Offshore Outsourcing & Scammer

Blog about offshore outsourcing and scammer in the outsourcing industry

Scammer are inventing outsourcing campaigns - Outsourcing Logic...Missing!!!!

At LinkedIn in the group Inbound Projects Outsourcing if found a posting from Deva Prashanth about my special friends - the scammer. Please don't understand me wrong. I love scammer - grilled, fried, boiled, etc. The homeless cats in our area prefer them more if they get tortured before they get prepared for them. :)

If everybody, which made actually a bad experience with a scammer shall document it and post it in all the social network groups, then the scammer would not have any chance for doing their fraud business. Centers you need to work together and help each other. Nobody will ask to share your campaigns, but you should keep together by bringing the scammer and their fraud into the spotlight. With this you can reduce your own risk for getting scammed!

If you read the following posting from Deva Prashanth you'll see how easy it is to identify scammer by only reading their offers:

Outsourcing Logic...Missing!!!!

Dear Friends,

As an ardent reader of posts and a person who has seen the BPO space burst out of proportion and grow leaps and bounds I still fail to understand the logic behind scores of Brokers coming up with custom designed and self proclaimed client projects on every possible personal & professional forum.

A Typical Broker Day Offering Projects

There is no trick that is missed by a broker today, a fudged website and a company which in majority of cases will not have contact details and/or which is registered less than a year ago. I fail to acknowledge and understand how these brokers manage to churn out projects every minute, as a professional, one starts wondering, if not feels intimidated by these brokers when it comes to business development and marketing strategies.

However when you dig further one just finds that this is just like a parasite culture baiting and preying on every new company who is out there with little knowledge about such parasites lurking around these forums every minute, luring you,exciting your,attracting you with best possible project offers.

Moving further Taglines by brokers as if it were the end of a season sale " Hurry Limited Slots Available", "Direct Client Sign up - No Middle Man (Consulting Charges Applicable) - Sneaky Little Weasels", "No Unfair Charges", "Little Upfront" and this one gets even better, "No Upfront,No Consultancy, No Software Charges" Only one time registration fees/refundable security charges" and the list goes on. A broker who cannot even utter a single phrase in English poses himself as "You Know Who I Am" and claims to posses a bag-full of projects like apples which for sure are going to turn every service provider into a millionaire in a matter of months. I start thinking, how would this guy be carrying out a conversation in English with the clients that he is claiming to have. ( Are Clients Things To Have? or Could You Buy Them From These Brokers)

Then there are these scores of projects which are produced every minute in projects factories based in Gujarat,UP and Bihar, equation of finding the right project opportunity seems to be irrational,illogical and nearly impossible to beat the business development capabilities of these brokers for even professionals who have spent more than a decade in this industry.

There are also people who bring so many scams to light and also do their bit in bringing such parasite brokers and project producers to notice on these forums, having said that I hope professionals like us share and drive a mechanism which could make a beginning to eliminate this parasite culture and help young entrepreneurs and budding companies find a place in this business. This system may not be able to eliminate this scum, but sure can save lot of companies from falling prey to this onslaught of broker scams.

If you spread your information to newcomer too, then you are destroying the income base of the scammer. With this you are helping yourself and even win a friend instead of having a new competitor.

If you read an offer and it seems to be ok, then make in each case a background check. As higher the promised winnings are as higher is the risk that you get scammed! Don't forget scammer are not getting found in one area of the world. You find then everywhere!

If you got scammed you are guilty by yourself. You have only seen the promised winnings and did not think about the risk of the business. Your own greediness for money did not let you see the alarm signs, which are mostly found already in the announcement. Only because the offer has been written somewhere does not make it true!

You are guilty by yourself if you take some offers without proving if the campaign is in the destination country possible. Knowledge is power. Listen and try to understand the messages from other more experiences call center owners. Think about it, if that what you hear or read can be true or not. It is much more cheaper to learn from the failures done by others than on your own. If you are to lazy to get the knowledge or you are thinking that you know already everything, then you have to work hard to repair your failures, which you made - in the case you got scammed you have to work more for compensating your loss.

Outsourcing Logic...Missing!!!! _ LinkedIn.pdf (585.90 kb)


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