Offshore Outsourcing & Scammer

Blog about offshore outsourcing and scammer in the outsourcing industry

Using Google for making a background check of your business partner

Google has few search options, which can help you to find something out about your new business partner. In any way you should start with the procedure described at How to identify scammer by using free tools from the Internet This will save a lot of time for you. The search here takes a lot more time.

Search with an exact phrase:

Put quotation marks around words "[any word]" to search for an exact phrase in an exact order. Keep in mind that searching with quotes might exclude relevant results. For instance, a search for "Alexander Bell" will miss pages that refer to Alexander G. Bell.

I use this function for searching names and domain names of my business partner. Especially by searching a specific domain name is it very helpful. Scammer sites are getting very fast documented by others and you are able to review their comments.

Search within a specific site:

Precede your query with site: if you know you want your answer from within a specific site or type of site (.org, .edu). For example: site:edu or

As you can search inside a specific site, you can exclude specific sites, by excluding them. To exclude them from the result set you need only put a dash in front. Example for not listing all the contacts from LinkedIn

Find related pages:

Use the related: operator to find pages that have similar content by typing related: followed by the website address. For instance, if you find a website you like, try using related:[insert URL] to locate similar websites.

In any case, even if you did not find out something bad about your new business partner, you should take the lowest risk as possible for making business. A nostrum for not getting scammed is not available.


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