Offshore Outsourcing & Scammer

Blog about offshore outsourcing and scammer in the outsourcing industry

The Business Advisor Kaushik Ganguly, with "16 years experience", does not know for whom he is working

In the night I got a LinkedIn message from Kaushik Ganguly, Business Advisor and Management Consultant for ITES - Call Center industry with 16 years experience A part of this email is:

"what if center fails to perform? what if center fails to retain campaign? what if center do not work seriously? what if center do not have financial strength to run center? what if center close down for other reasons? AND most importantly ... what if center choose not to pay consultant/broker after getting payment from client?? Those all happened in real life with many people

If center talks about giving monthly payment to consultant ... why they can't pay the way they pay to Chartered Accountant, VOIP provider, Dialer company, Lead provider and many others? Why always they make a big issue of paying to consultant ... when they know getting a good profitable campaign is 500% more important then getting audit, voip, dialer or leads!! "

It seems that this "Business Advisor" does not know for whom he is working and who is paying the bill! He did not learn in "16 years" of experience how business is done. That is the same way like you pay for an attorney to bring you into jail.

If he get's paid from the outsourcing company, then he is in need to verify the center to which he suggest to outsource. This cannot only be done by verifying the business register and the credit-worthiness of the center. That has nothing to do with any upfront fee or any other similar fee, however it would get called. As soon as he takes from the chosen center some money he is running into a conflict of his and his customers interest.

If he get's paid from the center, which takes the outsourcing contract, then he is responsible for the credit-worthiness of the outsourcing company and that this company is a real company. Here he has to do the same inspections and researches about the outsourcing company.

If his client, there is no difference if his client is the outsourcing company or the center which is doing the outsourced work, is a fake, he is in a very bad situation, because he is liable to his client and has to compensate his clients damage, because it his fault if he did his research not in full. In this case the "broker" or however he likes to get called, has to show his identity too. Hiding themselves in the anonymity of the internet show only that the is not real and nobody shall do any business with him. Everybody should know that you cannot reach into pocket of a naked one.

What he has written is true, but the word "center" need to get replaced with the phrase "all participating parties".

In any case his explanations are showing only that he is promoting not existing services or campaigns to get new centers, because he stated in his email that he is starting his work for a center not before he gets the order. This is called betraying and is a criminal action, which will get prosecuted.

Even his company iNanoSoft Outsourcing has no domain. The only result found in Googles history is It has be a software company from Germany, which is already closed.

The LinkedIn Mail communication:

RE:The “genuine campaigns” from the brokers

Kaushik Ganguly Business Advisor and Management Consultant for ITES - Call Center industry with 16 years experience


12. Februar 2015, 17:10 Uhr


Sie und Kaushik Ganguly sind beide in einem Netzwerk oder einer Gruppe.

There are many misunderstanding and misconceptions around about call center business development ... as well as too much hypocrisy and foolishness. Let's analyse one by one - 

1) someone is making a call center ... without knowledge and experience about this industry? If they have experience ... then why they can't arrange business on their own? If they don't have experience ... then how they expect to get on their terms? 

2) It is demand and supply. If getting business is very easy ... no one will ask for a penny! If very tough ... you have to pay to get. It again depends on center's profile ... if they are big ... all will come to them ... if small center ... they have to try a lot and experiment 

3) People talking about consultant's role should not end with client SLA. Fine, then give him a proper role. Make him your advisor! Don't expect that you will treat someone as broker and he will give A-Z service ... don't demand like a kid! 

4) People expect that consultant (or broker ... whatever you call them) should give a direct client, give unlimited support and should not ask for money ... till center makes money!! Great .... but few questions ... what if center fails to perform? what if center fails to retain campaign? what if center do not work seriously? what if center do not have financial strength to run center? what if center close down for other reasons? AND most importantly ... what if center choose not to pay consultant/ broker after getting payment from client?? Those all happened in real life with many people 

5) If center talks about giving monthly payment to consultant ... why they can't pay the way they pay to Chartered Accountant, VOIP provider, Dialer company, Lead provider and many others? Why always they make a big issue of paying to consultant ... when they know getting a good profitable campaign is 500% more important then getting audit, voip, dialer or leads!! 

Only solution is to build a long term relationship between genuine center and genuine consultant ... based on mutual trust and confidence. Else one can go on bashing consultants/ brokers and end up being cry baby with no progress at all


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