers no other services are used here.

What’s Your Work?

1)    You just need to terminate your cheap VoIP on our Client Premium Number.

2)    No Need to speak to anyone

3)    Our Premium Numbers will get connected automatically and disconnected automatically. Every call will stay up to 1 hour in line.



Procedure to Start:

1)    If your premium VoIP is ready, ask us for destination and payout rates.

2)    Then, we will give login id and password for a CDR portal where you can track every second of your traffic.

3)    We will give u dialers to dial and help u to place many calls at a time in single system

4)    Our Technical support team will help you in training and support available 24/7

5)    Start earning for every call and get paid daily.


Payout depends on Premium Number and Destination you are calling.

For Example, Our top paying destination

Country Name                                 Payout

Cameroon                                        8.30rs/minute

Chad                                                 5.25rs/minute

Comoros                                           9rs/minute

Somalia                                            8Rs/Minute              

France                                              6rs/minute

Latvia                                                8Rs/Minute                         

Bosnia                                              4rs-6rs/minute

UK                                                     5Rs/Minute                         

Poland                                              3Rs/Minute

Congo                                                          8-10Rs/minute and so on………

Your Earning depends on

 1) Your Premium VoIP Cost

 2) Destination Chosen

 3) Minutes Burnt.

Normally, Using Single system you can burn more than 5000minutes. So you can earn 5000 to 10000 Rs every day.

Minimum Requirementsto Start Process:

1)   Minimum 1 System

2)   Internet Connection

3)   Premium VoIP Minutes to call IPRN


Payment: Daily

Mode: PayPal, Western Union, Bank Wire (you can choose anyone)

CRM, Dialer, Report will be provided.

Training: Yes

NOTE: You should have your minutes ready. We are not charging anything for Premium Numbers, CRM, Dialer and Login ID Creation.

For further discussion Contacton Skype: ivr.mohanraj

VoIP Termination Process.pdf (133.29 kb)


Scammer: Prabhat Goel is copying campaigns from Deep Blue Marketing

Prabhat GoelDeep Blue Marketing is offering campaigns for call centers without any upfront fees. This tries to use the scammer Prabhat Goel for reselling the campaigns from Deep Blue Marketing by asking for Consultancy Fees: 1 lakh – (50 k advance & rest on signup with client) as written in his word attachment.

As Deep Blue Marketing has an exclusive contract with the client and Prabhat Goel does not have any contract with Deep Blue Marketing, you’ll never get something for your upfront fee! In such a case you’ll only finance a scammer.

The email sent out by Prabhat Goel:

From: Prabhat Goel <
Subject: US Process - for Outsourcing
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015, 3:29 AM

Dear Linkedin Members,

I have seen you comment on my US Inbound Campaign that was over a year back.

If you are looking for genuine and profitable avenues, try the ongoing Solar Energy Campaign with direct signup. I have attached the process outline & ROI Sheet, and the process also has an ongoing revenue apart from sales commission.

You can contact me on 9560194979 or mail your profile on

Best wishes
Prabhat Goel
Skype: talkeindia

His reply to Lars Christiansen about the complaint for this campaign:

From: Prabhat Goel []
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 7:59 PM
Cc: Rudolf Faix
Subject: Re: FW: US Process - for Outsourcing (Taken from Deep Blue Marketing)

Hi Lars

I have no contact with Deep Blue Marketing but the campaign is provided by a fellow consultant from Mumbai and this is the consultancy charged by him.


It does not matter if he is promoting the campaign for himself or someone else. Fact is that he is promoting the campaign and for this is he responsible. In this case is it like in the proverb: “The devil takes the hindmost”.

If he has really the campaign from another consultant, then he has failed by making a background check about the credibility about his “fellow consultant”. Such a fail make him not trustworthy, responsible for the promotion and to a partner in crime with his “fellow consultant”. In my opinion is nothing else than a protection assertion. In any case it could the funny situation that one scammer is scamming his fellows.


Prabhat-Goel-LinkedIn.pdf (2.36 mb)