Offshore Outsourcing & Scammer

Blog about offshore outsourcing and scammer in the outsourcing industry


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There are so many unscrupulous so called brokers, sharks and predators out there ready to pounce on the poor unexpected call centers these days, who are desperate in some cases to expand and once they have been conned by the already above mentioned, feel disgruntled and apprehensive about using campaign brokers, especially if they had been shafted with a upfront fee!

When selecting a campaign broker, first test then, ask why are would they be asking for a upfront fee to start with? How do they justify it, what will your center get out of it? Press and push them and never ever take on a project in hast! If they don’t like this, walk away!

I always advise all my clients when it comes to selecting a campaign broker, to ask the broker to put their money where their mouth is! If they want a fee, thats fine as long as it based on the performance that a center is getting. Never ever pay a fee up front, as you are the one that is doing the campaign broker a favor, not the other way round.

Also test the campaign broker on how knowledgeable they are about the campaign, is the broker so knowledgeable about what they are providing they could actually be an agent on the campaign as well, if not walk away.

Also ask the campaign broker what happens after the campaign is running, do they walk away or offer help, advice and free consulting, if not walk away because this crucial and sometimes even through your best efforts, a campaign can start to go south, a great campaign broker should be able to show you how to turn it round for you.

If you run a call center and require free help and advice, my door is always open and I hope this article has been of help. After all an excellent campaign broker should not be there to grab your money and run, or only look after their clients interest, they should be protecting the call centers interest too.


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