In my previous article Scammer: Ayush Baruwal - Cybersygns Network Private Limited - Genuine Auto Spares - Edata Vendors I have described the company construction from the scammer Ayush Baruwal and his partner in crime Rakesh Shendge Dwarkanath.
Such a construction where the same person is on the one site the seller (Cybersygns Network Private Limited) and the buyer (client: Genuine Auto Spares) makes only sense if the person is a part of an illegal money laundering system or a scammer which likes to earn from his victims.
If Ayush Baruwal would have enough money where it makes some sense to run a money laundering system for himself he would not try to offer his scams to an industry which got already destroyed by scammers and the greediness of the call center owners. He even cannot be a part for any other money laundering process because his own construction, which shows already his commercial inability, would be a high risk for the other team members.
If we take a look at the Alexa global traffic ranking from the sites genuineautospares.com, bijayainc.com and edatavendors.com then we see that not one of the sites is generating any income for the scammer Ayush Baruwal. Only the site genuineautospares.com seems to have around one visitor every 3 months.

The above Alexa rankings are showing that no other sites are linking to the scammer sites and the sites are not generating any traffic. In summary are all the three sites nothing else than a economic write-off.
The scammer Ayush Baruwal proves in his own LinkedIn posting that he has no idea who his customers from Genuine Auto Spares are. Second hand car parts are normally only used from private people and unbranded small car service stations. The small car service stations are knowing which parts they need and where to get them. Private people, which are searching for second hand spare parts are by themselves are car service technicians by themselves or have some car service technicians as friend which helps them. The egghead Ayush Baruwal thinks that he need to put only some agents in front of a computer for giving simple technical support to such people. He even does not know that at the technical support line from the branded distributors are getting handled by master technicians and not from simple call center agents.
With the entry phrase "... the post that was posted against me by @Larry Halili and now i cannot find the post anywhere" in his LinkedIn Pulse posting likes Ayush Baruwal to connote that the posting "Help us to spread the news! Our Company was robbed by this Scammer Company from Banglore India" got already removed, but the bitter truth for him is only that he seems to be too stupid to use the web browser at LinkedIn and to find his own comments again or he has been drunk and did not know what he is doing.
He lies already with the sentence "Our Clients company Genuine Auto Spares ..." because the Better Business Bureau lists Ayush Baruwal as company owner. How can he be his own client?
Everybody would believe him the sentence "even before I met these Guys I was under the possession of a property to run and operate my own centre", because he would send bills by himself to himself and pay it by taking out the money from the left pocket and put it into the right pocket. The whole scam system would not work in such a case.
The best joke I have read is: "Apart $23,913 USD claimed as Setup fee for Tech/ Chat Support its not what you call this upfront fee". Where is the difference between a setup fee and any other upfront fee? It is only another name for a fee invented by the scammer Ayush Baruwal, which has been playing client, broker and consultant in one person!
Summary: As the profile from the scammer Ayush Baruwal is already full of discrepancies and his statements full of lies can he, his companies, his shell companies and his partners can never be serious and trustful business partners.