Raylon Technologies is thinking that AT&T is leaving now the digital stone age. They are offering an "Offline Telecom (Mobile) Insurance Form Filling" (.pdf (2.08 mb)) process. It seems that they have never seen a mobile phone in the original packaging. There are all the information about the phone printed in readable and as barcode. During the sale process the data are getting scanned with a barcode reader and stored in the database of the provider. Additional are getting the SIM card data processed the same way. A possible optional insurance is getting provided for the one or two years. Mobile phones have a value of zero after three years. The reason for this is the fast technical development. If we take a look at the provided sample data then we see that there should be data collected from the year 2002 (Year of Manufacture) - 13 years ago. Not one insurance will insure such a device!!!
The example picture of the data:

I don't know what others are recognizing, but i see the logo from AT&T in the blurred part.
You can be sure that AT&T is using computers since it get founded at October 5, 1983. That means that they have all data electronically available and they have some staff, which is able to convert data into other systems without an manual interaction and 100% accuracy. Such a conversion takes only a few minutes for the full database. For this they will not pay some agents for years.
In the form you see that it is a computer generated list, which even can get processed by OCR (optical character recognition). Such programs are available for less then $500 and give 98% accuracy.
For the case that the client is not AT&T you are helping in data theft. This is a criminal act for which you can get prosecuted by law,
The data "Residence Type", "Years at Residence" and "Employment" are personal data and for this protected by law. If AT&T will export them, they will break the Australian law.
Additional I got the information forwarded "The quotation sheet as well the people whom I spoke to say that only Data Preservation is chargeable which is 17000 rupees to start the project( quite less ) and rest all services are optional.". This proves already the SCAM. The client likes to get their work done cheaper, for this he has to provide the necessary instruments that the work could be done.
Let us take a look at the option list:

For me it looks like that Raylon Technologies has invented the campaign for selling their software and they are hoping that each center is taking a lot of their options.
A client will provide for data security reasons the software on their own servers and not offshore where the data can get traded!
Application for PSDA.docx (15.10 kb)
BG KYC.pdf (72.36 kb)
Guidelines.pdf (1.18 mb)
LOI.pdf (25.31 kb)
Quotation.pdf (84.77 kb)
Raylon Technologies - Offline Telecom (Mobile) Insurance Form Filling.pdf (2.08 mb)
SLA.pdf (71.64 kb)
SOW.pdf (113.90 kb)
vef.pdf (56.56 kb)